Ask The Plant Expert: Here we go again. You identified my crocus (which I suspected) and now I have another “just showed up” plant. She’s cute. She could be a weed. If she’s a plant or flower I will keep her, put her somewhere else. She is in the middle of a landscape project. If she’s a weed, no matter how cute she must go. The circle of life. –Rochelle
Flower Shop Network Plant Expert Reply: It is a Buffalo-Bur (Solanum rostratum). Depending on your thoughts on poisonous plants, you may want to get rid of it. This plant is in the nightshade family. The leaves and green fruits are poisonous and contain glycoalkaloid solanine.
If humans or animals come in contact with the burs (spines) intense lingering pain can occur. This is especially problematic for dogs who will chew and lick their feet if they step on this plant. It is sad that beautiful plants like these also come with dangers.
Hope this information helps!