Ask the Plant Expert: What kind of flower is this? We’ve had this flower for 8 years, and it has only bloomed twice. What is it’s name?
Flower Shop Network Plant Expert Reply: I really think this is an amaryllis. My only hesitation is that usually you see the top of the amaryllis bulb and the bloom are usually on a thick stock, also the blooms are usually much larger. This may be a case of plant abnormalities or genetic defects. We will continue to ask around to see if anyone else has any suggestions, but that’s our best guess! Thank you for your submission!
[edit – it’s a CLIVA] Upon further research, actually thanks to our florists on Facebook, we think this plant is actually a Cliva. This plant is very difficult to get to bloom, and can take 6 years or more to bloom for the first time. It requires a cold period to initiate blooming and regular watering during the summer months. However, don’t over water the plant this will cause root rot and the plant will decline instead of flourish. Here is an article from the Chicago Botanical Society on Cliva care.