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Card Messages: September 2015

Cards and flowers make the perfect pair! A card is a written reminder of the emotion flowers convey. Here are some writing ideas for different occasions this month!

Grandparent’s Day

You’re both not only a source of unconditional love, but great stories too!

Happy Grandparent’s Day to the best two people on Earth!

Thinking of You

Some flowers so you know that I’m thinking of you!

Far from my hugs, but never far from my heart.


Cherish every memory, every laugh and every wrinkle! Happy Birthday!

Wishing you not only a wonderful birthday, but a lifetime of love and happiness!


Happy Anniversary to the most loving people I know!

Wishing you both many more years of happiness!

Visit your local florist for ideas on the perfect arrangement to send to a loved one! Every day is the perfect day to send flowers!

Card Messages: August 2015

Have a beautiful arrangement of flowers selected, but have no idea what message to write on the card? No worries, we’ve got your back! Here are some great ideas of what to write for different occasions.

Just Because

No special occasion is needed to share a piece of my heart with you. I love you!

The occasion today is just because. Because I love you, because you’re sweet, because you’re always kind to me.


I know I don’t say it enough, but this friendship means so much to me!

I cherish each and every moment I spend with you! Thanks for being my friend.


Nothing makes me happier than seeing your success. Congratulations!


Today, you are royalty. Let others spoil you! Happy Birthday!

Found these messages useful? Visit our Bloomin’ Blog for other card message ideas and more!

Card Messages: July 2015

Along with each month comes the chance to celebrate and send flowers. Here are some writing ideas to accompany the beautiful blooms.

Thinking of You

Not a day goes by that your are not on my mind.
You’re my first thought in the morning and the last late at night.

This is just a reminder for you,
know that I’m always thinking of you.

Birthday Wishes

The older you get, the less exciting birthdays are. Here’s a little something to bring the fun back! Happy Birthday!

I hope your day is as beautiful as these flowers! Happy Birthday!

Thank You

Thank you for what you do, but most of all, thank you for being you. 

A simple “Thank You” isn’t enough to express how grateful I am, but I hope these flowers put a smile on your face!

Sympathy Thoughts

Words may not be enough to console an aching heart, but I hope these flowers bring a little sunshine to your life.

This is the moment we hold on to happy memories. Remembering the smiles and laughs, the many great times spent by their side. 

Head to your local florist and delight that special person with beautiful flowers. These messages will make the surprise even more touching and personal.

Card Messages: June 2015


It is often that we find ourselves unable to transcribe feelings. It is easier to let others know the way we feel with actions rather than written words. If this is the case for you, below are a few things to say for different occasions in June.

Birthday Wishes

For Mom: You are the sunshine that brightens our lives. The light that shows us the way. Happy Birthday Mom!

For Dad: Mom is the core of the flower, we are the petals and you are the stem. Always supporting and providing our needs with the most loving care. Happy Birthday Dad!

For a Friend: A year older, a year wiser! Happy Birthday!

Wedding Notes

To Both: New beginnings are always good, especially when that new beginning is the one you love. Congratulations!

For Her: Wishing you a lifetime of love and happiness with the luckiest man in the world!

For Him: Some people spend their entire lives looking for love. Today, you are forever with yours. Congratulations!

Sympathy Thoughts

This is the beginning of immortality for she/he will forever live in our hearts.

Let the joyful moments of yesterday be a reason for smiling today, tomorrow and always.

Thinking about sending flowers? Head to your local florist and use one of the messages above. Let the lovely people in your life know how much you care!



Card Messages: May 2015

Sometimes words are not enough to express what we feel for our loved ones. With Mother’s Day just around the corner, we put together some simple card messages that could help express what you feel for the beautiful ladies in your life.

For Mom

Mother, words cannot express my feelings for you. Your unconditional love and support have made me better and stronger. I am who I am because of you. I love you!

For A Friend

Happy Mother’s Day to a truly wonderful friend!

For a Child

We are happy and proud to see what a wonderful mother you have become. Happy Mother’s Day! P.S. Keep ’em coming!

For A Sibling

Not only are you the best sister I could’ve asked for, but a wonderful mother as well! I love you! Happy Mother’s Day!

Visit your local florist and surprise a loved one with an exquisite flower arrangement paired with your message. Check back with the Bloomin’ Blog for more great gift ideas!

Card Messages: April 2015

We’ve all been in that situation where we want to write something for a loved one and nothing comes to mind. There is so much to say, yet the right words evade us. We know how frustrating this can be, so we’ve got you covered! Here are a few messages that are perfect for the most important occasions in April.

Easter Thoughts

Wishing you an Easter filled with happiness and many egg-cellent memories!

Prom Wishes

You have the outfit, you have the date, and now all you need is to have some fun! Have a memorable prom!

Graduation for a Friend

Congratulations! This is just the beginning of a new chapter and new friends, but don’t forget about the friend you’ll always have in me.

Graduation for a Sibling

Congrats, you did it! Now, go and conquer the world!

Graduation for a Child

We are beyond proud of you! Graduation closes a chapter in your life and opens up a new one. A world full of opportunity awaits, but know that we’ll always be here for you.

We hope this helps your writer’s block! Contact your local florist for flowers to go with your perfect message and check back with the Bloomin’ Blog for more great ideas and tips!


Card Messages: Valentine’s Day

We’ve all been there: writer’s block! It may be you or (from the florist side) it may be a customer, but there is a pause when the pen is handed and you want to convey something sweet and simple to the recipient of your Valentine’s Day flowers. Well Flower Shop Network has some quick and easy messages you can use for every type of arrangement sent this Valentine’s Day!

