Be aware of this scam! We have gotten several phone calls in the last two days from florists who received a fake invoice for a domain name renewal through the mail. Florists are also receiving phone calls requesting payments.
Florists with FSN websites, as well as those without, need to pay close attention to any bill they receive, especially concerning their web domain or hosting. If it looks different or you notice anything unusual, contact your service provider and ask if it is a legitimate bill before paying.
If you have an FSN website, FSN maintains and renews your domain. You should never get a renewal request asking for money.
One florist sent us a copy of one of these fake bills. They have gone out of their way to make sure it looks real, including business information, fake account number and more. However, if you read closely you will see it says, “This is not a bill. This is a solicitation. You are under no obligation to pay the amount stated above unless you accept this offer.”
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