Daisies have been around for a long time and are a popular choice among florists, especially the Gerbera daisy! They come in a wide array of colors, making them beautiful additions to any flower arrangement. Keep reading to learn more about their origin, meaning, and some interesting facts: [Read more…]
Flower Spotlight: Gerbera
The flower in the spotlight this month is the gorgeous gerbera daisy! This stunning bloom takes the fifth place in the list of the world’s most popular flowers. Here’s everything you need to know about this type of daisy!
10 Weird Facts About Gerbera Daisies
Being the fifth most popular cut flower in the world, gerberas are a sight to see. They have a long vase life and a wide array of color options. While this flower has gained widespread popularity, there are still many surprising facts left to discover. Keep reading and see if you learn something new about the Gerbera Daisy.
FSN Flower of the Month – Daisy
“He loves me, he loves me not … he loves me!”
For most of us, the daisy brings back a host of childhood memories filled with outdoor play and sunshine! Hours of fun making daisy chains and determining whether “He loves me,” or not. Recent popularity of the Gerber daisy has brought daisies into the spotlight once again. However, the classic white and yellow daisy and the Gerber daisy are actually two separate plants all together! In fact, the most commonly called “daisy” flowers are 3 separate genus’.
Scientific name: Asteraceae
Use: Flower
Type: Herbacious Perennials
Stem: 8-32″
Blossom Size: 2-5″
Texture: Satin
Colors: Variety
Bloom Season: Late spring, early summer
Flowers Available: Year Round
- Contrary to popular belief, there is really no true ‘daisy’. Many people refer to almost any member of the Asteraceae family (formerly Composite family) with distinct ray and disk flower heads as ‘daisy’. A truer description of daisies is ‘daisy-like’.
- We’ve all heard the phrase, “dead, buried, and pushing up daisies” but where did that come from? The phrase was first recorded in 1918 in a poem called A Terre, about World War I by Wilfred Own.
- Saint Louis was said to have a ring with three engraved symbols on it: a daisy for his wife, a cross for his country, and a Fleur De Lis for his religion — all he held dear.
- The name daisy is thought to have derived from the slang “day’s eye.”
The common daisy we all know and love is a Bellis perennis. This little beauty has been found in paintings, furnishing, and jewelry dating back to the ancient Egyptians. It has been inspiration for artists, poets, songwriters and other such artists:
The Daisy follows soft the Sun —
And when his golden walk is done —
Sits shyly at his feet —
He — waking — finds the flower there —
Wherefore — Marauder — art thou here?
Because, Sir, love is sweet!
-From Emily Dickinson’s The Daisy follows soft the Sun
This simple flower is used to symbolize innocence and purity, as well as new beginnings. The unique smell is the reason it was taken out of the Genus Chrysanthemum and moved to the Genus Leucanthemum.
Chrysanthemums are the second commonly used ‘daisy’. Often called daisy poms, these little guys tend to have a more greenish colored center. This is the type (other than Gerbs) most commonly used in floral arrangements.
The Gerbera, or Gerber Daisy is the fifth most used cut flower in the world. Their flower heads are huge, and their slender stem makes them gorgeous in arrangements. If you’re girlfriend says “Daisies are my favorite flowers,” she is probably referring to these beauties.
If you’ve never made a daisy chain, you’re missing out! My cousin and I used to make bracelets, necklaces, crowns — everything when we were little girls. You simply can’t play fairies without one!
How to make a daisy chain:
It’s super easy. Take care to pick daisies with about 2½-3″ stems. At the very end of the stem use your fingernail or some other flat, sturdy tool to cut a slit the daisy’s stem. Take another daisy and insert into the slit you just made. Cut a slit into that daisy and repeat. To finish, cut a large slit and stuff the flower head into it. These can be as long or short as you want. Be creative and attempt new styles … Can you make a double daisy chain?
Daisies have almost come to represent girlishness in general. I am in love with some of the daisy items I’ve found researching this post:

Image credits: Land of Nod Lighting | Daisy Guitars | Kaboodle | Bloomstyle
FSN’s Flower of the Month is sponsored by: Local Ohio Florists
Daisies, Daisies and More Daisies
Daisies are among the most well-known and popular flowers of all, and for good reason: who can resist a fresh bouquet of cheerful, sunny faces and delicate petals? Charming harbingers of spring, daisies will bring a smile to anyone’s day.
Daisy Fresh
Daisies have long been associated with youth and purity, hence the phrase “fresh as a daisy”. Wedding bouquets with daisies would certainly be appropriate for a young bride or her attendants. In Victorian times, when hidden meanings were associated with many flowers (see our June Newsletter, The Symbolic Meanings of Flowers), daisies signified innocence and gentleness. Perhaps it is these qualities which makes them such good fortune-tellers (“…she loves me, she loves me not, she loves me”)! Today of course, we often think of sending daisies whenever we want to cheer someone up.
Types of Daisies in Flower Arrangements
The flowers which are most often sold as daisies in modern flower shops are usually a daisy-flowered type of spray chrysanthemum, or daisy pompon as it’s known in the trade. Occurring with several flowers to the stem, these daisy pompons are sturdier and longer lasting than traditional Marguerite daisies, and are available in a wide range of colors and sizes.
Gerbera daisies, originally native to South Africa, have become enormously popular in recent years, and they’re being used in everything from casual vase arrangements to sophisticated wedding bouquets. Hybridizers have succeeded in developing gerbera daisies in a tremendous variety of sizes, textures, and colors; there is a gerbera which will coordinate with virtually any decorating scheme or wedding theme.
Where To Buy Daisies
As always, your local professional florist can guide you in selecting the right daisies for the right occasion. Buy them for yourself or for someone else… no one could ever send a bad message with daisies. Just please don’t eat them! But that’s a tale for another day.