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Hot Color Trends for Summer

Summer is in full bloom and it is a SCORCHER! I know my garden is feeling the burn… If you need a little pick-me-up, and heat-wilted flowers from the garden won’t do, it’s time to call your local florist! I have been going through all my favorite floral magazines and there are some very unique and beautiful color trends going on this summer! Lets take a look..

 Bright Summer Trends 2011

1. Picture a bouquet of reds, corals, oranges and pinks with dark green foliage. Perfect for summer picnics!

Bright Summer Trends 2011

2. Think of periwinkle purples mixed with hints of mulberry-like pinks and lots of bright greens.

Bright Summer Trends 2011

3. Deep purples and ruby reds paired with hot pink, then toned down by light lavender makes an excellent summer color palette.
 Earthy Summer Color Trends 2011

4. Purples and rubies again make an appearance but are balanced by soft grays and greens.

 Earthy Summer Color Trends 2011

5. This mixes rustic oranges and pea greens for a natural look that is sure to please!

Bright Summer Trends 2011

6. Picture bright red summer flowers with hints of dark reds mixed with accents of lemon, pops of dusty green and bright lime foliage.

 Earthy Summer Color Trends 2011

7. This color scheme is so light and airy! Imagine the colors of bright green succulents paired with almond-colored natural wood.

 Soft Summer Color Trends 2011

8. Purple makes an appearance again. These powdery purples, sea greens and slate grays are a beautiful, yet soft summer look. Add a few sea shells to give it a more natural look.

 Summer Color Trends 2011

9. Picture rustic corals mixed with soft almond branches and antique white roses. This may be my favorite!

What are your favorite colors of the summer?

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