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Picture This… a Cute Bunny Rabbit Garden!

With Easter fast approaching, everybody knows that Peter Cottontail is on his way. So we’ve designed a clever spring energizer just in time for this season of eggs and excitement… a cute bunny rabbit garden arrangement.

Picture This.... a Cute Bunny Rabbit Garden!It features an ordinary clay pot as the container and is filled with fresh spring blossoms. The design is a cozy garden for any bunny rabbit, and it makes a wonderful Easter gift for someone special. The faux handle, formed by the stems of pussy willow, acts something like a picture frame around the arrangement which emphasizes the elements within, and resembles the shape of an Easter basket. The fuzzy texture of the catkins themselves repeat the feeling of the bunny rabbit’s fur, lending a sense of unity to the design. Bright seasonal flowers complete the picture.

Bunny & Springtime

Bunnies have a long history of association with springtime. The symbol of the Easter Bunny originated in pre-Christian folklore, and is an echo of more primitive rites of spring. The pagan goddess Oestre was worshiped by the Anglo-Saxons during the spring fertility festival of the same name, and Oestre was represented by her earth figure, the rabbit. Of course, rabbits were the most prolifically fertile animals known, and served appropriately, along with eggs, as symbols of new life during the vernal season. German settlers brought the idea of the Easter Bunny to America in the 1700’s, where it became widely embraced after the Civil War and has now evolved into those cute images of bunny rabbits that are so ubiquitous at this time of year.

Fresh Flowers For Easter

Fresh flowers themselves are energizers for the spirit after the long winter season. There is something special about spring flowers in particular tulips, daffodils, narcissus, and hyacinths which speaks to our souls about the release of pent up energy as they seem to burst so vividly from their apparently lifeless bulbs. The magic of their growth cycles, their colors, their shapes, their fragrances…..all combining together and creating a picture to remind us that life is continually reborn. So we’ve been sure to incorporate some of this magic into our bunny rabbit floral design.

Whether you live in a mansion or a condo, a subdivision or a ranch, a hovel or a hutch, our Easter bunny arrangement is sure to please. So hop to it! Visit your local florist for the components to make it yourself, or have one delivered to some special someone anywhere in the country. And rest assured that Farmer Brown won’t be chasing any rabbits out of this garden!