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Easter Flower Traditions

Easter is on the way, and there are several holiday traditions of which you need to be aware. Some are religious, some are family-oriented but all of them are centered around flowers. And why not? Easter is a spring holiday and spring is all about nature coming back to life after a long, cold winter. What better way to celebrate a return to life than with flowers?

Walking on SunshineTranquil LightDel Sol

Flower Traditions

  • The Corsage – The Easter corsage is an older tradition, but it is an important one for those who still honor it. The corsage is most often worn to church services and are given as a sign of love, most often given to a wife by her husband or a mother by her children. The flower used is not important unlike Mother’s Day corsages which have different meanings assigned to different flowers and colors.
  • The Lily – Or, as it is more commonly known, the Easter Lily. This white flower is considered a symbol of purity and goodness and can be gifted either singly or as part of a larger arrangement.
  • Passion Flower – These flowers are full of symbolism for the Christian faith. The three stamens represent the Holy Trinity or the three nail wounds of Christ. The circle of petals is said to represent the crown of thorns that Christ wore, and the pointed leaves are supposed to represent the spear that went into Christ’s side as he hung on the cross.
  • Flower Festivals – Churches all across the world hold flower festivals on Easter. The entire church is filled with spring flowers in a celebration of the renewal of life that spring brings as a symbolic testament to Christ’s resurrection.

Flowers are an important part of most holidays, but never more than Easter. The return of beauty, warmth and life to the world are perfectly captured in the fragile beauty of spring flowers. Don’t miss your chance to celebrate Easter the right way this year. Celebrate with flowers!

8 Easter Card Messages

You’ve picked out the perfect arrangement, but now you’re faced with a blank card to fill out. No need to fret, we’ve got you covered! Know exactly what to say with these 8 Easter card messages.

Springtime RewardBunny Bloom BasketEgg-cellent Easter Blooms

Funny Card Messages

  • A gift of flowers to show that some-bunny loves you. Happy Easter!
  • I heard you wanted flowers so I immediately hopped to it. Happy Easter!
  • Some beautiful blooms from your friend with the cute, furry bottom. No, I’m talking about the Easter Bunny!
  • I thought this arrangement was egg-cellent. Happy Easter!

Religious Card Messages

  • Because His sacrifice means our salvation. Happy Easter!
  • He is risen!
  • This lily means purity, hope, innocence and peace. A symbol of our risen Savior. Happy Easter!
  • These flowers serve as a reminder of the renewal of life after the cold death of winter. He is risen!

The right thing to say can be elusive, and everyone can use a little help now and again. And if you don’t see a message here that meets your needs, try out our previous Easter Card Messages post here. Feel free to use them as they are or allow them to inspire you to create your own!

Don’t Wait to Order Your Easter Flowers

Easter is the perfect time to send beautiful flowers! Spring has finally arrived, flowers are blooming, and well, both sunshine and rain are abundant. Don’t wait until the last minute to place your flower order! You want to make sure they get to your loved one’s hands on time.

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Time to get EGG-cited!

Easter garden arrangement by Crossroads Florist, Mahwah NJ

People everywhere are starting to put more creativity into holiday celebrations that ever before. (I blame Pinterest.) Easter is no exception. Growing up, I think I looked forward to wearing a hat to church more than anything. Now kids practically celebrate the entire month with Easter bunny pictures, school activities, extreme egg dying, hiding chocolate coins for the Easter bunny and even more activities I have never heard of before, plus candy candy candy!

With all the Easter chaos, having your family gathered together for group activities might make it worth it after all. Dying eggs for Easter is a long-standing tradition that is fun for family members of all ages.

Every year, Americans dye and decorate more than 180 million eggs during the Easter season.

History of Dying Eggs

The Easter egg tradition started by merging with the celebration of the final provisions of Lent. Historically, eggs were forbidden during Lent, but chickens continued to lay eggs. Eggs would have been hard-boiled so they wouldn’t go to waste. This began the tradition of decorating eggs and feasting on egg-filled meals during the time of Easter. Symbolically, the hard shell of the egg represented the sealed Tomb of Christ — the cracking of which symbolized his resurrection from the dead.

Egg Dying & Decorating Ideas

Like I said earlier, with the rise of Pinterest, there are more ideas out there for dying and decorating eggs than ever before.

