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Lucky Bamboo Has Roots – Now What!

Ask the Expert: how to grow my lucky bamboos
I have searched your website and with the information that I could collect, I was able to cut the shoots of my lucky bamboos. Small roots have appeared on them. But I don’t know what to do further. Could you please guide? Waseema


Once a lucky bamboo shoot begins to produce roots the care becomes essentially the same as a fully developed stem.  We have some great tips on how to care for lucky bamboo

Light Requirement for Lucky Bamboo:

Lucky bamboo needs bright indirect light. In it’s native environment Dracaena sanderiana receive an ample amount of light. However, the surrounding plants shade the lucky bamboo from direct exposure to the sun. Too much direct sunlight can cause the leaves to burn. It is important that the lucky bamboo receive adequate light; lack of light will cause week growth, stretching and poor color. Low light conditions will, also, cause stunted growth and inhibit new leaf growth. The light requirements for lucky bamboo are the same whether grown in water or in soil.

Water Requirements for Lucky Bamboo In Water

Water level should be at least a couple of inches. Make sure the roots are covered with water; add water to keep the water level constant. Every couple of weeks change the water completely. Refill the container with clean water. Lucky bamboo is sensitive to the salts and chemicals in tap water; use distilled water or rainwater if possible. If you must use tap water let it set in an open container over night; this will let the chlorine evaporate. However, there is no way to remove the fluoride from the tap water. Fluoride can cause leaf tips to turn brown. Low humidity can cause leaf tips to turn brown as well. Mist the leaves of the lucky bamboo every couple of days if lack of humidity is a problem.

Fertilizer Requirements for Lucky Bamboo

Lucky bamboo doesn’t require much fertilizer and can survive in pure water for quite a while. When you bring lucky bamboo home don’t fertilize it for a couple of weeks; this will prevent over-fertilization. In fact, if your lucky bamboo turns yellow when you bring it home immediately change the water. Yellow leaves on lucky bamboo are an indicator of over-fertilization. Anytime your lucky bamboo has been over-fertilized, change the water and don’t fertilize for several months.

Fertilize your lucky bamboo every couple of months (you can go longer). You can use a little dirty aquarium water (if you have it) or a diluted (tenth of the normal strength) water-soluble houseplant fertilizer. The best time to fertilize is when you change the water.

Temperature Requirements:
Lucky bamboo needs moderate temperature. Normal household temperatures are fine. However, placing lucky bamboo next to an air vent or a door can cause problems due to rapid temperature changes.

I also have a little guide that will help identify any problems that come up.

Lucky Bamboo Problems, Pests & Diseases

  • Leaves with brown tips – Fluoride burn or lack of humidity. What to do: Fluoride Burn – replace water with clean distilled or rain water; Dry Air – mist leaves every day or every couple of days.
  • Yellow Leaves – too much light or fertilizer. What to do: Too much light – place more distance between the lucky bamboo & the light; too much fertilizer – replace water with distilled water & don’t fertilize for several months.
  • Stalks yellow from bottom up – too much fertilizer. What to do: Replace with distilled water and don’t fertilize. At the point that the stalks turn yellow it is often too late for the lucky bamboo to recover. It is often better to cut the green top off and start a new plant. If you have more than one stalk in a container, but only one is yellow, remove the yellow stalk and change the water.
  • Brown or mushy stalks – root-rot; roots have rotted from over-fertilization or over-watering (plants potted in soil). What to do: Cut the healthy tops off and root new plants.
  • White sticky substance on stalks, snail-looking growth on stalks or cottony substances on stalks – insects. Scale and spider mites can be, although rarely, a problem for lucky bamboo. What to do: Clean the container and pebbles with soapy water (a few drops of dish detergent in water works well) and rinse completely. Wipe each stalk gentle with the soapy water and rinse well. Place the clean stalks in the container and fill with distilled water or rainwater.
  • Algae growing in water and on container – too much fertilizer and light. Algae grows in nutrient rich water with ample light. What to do: Clean the lucky bamboo, pebbles and container with soapy water following the same procedure as above. Place the lucky bamboo in the container and fill with water. You might need to move it a little farther from the light or switch to an opaque container.