For A Friend: To my sweet friend, who reminds me every day what true friendship is. Happy Valentine’s Day!

For A Child: Just a reminder that my love is never far from you. Happy Valentine’s Day!

For A Parent: On this Valentine’s Day, let me shower you with flowers the way you showered me with love my whole life.

For A Sibling: For the one who kept my childhood secrets and who continues to be my best friend. Happy Valentine’s Day.

For Your True Love: Today, I needed to show you just how lucky I am to have found you. Happy Valentine’s Day.

We hope this helps express your thoughts this Valentine’ds Day. Share this with friends (or customers) and check back with the Bloomin’ Blog for more ideas and tips!

5 Fun and Appreciative Labor Day Card Messages

This year Labor Day falls on Monday, September 1st. (Well, the Monday part you probably already knew …) And on this day celebrating contributions made by the nations workers to the strength, prosperity and well-being of the country, flowers make a fitting tribute. If you’re buying for friend’s or loved ones, you’ll want to put a little something special on the card. Let us help you out with the card messages below.

Good Old SummertimeSetting SunCelebrate Today

5 Labor Day Card Messages

  1. Let these flowers make your day of fun and relaxation even brighter.
  2. I know I don’t always say it, but thank you for working so hard for our family.
  3. The greatest machine ever made can be rendered inoperable through the loss of a single cog. What you do matters.
  4. Party like it’s your last paid holiday until Thanksgiving because … well, it is.
  5. It’s a backyard BBQ, family around the picnic table and the last great hurrah of Summer. Have a great Labor Day.

But don’t think you’re only allowed to buy flowers for others. You’re a worker in this country too. Don’t hesitate to buy some for yourself as well. Remember, like Labor Day, flowers are for everyone!

Forget A Birthday? Send Flowers With These Belated Birthday Card Messages

Oh no! You’ve missed the birthday! What to do, what to do? Send flowers. I know. It seems to be my answer for everything but trust me on this one. Short of an apology on bended knee and a round of sobbing, there isn’t a much better way to say “I’m sorry for forgetting the birthday of someone so special to me.” In lieu of the first option, belated birthday flowers seem like a much better idea.

While weeping and pleading are probably not right up there on everyone’s list, sending flowers is quick and easy. In other words, having a local florist deliver a belated birthday bouquet is the best way to humbly recognize a forgetful slip up while not having to spend all day groveling for mercy at the feet of the offended one.

Many people have a heard enough time finding the right birthday card message, let alone sifting through lists and lists to find belated birthday card messages that practically jump off of the page. Local florists, being all too familiar with the humble needs of forgetful loved ones, have contributed to this list of the best belated birthday card messages for just such an occasion.

15 Card Message Reminders That It’s Never To Late To Say Happy Birthday

1)       (Funny) 29 again? Talk about recycling! Happy Belated Birthday

2)       May God grant you a day filled with happiness, a year filled with joy.

3)       Today well-lived makes every yesterday a dream of happiness and every tomorrow a vision of hope. You deserve a lifetime of beautiful tomorrows. Happy Belated Birthday.

4)       (Funny) At birthday time, it’s good to remember our friends. Actually, it’s good to remember anything! Happy Belated Birthday

5)       Because you’re you I’m celebrating your birthday yesterday! Because I’m me, I’m celebrating it today! Happy Belated Birthday

6)       Count not your years by adding the days but with joy count the friends you’ve made on the way. Wishing you a year of joy and friendship.

7)       For your birthday, I wanted to get you the thing you need most but how do you gift-wrap a 25-hour day? Happy Belated Birthday

8)       Go ahead and have another birthday if you want to. But don’t expect me to keep up with you. Happy Belated Birthday.

9)       (Funny) Can you guess what I want to be when I grow up? As much fun as you! Happy Belated Birthday.

10)   (Funny) Happy Belated Birthday. You’ve got a great life, you look wonderful, and your health is good. How could a measly present from me compete with that?

11)   (Funny) Happy Belated Birthday to someone who still looks good. In fact, almost lifelike.

12)   Your birthday is truly an event worth celebrating! Happy Belated Birthday.

13)   (Funny) You should really celebrate on your birthday. Take TWO naps today.

14)   Wishing you birthday memories to hold close to your heart! Have a Beautiful Day.

15)   (Funny) Wanted to send you something really nice for your birthday but the machine just kept taking my quarters. Happy Belated Birthday.

Haven’t found the one you want yet? Follow this link for a printable list of all belated birthday enclosure card messages. Brought to you by Flower Shop Network.

FSN’s Favorite Flower Arrangement for June 2010

Send Father's Day Flowers

Father’s Day is just around the corner. Can you believe it’s here already? For all of the special things dad has done, and will continue to do for us, isn’t it time to give something in return? Sending the the Floral Felicity flower arrangement — this months favorite here at FSN — is the PERFECT gift for Father’s Day. It’s  bright and vivid colors are just what dad needs to remind him how much of a shining star he is to you.

Is distance keeping you from saying, “I love you” to your dad? Send him the Floral Felicity Father’s Day Arrangement!  Sending dad flowers will brighten his day and add to the special memories he shares with you. Every time your dad walks by or looks at the flowers, he will be reminded that you are always thinking of him. Nothing is better than that feeling. It’s as near to a hug as you can give.

Having trouble figuring out what to say in your card to dad? Check out these Father’s Day Card Messages — perfect little phrases to include in the enclosure card of your beautiful Father’s Day flower arrangement.