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Local Florist Showcases Peru Photography For A Good Cause

Scott Sella of Every Blooming Thing in Akron OH, along with photographer Michael Dunbar, are doing big things in their city to help with an even bigger cause.

Peru Photos by Michael DunbarOn July 2nd, Every Blooming Thing will showcase a stunning series of photos by Michael Dunbar, taken on his recent trip to Peru.

“I was traveling to Peru in May and carried with me a heighten sensitivity of the difficult lives of many of the Peruvian people. While resting on a doorstep in the ancient Incan capital of Cuzco with my mother, a gentleman asked me for a donation to help children. He was so delighted with my contribution that he placed stickers on my jacket, shirt, backpack, and even mom! We all had an amazing journey through Peru and I kept one of the stickers. When I returned to Akron, Scott Sella of Every Blooming Thing asked me if I was interested in showing my photographs, I immediately decided to give all of the proceeds to the people that helped make our trip to Peru truly exceptional.”

Dunbar is donating all of the proceeds from sales of his photographs directly to REMAR-Peru, a division of the larger REMAR organization, which is a Spanish acronym for “Rehabilitation of Socially Rejected People.” Other businesses in the area are getting involved as well. The Market Path plans to sell handcrafted, fair-trade items from Peru and neighboring regions, while giving 10% back to the REMAR organization. Every Blooming Thing is also giving the 20% artist commission towards this worthy cause.

Sella, owner of Every Blooming Thing plans to keep the exhibit up until August. The opening reception will be on Saturday, July 2nd from 5:00-10:00 PM at the flower shop, 1079 West Exchange St. Akron, OH. View the Facebook Event here.

Color Me Impressed By Every Blooming Thing (Akron)!

Let me preface it all by saying that I see hundreds of wonderful flowers arrangements every month. My personal tastes aside, there are florists all over the country that are knock-down-drag-out awesome at floral design. I was going through the Flower Shop Network Facebook page one day and found one of those florists. Color me impressed by Every Blooming Thing in Akron, Ohio! Wow.

Here’s a little preview of what grabbed my attention like a bargain hungry shopper at an outlet mall.

For one thing, putting flowers in a margarita cup the way they did is fun, quirky, flirtatious, mirrors the fun of the season, and unique. Add to it that he features a lot of carnations in this arrangement and you can see why my eyes widened.

Scott and the gang at Every Blooming Thing are always using unique vases and backdrops to make their flowers come to life in a big way. Take the tall contemporary arrangement in a square red glass vase for instance. That by itself is beautiful for many reasons. Place the flowers in front of a zebra striped wall and you really have a fun arrangement!

They also make back to school gifts fun. Even if it’s not for a back to school gift, you can’t help but love the “cute factor” that the mug arrangement has. This particular arrangement is placed in a cat mug but I’d like to think that dog people like me can get something every bit as adorable. Knowing Scott and Every Blooming Thing, I’m sure of it!

Honestly, I wasn’t sure what to make of the arrangement featuring delphinium, white calla lilies, a spot of hydrangea and blue iris. I was instantly taken to it but couldn’t explain why for a very long time. The shapes that these flowers mimic, the deep colors, and the unique style of the arrangement just scream “buy this for a guy!!”

I wouldn’t count out Every Blooming Thing for traditional arrangements either. Just take a look at the flowers in the white square basket. Isn’t it fun?! It uses a great mixture of flowers so there are many textures, shapes, styles and colors to love. However, Scott works them all together into one amazing piece.

There are many florists touted for customer service. While I could go on and on about the same for Every Blooming Thing, I’d rather give kudos for the excellent floral design. Great job!

Big News For Anyone In Akron, Ohio!

Did you know that the Akron Community Aids Network is having an open house at their new offices today? This is a really beneficial, wonderful service that everyone in and around Akron, Ohio should check out.

A special thanks to Scott from Every Blooming Thing for the heads up! Every Blooming Thing has donated flower arrangements to the open house. That’s just one more reason to go and support such a worthy cause.