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See You At The Southern Retail Florist Association Convention in Charlotte!

We are SO excited about the 2009 Southern Retail Florist Association Convention coming up this weekend in Charlotte North Carolina. A weekend near the beach with great people? Wouldn’t miss it!

If you’re still trying to plan your weekend, consider the SRFA Convention from August 28-30, 2009. It’s a fun three day weekend or can be a good day trip if you want to stay for just one day’s activities. Either way, make your reservations now and don’t forget to stop by the Flower Shop Network booth! Many of our Network Coordinators will be on hand and are looking forward to talking with you!

Ah…a picturesque weekend in Charlotte, NC. Florists can catch a break after the “back to school” rush and spend a relaxing weekend learning about floral industry trends, talking with vendors who make life easier, and networking with other florists. Whether over a beverage at the hotel or over a table at the conference, it’s always fun to mingle with people who share the same passions. That’s exactly what’s happening at the 2009 SRFA Convention!

A trip through the mountains is worth it to see Charlotte florists and other members of the SRFA at this year’s convention. We’re very glad to have this opportunity to meet and greet. We look forward to meeting you this weekend! See you at the show!

Don’t Miss These Upcoming Flower Shows in August!

Interested in a last-minute break before the back-to-school rush returns? Want a breather to end out the month? Check out these upcoming flower shows and florist association conventions.

August 14-16, 2009: Arkansas Florists Association Convention in Hot Springs Arkansas. Flower Shop Network will be attending this show. We hope to see you there! For more information call 501-354-2309

August 14-16, 2009: North Carolina State Florist Convention in Greensboro, North Carolina. Sure to be fun! For more information call 918-876-0687.

August 17, 2009: Floral Association of the Rockies (FAR) Hands-On Design Workshop in Denver, Colorado. Who wouldn’t want an end of summer trip to Denver? Since it’s on a Monday, this would make a nice three day weekend for florists. For more information call 303-888-0304.

August 28-30, 2009: Southern Retail Florist Association Showcase and Flower Forum in Charlotte, North Carolina. Flower Shop Network will be at this show also so stop by our booth and say hello! For more information call 804-986-1701.

Into Gardening & Landscaping? Come To These Garden Shows!

If you like to garden and landscape, are a professional landscaper, or just want to learn more about these activities, visit these upcoming gardening and landscaping shows in August.

August 13-26, 2009: Texas Nursery & Landscape Association Nursery & Landscape Expo in Dallas, Texas. It’s a mouthful but it’s certainly worth visiting! For more information call 512-280-5182 or 800-880-0343.

August 18-20, 2009: The Independent Garden Center Show in Chicago, Illinois. Learn helpful tips and network with other garden center workers. For more information call 866-391-6220.

August 19, 2009: Virginia Nursery & Landscape Association (VNLA) Field Day in Gainesville, Virginia. For more information call 540-382-0943 or toll free 800-476-0055.

August 20, 2009: Virginia Nursery & Landscape Association (VNLA) Summer Tour in Alexandria, Virginia. For more information call 540-382-943 or toll free 800-476-0055.

August 20-22, 2009: The Farwest Show in Portland, Oregon. Great place to for learning about convservation, owning/operating a nursery, to earn pesticide certification and more. For more information call 503-682-5089 or toll free 800-342-6401.

Did You See Flower Shop Network At The 2009 TSFA Convention?

Flower Shop Network representatives Amy Hall and Rebecca Speer recently attended the 2009 Texas State Florists Association Convention. I was amazed at all of the wonderful stories that they brought back! I felt like I was there laughing with all of the wonderful florists too when they showed me pictures of the convention at its peak. What a fun time for Texas florists!

Special thanks go to Judy at Loki Gardens in Houston Texas and Gail at G. Johnsons Floral Images in Houston. Amy and Rebecca couldn’t stop speaking pleasantries about the warm, friendly nature of these great women. Though Amy and Rebecca love speaking with florists and enjoyed the convention, Gail and Judy helped put an extra spring in their steps. Their “they can make you smile from across the room” personalities were very appreciated during the very busy but wonderful weekend!

Another story that Rebecca and Amy shared with me pertained to the beautiful floral displays at the convention. After reviewing photos with them, I’m amazed by some of the incredible designs that were featured at the show! It’s hard to choose a favorite! All of these photos have been included at the bottom of this post. Feel free to comment on your favorite.

Special thanks to florists from Designs By Gail in Justin Texas for posing with Rebecca Speer at this year’s TSFA convention (see picture #1).

