Oh no! You’ve missed the birthday! What to do, what to do? Send flowers. I know. It seems to be my answer for everything but trust me on this one. Short of an apology on bended knee and a round of sobbing, there isn’t a much better way to say “I’m sorry for forgetting the birthday of someone so special to me.” In lieu of the first option, belated birthday flowers seem like a much better idea.
While weeping and pleading are probably not right up there on everyone’s list, sending flowers is quick and easy. In other words, having a local florist deliver a belated birthday bouquet is the best way to humbly recognize a forgetful slip up while not having to spend all day groveling for mercy at the feet of the offended one.
Many people have a heard enough time finding the right birthday card message, let alone sifting through lists and lists to find belated birthday card messages that practically jump off of the page. Local florists, being all too familiar with the humble needs of forgetful loved ones, have contributed to this list of the best belated birthday card messages for just such an occasion.
15 Card Message Reminders That It’s Never To Late To Say Happy Birthday
1) (Funny) 29 again? Talk about recycling! Happy Belated Birthday
2) May God grant you a day filled with happiness, a year filled with joy.
3) Today well-lived makes every yesterday a dream of happiness and every tomorrow a vision of hope. You deserve a lifetime of beautiful tomorrows. Happy Belated Birthday.
4) (Funny) At birthday time, it’s good to remember our friends. Actually, it’s good to remember anything! Happy Belated Birthday
5) Because you’re you I’m celebrating your birthday yesterday! Because I’m me, I’m celebrating it today! Happy Belated Birthday
6) Count not your years by adding the days but with joy count the friends you’ve made on the way. Wishing you a year of joy and friendship.
7) For your birthday, I wanted to get you the thing you need most but how do you gift-wrap a 25-hour day? Happy Belated Birthday
8) Go ahead and have another birthday if you want to. But don’t expect me to keep up with you. Happy Belated Birthday.
9) (Funny) Can you guess what I want to be when I grow up? As much fun as you! Happy Belated Birthday.
10) (Funny) Happy Belated Birthday. You’ve got a great life, you look wonderful, and your health is good. How could a measly present from me compete with that?
11) (Funny) Happy Belated Birthday to someone who still looks good. In fact, almost lifelike.
12) Your birthday is truly an event worth celebrating! Happy Belated Birthday.
13) (Funny) You should really celebrate on your birthday. Take TWO naps today.
14) Wishing you birthday memories to hold close to your heart! Have a Beautiful Day.
15) (Funny) Wanted to send you something really nice for your birthday but the machine just kept taking my quarters. Happy Belated Birthday.
Haven’t found the one you want yet? Follow this link for a printable list of all belated birthday enclosure card messages. Brought to you by Flower Shop Network.
It’s interesting that you mentioned how buying flowers is a good way to apologize for missing a birthday. Flowers are a positive way to show sincerity so it makes sense that they would be used. Finding out what their favorite flower is before sending them would be a good way to ensure they’ll be happy with it.