  • 1. Wrap eggs in rubber bands to create stripes of white or colors (fully dye the egg first, then rubber band and dye again).
  • 2. Simply use markers to decorate. (Great for small kids who might not be ready for the ‘mess’.) [Read more…]

Celebrating Easter with Flowers

Easter will be here the very last day of this month, March 31st. Can you believe it? Whether you’ve been stocking up on egg dye, or completely forgot (it happens), we’re taking a look at how you can perk up your Easter activities with the aid of flowers!

The Easter Lily

Photo of an Easter lily houseplantFirst of all, we can’t forget the spiritual significance of the holiday. For many, the white Easter Lily symbolizes purity, virtue, innocence, hope and life. According to the legend, lilies were found growing in the garden of Gethsemane after Christ’s agony. Tradition has it that the beautiful white lilies spring up where drops of Christ’s sweat fell to the ground in his final hours of sorrow and distress. You will find white lilies gracing pulpits, churches, and other places of worship. (Learn more history and fun facts about lilies here.)

Easter lily poem:

Easter morn with lilies fair
Fills the church with perfumes rare,
As their clouds of incense rise,
Sweetest offerings to the skies.
Stately lilies pure and white
Flooding darkness with their light,
Bloom and sorrow drifts away,
On this holy hallow’d day.
Easter Lilies bending low in the golden afterglow,
Bear a message from the sod
To the heavenly towers of God.

-Louise Lewin Matthews

Easter Baskets

Basket Garden FlowersWho says Easter baskets have to be for kids? Why not send a colorful basket of flowers to your favorite far-away relative? Or maybe ones not-so-far away? And who says you can’t order flowers for yourself? No one! A lovely basket full of beautiful flowers not only enhances home decor, but also puts you in a springtime mood.

There are many different options when ordering Easter baskets from your local florist. You might choose something like what’s pictured left — a colorful, springtime treat. Or you could go with something a little more elegant, such as an all-white basket of flowers with a braided vine handle. Stop by your local florists’ or friend them on Facebook to preview their Easter collections. And if you don’t see what you’re looking for, don’t be afraid to ask! (Read more about how baskets make all the difference.)

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Florists on Facebook – Friday Recap

Easter is THIS WEEKEND! You can really tell from the photos shared with us this week that florists are really getting a HOP on this holiday! We loved all the pastel-icious pictures of Easter flowers! Check them out:

Devine Designs - Fulton NY

By Devine Designs in Fulton, NY.

“You’ve heard of Chocolate Smidgens, right?…and how you can’t just have them for yourself, you have to share them… Well…This is one of our Plant Smidgens… They’re small and you can’t just have one…you have to share the holiday with everyone!!! LOL!!! This is one of our most popular cash and carry specials!”

Platte Flower Shop, Platte SD

Platte Flower Shoppe, Platte SD.

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The Easter Lily

Easter Lily

Easter Lilies (Lilium longiflorum)With Easter just around the corner, we had to highlight the holiday’s favorite flower – the Easter lily!

Easter Lily History

The lily has long symbolized purity, virtue and faith for Christians. Medieval depictions of the Blessed Virgin Mary often show her holding these flowers and even in King Solomon’s Temple there were designs of lilies on the columns.Lilies were also found growing in the Garden of Gethsemane after Christ’s agony. Tradition has it that the beautiful white lilies sprung up where drops of Christ’s sweat fell to the ground in his final hours of sorrow and deep distress. For this reason, you will see Easter lilies on decorating pulpits, alters and more in churches all across the world.

Easter Lily Today

The regal, white lily is a fitting symbol of the greater meaning of Easter. Gracing millions of homes and churches, the flowers embody joy, hope and life. Whether given as a gift or enjoyed in your own home, the Easter Lily serves as a beautiful reminder that Easter is a time for rejoicing and celebrating.

By Louise Lewin Matthews, this poem captures the spiritual essence of the Easter Lily:

Easter morn with lilies fair
Fills the church with perfumes rare,
As their clouds of incense rise,
Sweetest offerings to the skies.
Stately lilies pure and white
Flooding darkness with their light,
Bloom and sorrow drifts away,
On this holy hallow’d day.
Easter Lilies bending low in the golden afterglow,
Bear a message from the sod
To the heavenly towers of God.