Special thanks to Darla from Designs By Darla in Junction Texas for posing with Amy Hall at this year’s TSFA convention (see picture #2).

Special thanks to florists from Amarillo Rose Floral Extravaganza in Irving Texas for posing with Rebecca Speer at this year’s TSFA convention (see picture #3 & #4). [Read more…]

Do Flower Shows Peak Your Interest?

Flower shows just seem like the perfect time to chit chat with florists from your area and even some from far away. Being a little bit of  a social butterfly, this prospect definitely appeals to me.

Just think about it. You get to discuss what you love with people who share your passion. You learn, grow and develop your passion and your talents while making new friends. You get to take a break from the rush-rush-rush of the office but you’re not far from the action. With all this in store, who wouldn’t love a flower show?

Network coordinators from Flower Shop Network recently made their trip to the Florida State Florists Association Convention. They returned with great stories. I must admit, I was a bit jealous after hearing what some of the florists at the show had to say! Everyone came back with a smile that was twice as large as when they had left. In light of everything going on today, I find this chance to be inspired by other florists very appealing. I’m ready for the next flower show!

What’s on the agenda for this summer? Flower shows taking place in June/July 2009:

What do you think of flower shows and florist association conventions? Ever been to one? Tell us your favorite stories from the trip!

We’re Back From the FSFA Convention 2009!!

Flower Shop Network representatives “took a break” over the weekend and visited the Florida State Florists Association Convention in St. Petersburg Florida. Florists from around the state and the country were there to celebrate the things they love the most — flowers! If you had a chance to go, you already know that this year’s FSFA Convention was cram packed with fun things to do and great people to see.

Joe Hays and Leslie Cox, FSN Network Coordinators

Joe Hays and Leslie Cox, FSN Network Coordinators

Did you happen to see these two characters at the convention? Flower Shop Network’s own Joe Hays and Leslie Cox had the opportunity to visit with florists, enjoy the other displays and snap a few pictures of the event! Even if you didn’t get the chance to go, you can feel like you were there thanks to the magic of digital photos. Don’t forget to share your photos and comments as well!

Leslie Cox and

FSN Network Coordinator Leslie Cox and John of Lake City Florist in Lake City FL

(l to r) ? Joe Hays ?

(l to r) Rodney from Flowerama in Pensacola FL, Joe Hays, Angela from Pink Flamingo At Petals in New Smyrna Beach FL

Flower Shop Network Display at FSFA Convention 2009

Flower Shop Network Display at FSFA Convention 2009

Sporting A Flower Shop Network Tote Bag

Sporting A Flower Shop Network Tote Bag

If you were at the FSFA Convention this year, why not share your photos with the rest of us? We’d love to see your favorite parts of the show and hear about what sparked your interest!

Pack Your Bags For These Upcoming Flower Shows!

Ready to give yourself a break between Mother’s Day and Father’s Day? These upcoming flower shows are perfectly scheduled so that you’re not missing any excitement back at the flower shop but you ARE enjoying the excitement at the show!

The Super Floral Show 2009 is being hosted June 9-12 in Atlanta Georgia. Florists here know how much fun it is to network with other Atlanta florists as well as the many talented florists and designers who come in from across the country for this well-respected show. The planners of the Super Floral Show 2009 understand what you want most from this show. For that reason, expect to get your money’s worth all in one day! You can enjoy the exhibitor floor from Wednesday (June 10) through Friday (June 12), but be prepared to learn if you come on Wednesday! This day features  a keynote breakfast, exhibitor displays, education sessions and a keynote lunch. What a day! Whether in the Atlanta area or not, check out the Super Floral Show. Get ready for a good time!

The Florida State Florists Association Convention 2009 (what a mouthful!) is also taking place this week. In fact, the show starts tomorrow (June 5) and runs through June 7 in St. Petersburg Florida. Florists are welcome to attend this show and bring along their learning caps. Each day is filled with fun things to do, networking with other local florists and designers, educational sessions–and did I mention that it’s in St Petersburg? A sunny day on the beach and a day with flower sounds like fun! If it sounds like fun to you to, pack your bags for the FSFA Convention 2009. What are you waiting for? Sun, sand and Florida’s best flower show await!

Don’t Forget About The Upcoming Cincinnati Flower Show!