Hopefully this information will bring you great lucky with your Dracaena sanderiana.  Please keep me posted on your lucky bamboo’s progress.

Lucky Bamboo Needs Leaf Growth

Ask the Expert: How do I make my Lucky Bamboo grow more leaves? These are new plants to me and I love them but they seem to only have 1 or 2 leaves on them. How do I get them to grow 2 or 3 more? Thanks a bunch for your help.

With lucky bamboo (Draceana sanderiana), I would recommend a light solution of water soluble fertilizer about once a month until winter to encourage leaf production. I would also recommend misting the lucky bamboo every couple of days. If you have it in extremely low light, give it a little more light. All of these things should encourage leaf growth from the top of the plant.

Lucky Bamboo Fungus Among US

Ask The Expert: My lucky bamboo is decaying. one by one its stalks and leaves are turning yellow and finally dead.I have kept it in one inch water.Also I see some black deposition at the bottom of the stalks. Arva

You probably have a fungus spreading through your lucky bamboo. If you have any stems that are not showing signs of being infected remove them from the rest and place in a new clean container. As to the infected ones, if you have any stems with a fair amount of green left to them you can start new plants and throw the infected parts away. You will need to clean your container before you start the new plants. Go to We Are Not Always Lucky With Lucky Bamboo to get instructions on how to start new lucky bamboo. Good Luck and Keep Me posted.

How Long Does It Take Lucky Bamboo To Root?

Ask the Expert: my bamboo that i cut and put in water wont root why we put the cuttings in water!do i need a root stimulator?its been 3 weeks. thanks Terry


It can take several weeks for lucky bamboo to root especially if rooting hormone was not used.  Rooting hormone is a powder that you dip the cut end of the lucky bamboo into before you place it in the water.  At this point you would have to recut the stem for the rooting hormone to be effective.  If you see little knots forming at the cut end of the lucky bamboo leave it alone — those are roots forming.  However, if you don’t see of feel any roots forming, go ahead and recut the lucky bamboo and dip it in the rooting hormone.  You can get rooting hormone at your local garden center.  Good luck and keep me posted.

Help My Lucky Bamboo Has A Stench and Gnats

Ask The Expert: my bamboo that I aquired 3 mos ago approximately has aquired a stench like “throw~up” (according to my daughter) and gnats are attracted to it! can You suggest to me what might b wrong, and what I can do to fix it, please? I would really appreciate the info, as I really like my plant!  sincerely, Cathi


Since I don’t know if your lucky bamboo is in soil or water, I will address both but separately.

Lucky bamboo in water – You probably have an overgrowth of algae or fungus.  You could possibly have decaying plant amterial in the water.  You will need to empty the containers and wash it thoroughly with soapy water.  Rinse the container several times with water.  You will also need to wash any pebbles as well.  Wipe the lucky bamboo stem with a damp washcloth.  then place the pebbles and lucky bamboo back in the container and fill with distilled water.  This should take care of the problem.

Lucky bamboo in soil – You probably have a fungus on the top layer of the soil.  This is a result of soil that has been over-watered with poor air circulation and decaying organic matter.  You can scrap off the very top of the soil and throw it away and then let your soil dry slightly.  Sometimes this is all it takes.  If it still persists you will nee a fungicide and an insecticide.

Good Luck and please keep me posted.

Lucky Bamboo Not Happy With New Home

Ask The Expert:I’ve had a LUCKY BAMBOO for about 6 months and it was growing like crazy. I thought it was time to repot it. Well, since then the stalks are turning yellow. I haven”t had trouble in the past. I used bottled water an small stones, like the ones it came with. I would appreciate your thoughts.  Thank you, Dianne Deis

If you added new stones but didn’t wash them first, there may have been a residue that the lucky bamboo didn’t like. Was the bottled water used the same kind you always used? Some bottled waters have additives that the lucky bamboo doesn’t like, which is why I normally recommend distilled water. Did you move it to a different location? Sometimes this can cause a problem. Watch your stem. If it starts to soften, you will need to propagate a new plants and throw the afflicted part away.