-Louise Lewin Matthews

Whether you’re tending an Easter lily from years past, buying a new one for yourself, or sending a lily as an Easter gift, always always always use a real local florist when you buy plants and flowers. You can use Flower Shop Network’s handy florist finder to find a florist near you!

Best of Easter 2012

Best Easter Articles

We’ve had a lot to say about Easter in the long history of the Bloomin’ Blog. Check out our favorite Easter articles to put you in an egg-cellent mood for this weekend. Easter is April 8th!

Easter Bunny FlowersWhen it comes to sending Easter flowers, just what do you send? This article gives great ideas for the kids, family and even the extended family. Wish everyone a Happy Easter with beautiful pastel blooms.

Lilies are truly a favorite symbol of Easter, but how much do you really know about this beautiful flower? Check out this post for lots of lily facts, trivia

Let’s face it, little kids LOVE Easter and for good reasons: dying eggs and getting messy; hunting them outside in the sunshine; getting more candy than you know what to do with; AND there’s an Easter Bunny?? Sure, there’s more to Easter than that, but to a small kid, it’s all about the bunny!

Easter flowers mark the awakening of spring and the celebration of it’s most highly regarded holiday. Easter lilies are a standard gift during the Easter holiday and for good reason. Easter lilies symbolize purity and grace, which succinctly fit the meaning of Easter.

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Easter Flowers For Kids

Easter Time!

Let’s face it, little kids LOVE Easter and for good reasons: dying eggs and getting messy; hunting them outside in the sunshine; getting more candy than you know what to do with; AND there’s an Easter Bunny?? Sure, there’s more to Easter than that, but to a small kid, it’s all about the bunny!

This year, instead of a basket full of candy, why not fill it with other Easter and springtime favorites, such as flowers! I know what you’re thinking, “Flowers for kids? No way!” But really, flowers teach kids about spring and the changing seasons. Kids also learn about the different types of flowers and how to take delicate care of them.

It can’t be all flowers to excite kids though. Include little plastic eggs filled with candy, bunny stuffed animals and other kid favorites. Your child will grow up learning there is more to Easter than candy and hopefully be excited to learn more about the history of this significant holiday.

Check out these great Easter flower basket just for kids:

Easter Flowers For Kids Flowers For Kids on Easter Kids Easter Flowers for Spring

Easter is March 31st 2013. Don’t forget an Easter Card! Check out these great Easter Card Messages.

And remember, always always always use a real local florist when sending or ordering flowers. You’ll get the full value for your money and great results! Don’t know your local florist? Use Flower Shop Network’s handy florist finder.

Have An Egg-cellent Easter — Don’t Forget The Flowers!

It’s a hip-hoppin’, egg-cellent Easter this year with festivities lined up for everyone to enjoy. Smiles shine brightly through each activity. Waking up to Easter bunny gifts, sunrise service on Easter Sunday, watching children hunt for eggs, and the delicious Easter dinner with the family — regardless of how the holiday is spent, it is a time for reflection upon the simple pleasures in life that make friends and family such important parts of life.

Meaningful Easter Gifts Means The World To Someone

Lily Easter BasketIt is always exciting to receive a gift, but a meaningful gift means so much more. Gifts with a certain meaning sent by a loved one express respect, honor, love, friendship and validation. When Easter comes around this year, celebrate your loved ones by honoring them with a meaningful gift, such as Easter flowers.

Easter flowers from a local florist mark the awakening of spring and the celebration of it’s most highly regarded holiday. Easter lilies are a standard gift during the Easter holiday and for good reason. Easter lilies symbolize purity and grace, which succinctly fit the meaning of Easter. Those beautiful, trumpet blooms outshine any other flowers when paired in an arrangement. Swing by your local florist on the way to the big dinner with the family and pick up a beautiful, Easter lily centerpiece. What better way to share the true meaning of the celebration with best friends than with a touching sentiment like these?

Making Easter Last With Potted Easter Plants

Easter Lilies (Lilium longiflorum)If you’d like an Easter gift that’s a little more permanent, sending potted Easter flowers is a great choice! Order potted Easter lilies, potted hyacinth or daffodils. Sending potted houseplants are a great way to share your love of Easter flowers with your someone special.

Sending flowers through a real local florist is the best way to send Easter gifts to loved ones far away. So, share some love with grandma, one state over, by sending Easter flowers through your local florist.

Don’t know your local florist? Get connected with Flower Shop Network!