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Top 5 Reasons To Send A Dish Garden For Grandparents Day

There are many reasons why Grandma and Grandpa will love dish gardens instead of more traditional Grandparents Day gifts. If your grandparents are anything like mine, reading this will likely result in a lot of nodding and the occasional phrase “that sounds just like my grandma/grandpa.”

Dish Garden1. Dish Gardens Are Low Maintenance Gift

“I’m pretty sure they can handle a plant.” Grandma and Grandpa were there for you through childhood, tween years, teen years and beyond. They’re still supportive. Thankfully, a dish garden requires no more maintenance than any other houseplant. It’ll be a nice break after all those years.

2. Dish Garden Containers Have Their Own Unique Qualities

If they’re the type that have collected every childhood trinket pertaining to their grandkids, dish gardens will be a nice gift for both of you. They’ll probably keep the container because it’s what they do. At least it’s not a useless knick-knack that needs dusting. You’ll feel better for not contributing to the shrine o’ junk that was once your old bedroom. It’s a win-win.

3. Plants In A Dish Garden Last Quite A While

On a light-hearted note, plants in a dish garden last quite a while. There is only as much care required as a normal houseplant. Simply water when the soil is dry to the touch. Once your plants are too big for their container, you can separate them out into even more houseplants to love.

4. Dish Gardens Are Unique Gifts

That’s right. You’re better than peer pressure. You’re above it. That’s why you will choose to send dish gardens. While everyone else is sending something cheesy and porcelain, you’re relaxing in the new found fresh air created by the dish garden that you had a local florist deliver. Mmm. Even the food will taste better when you head over to your grandparents house  for a holiday celebration.

5. Did I Say 5 Reasons? Let’s Go With Eco-Friendly Gifts

I can probably name several other reasons why dish gardens are awesome gifts, but I’ll stop with the eco-friendliness of sending a dish garden. First of all, the containers can be reused. Recycling is fun for everyone. Go recycling! Second, some dish garden plants can be transplanted. That’s great for the environment because plants replenish soil nutrients and create fresh air for us all.

Hurry! Grandparents Day is September 11, 2011.

Have another reason to send dish gardens? Even if you just want to comment on my comments, feel free to commence commenting below.

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