There’s a lot going on at The Cincinnati Flower Show this year. Hosted in Cincinnati Ohio, this flower show is a perfect getaway for florists, floral designers, horticulturalists, gardening enthusiasts, and anyone else who enjoys browsing elaborate gardens in full bloom. If you want to learn about how to make trendy flower arrangements, improve the longevity of your bouquets, learn a new design technique…this is the place for you to go!

The Cincinnati Flower Show is being held April 18-26, 2009 at Symmes Township Park in Cincinnati Ohio. That’s right–it starts tomorrow! But dont’ worry if you haven’t pre-registered or can’t break away just yet. This week long nirvana for florists can be attended all week or for just one day.

Are you a fan of P. Allen Smith? I am! The Cincinnati Flower Show comes highly recommended by the major gardening professional and television personality. More people love the show though, and why shouldn’t they? Just check out what you can expect to find at the show this year:

  • Professional Floristry — in layman’s terms, view some of the most cutting edge arrangements from regional master floral designers.
  • An Amateur Flower Show — fun stuff! Fresh flowers blooming for all to enjoy. New designs. New things to love. Bring a camera.
  • Dramatic Table Settings — want to learn to show off floral centerpieces? Learn it here! See some jaw-dropping table arrangements also.
  • Artists Studio — professional artists displaying their works in the fields of fiber art, sculpture, painting and nature photography.
  • Creative Containers — learn how to add spice to your designs (big or small) with a unique twist to the container.

That’s not all but you’re going to have to visit the Cincinnati Flower Show website or the show itself to learn every unique, fun-filled thing that’s happening.

Want Something Fun To Do This Week? Visit These Flower Shows!

Celebrate Canada Blooms With Toronto Florists!

This year’s Canada Blooms celebration is being hosted March 18-22 at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Florists, floral designers, gardeners, horticulturalists and others will love this show. It’s  Canada’s largest gardening show. How can that be anything less than entertaining?

13 years of hosting Canada Blooms proves that there is something to love in the flowers blossoming in Canadian soil. At the show are six acres–SIX…full…acres–of gardens in full bloom. Don’t just try to imagine the sweet smell that this produces. Enjoy it by joining Toronto florists and gardening enthusiasts at this year’s show!

Want to learn more about gardening? Get excited about four non-stop stages hosting over 200 hours of seminars, workshops and demonstrations. Visitors to Canada Blooms can’t help but learn something interesting while attending these shows.

It’s easy to register and make plans to attend Canada Blooms. Simply visit the Canada Blooms website and you’ll find all of the information that you need!

Why Resist The South Dakota Florists Association Convention?

Mark your calendars for March 20-22, 2009 as the South Dakota Florists Association Convention kicks off this Friday at the Best Western Ramkota Hotel in Pierre, South Dakota. This will definitely be an event to remember for South Dakota florists.

Are you a member of the South Dakota Florists Association? If so, make plans to attend this year’s SDFA Convention in Pierre. Florists who are members as well as non-member florists are encouraged to attend what will be a fabulous time of networking, learning and entertainment.

For more information, visit the South Dakota Florists Association online.

Get A Flower For Your Hair At The San Francisco Flower Show!

Oh what fun there will be at the San Francisco Flower & Garden Show of 2009! This event is set to be a great time for San Francisco florists, gardening lovers, floral designers and others who would like to enjoy a lovely natural display in San Francisco. Ever wanted to visit California? This event makes it easy to want to pack a bag and go. Here are a few reasons why the San Francisco Flower & Garden Show is a must-attend event for local florists:

Excellent Timing
The San Francisco Flower & Garden Show is taking place March 18-22, 2009. This is a great time for local florists to pack up shop for a quick day trip or a long weekend. It’s right after the St. Patrick’s Day holiday and before any other major floral holiday.

Much Deserved Vacation
You’ve worked tediously through Valentines Day, St. Patrick’s Day and many other recent holidays. You’ve created a gaggle of birthday arrangements, sympathy flowers, anniversary bouquets and romantic gifts. Now it’s your time to take a breather and do something fun for yourself.

Interesting & Entertaining
The San Francisco Flower Show is hosting some of the most incredible floral displays of the season. Many beautiful designer gardens will be displayed for everyone to enjoy. Photography is encouraged so feel free to take snapshots or videos of the beautiful sights.

If you love flowers you will adore the flower show. Every step is surrounded by something natural and beautiful. Plus, children are welcome to attend! This is a great idea for a family vacation, a day trip away from home, or a parent-child bonding experience.

Why wait? Learn more about the San Francisco Flower & Garden Show and register to attend today.