There’s a lot going on at The Cincinnati Flower Show this year. Hosted in Cincinnati Ohio, this flower show is a perfect getaway for florists, floral designers, horticulturalists, gardening enthusiasts, and anyone else who enjoys browsing elaborate gardens in full bloom. If you want to learn about how to make trendy flower arrangements, improve the longevity of your bouquets, learn a new design technique…this is the place for you to go!
The Cincinnati Flower Show is being held April 18-26, 2009 at Symmes Township Park in Cincinnati Ohio. That’s right–it starts tomorrow! But dont’ worry if you haven’t pre-registered or can’t break away just yet. This week long nirvana for florists can be attended all week or for just one day.
Are you a fan of P. Allen Smith? I am! The Cincinnati Flower Show comes highly recommended by the major gardening professional and television personality. More people love the show though, and why shouldn’t they? Just check out what you can expect to find at the show this year:
- Professional Floristry — in layman’s terms, view some of the most cutting edge arrangements from regional master floral designers.
- An Amateur Flower Show — fun stuff! Fresh flowers blooming for all to enjoy. New designs. New things to love. Bring a camera.
- Dramatic Table Settings — want to learn to show off floral centerpieces? Learn it here! See some jaw-dropping table arrangements also.
- Artists Studio — professional artists displaying their works in the fields of fiber art, sculpture, painting and nature photography.
- Creative Containers — learn how to add spice to your designs (big or small) with a unique twist to the container.
That’s not all but you’re going to have to visit the Cincinnati Flower Show website or the show itself to learn every unique, fun-filled thing that’s happening.