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November Birth Flowers

November is a month of transition, with autumn winding down and winter on the horizon. For those born in November, the chrysanthemum and peony serve as this month’s birth flowers, each with their own symbolism and beauty.

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October Birth Flower: Marigold

Each month has its own dedicated flower to represent those who were born during that month. For October, the beautifully fall-colored marigold gets its time to shine! Learn more about its history, meaning, and some interesting facts: [Read more…]

August Birth Flower: Gladiolus

Flowers are a great way to say “Happy Birthday” to those you love! In August, you can’t go wrong with gladiolus! Keep reading to learn more about what makes these flowers so special:
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January Birth Flower: Carnations

Flowers are a great way to let someone know you’re thinking of them on their birthday! Not sure which ones to send? Birth month flowers are always a beautiful choice! January’s birth month flower is the carnation. Keep reading to learn more about what makes carnations special.

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