Lucky Bamboo Is A Water Snob

Ask The Expert: i have a lucky bamboo. and had always used bottled water ,which it seemed to love. then i had slacked and was using city water and noticed it started to turn yellow. so i went and bought spring water again. it started turning more yellow.i read other concerns on this page and went and got distilled. so i have now cleaned the marbles and plant in this water. an filled it with distilled. i even checked bugs nothing.should i got off the yellow leaves? and should i cut the long stem down as well that the yellow leaves were growing off of? i did notice as well that one of the stocks was not as green its not mushy. what else can i do and how long will it take for me to notice if its doing better? Sabrina


Lucky Bamboo is very sensitive to many chemicals and tap water has two that lucky bamboo really hates: Chlorine and Fluoride. Both of these chemicals can cause yellowing and other problems in lucky bamboo.  That is why it likes bottled water or distilled water.  You can use tap water but not fresh from the tap.  Always let it set out in an open container for 24hrs before ou use it.  At this point I would remove the yellow leaves.  Usually, once they turn yellow they won’t turn back to green.  However, I would only trim your stem if it starts to go soft.  It will take a week or two before you see improvement, so keep a close eye on it for a while.  Good luck and keep me posted.

Turn Your Lucky Bamboo Top Into A New Plant

Ask the Expert: how to reroot a lucky bamboo?
My lucky bamboo started to turn yellow from the bottom up and at the top there are new shoots. Can I if any way possible reroot the new shoots. It was a gift to me and it means alot, I really want to save it if at all possible. I really appreciate any advice you have! Thank You!  Kim


You can take the top of your lucky bamboo (Draceana sanderiana) and create a new plant.  You will need rooting hormone and a sharp knife.  Take your knife and cut the top of the lucky bamboo off about an inch above a node.  The node is the raised ring on the stem of the lucky bamboo.  Now take the cut end and dip it into the rooting hormone.  Let this solution dry for a couple of hours or overnight.  Now place the cut end of the lucky bamboo in water.  You will need any where between  1 to 4″ of water, depending on how long your piece of lucky bamboo is.  Be sure to keep the water level constant at all times.  In a couple of weeks you will have new roots.

You might want to read the post We aren’t always lucky with lucky bamboo.  It has picture and more detailed describtion on how to propagate lucky bamboo.

Lucky Bamboo Height Requirements

Ask the Expert: height and re-potting?
My lucky bamboo has grown to about four feet tall, and I have two stalks in one vase/pot. Is there a size or height that makes it necessary to move the plant to a larger pot? KV


The only height or size requirement for lucky bamboo is more of a stability requirement. If the lucky bamboo is causing a top heavy toppling problem, then you need a taller pot or you can to cut the top off your lucky bamboo. You can root these tops and create new plants. The only other consideration is root growth. If the roots have completely filled the container, you need to either trim the roots or get a bigger container.

My rule of thumb is happy and healthy lucky bamboo should be left alone.

If you want to trim the top out of your lucky bamboo read these posts:
Topping Lucky Bamboo
We are not always lucky with lucky bamboo – it has photos showing where to make the cut.

Good luck and keep me posted.

My Draceana Sanderiana Has A Sunburn

Ask the Expert: I have a dracaena sanderiana that was put in direct sunlight and the leaves went all yellow.  From reading on your site, i am guessing the leaves are burned.  I was wondering if there is anything to do, or it now going to die. Tanya


Move the Draceana sanderiana (lucky bamboo) to an area with light but not direct sunlight beating down on it.  This will give the plant a chance to recover.  Although the damage leaves may not return to a full green color, the plant should not die.   Once the plant is established in its new home, the new leaves should be a healthly green color.  Good Luck and keep me posted.