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Flower Shop Network and the 2009 Northeast Floral Expo

This is our fourth year to participate in the Northeast Floral Expo. Pictured below you can see myself, my wife Loranne and Leslie Cox.

It’s like going to a reunion and seeing family you haven’t seen in a long time. It is something we look forward to every year. Some of the florists attending are from Connecticut.  Others are from surrounding states like Massachusetts, New York and Vermont.  The convention gives us a chance to talk to florists in person.  We gain a better perspective of what is happening in their region.  We often come back with great ideas on how we can better serve the floral industry.

Many of the florists I spoke to were reflecting on their past Valentine’s Day business. Although this year’s Valentine’s Day business wasn’t the best in recent history, the general consensus was it was better than expected.  Many florists shared their business philosophies with us.  Some were altering the way they do business. Others were investigating new ways to promote their business both online  and off.

In fact, Leslie had a great conversation with a new member, MariEllen owner of A Dykstra Florist in Spring Valley New York. They discussed several ways that MariEllen could promote her FSN Custom eCommerce Website. Among other things, they discussed how MariEllen should claim her Google Local Listing to make sure that her correct website address was displayed.

Loranne spoke to several florists who were combining their online marketing efforts with their offline marketing strategies.  Several florists who are using FSN’s Holiday email campaigns were also sending direct mail to customers.   They use the emails and direct mailers to remind customers about upcoming holidays and to direct them to the florist’s web site to make their purchases.  Many of these florists were happy to hear about the direct marketing templates (formerly direct mail templates) Flower Shop Network will offer to members starting next month.

Florists weren’t the only ones we had a chance to speak to at the Expo. We spoke to vendors as well. At the beginning of the Expo, many vendors were concerned about how the economy would affect attendance. When it was all said and done everyone agreed attendance was good and the show was a success.

Like The Site Says — We Want You In Miami!!

Like the website says — “We Want You In Miami” for the World Floral Expo 2009. Beginning March 10th and running through March 12th, this is sure to be a great time of networking, learning, and entertainment. This event is open to qualified buyers only. Wholesale buyers and high volume retailers are invited to participate.

Savor some of the show’s lineup:

  • An opening cocktail party on Tuesday night
  • A new products display and novelty pavilion (great for gift shop owners!)
  • A floral company tour on Wednesday
  • Flower demonstrations by renowned Dutch designers

It may seem like work but the World Floral Expo 2009 is a fun time of learning, networking, and enjoying a good group of people with one common love. It’s not too late to register so make your reservations now or learn more by visiting the World Floral Expo 2009 online.

Going On Now–The 2009 Chicago Flower Show!

There’s nearly a week left to enjoy the Chicago Flower Show at Chicago’s Navy Pier. Running from March 7-15th this year, it’s still easy for local Illinois florists to plan a day trip or weekend visit to the windy city for this event. Want to know more about it? Here’s a preview of what you’ll discover this year.

  • 25 lush theme gardens designed by top landscapers
  • An eco-friendly market place for shopping green!
  • Foods from more than 25 celebrity chefs from the Chicago area
  • A kids activity garden so that the whole family can come!
  • Educational seminars and hands-on workshops
  • Potting parties” for gardeners looking to get a little dirty
  • A photography course focusing on pictures of flowers
  • And so much more it’ll make your head spin!!!

For more information, visit the Chicago Flower Show 2009 online. You won’t want to miss such a good time! With all that there is to see and do in Chicago, florists won’t want to leave even after the flower show!

FSN Announces Winners From The Northeast Floral Expo

The Northeast Floral Expo was held (February 27 – March 1, 2009) in Cromwell, Connecticut. Visitors to the Flower Shop Network booth were given a chance to win a Floral Selection Guide, a complimentary listing on FSN or a complimentary eCommerce website package. Anyone visiting the booth had the opportunity to win by filling out a registration card or by leaving one of their business cards.

The drawing was held the Tuesday morning after our staff returned to the office. We are pleased to announce the winners.

Winner of eCommerce Website Package (Premium Florist Listing + eCommerce Website)

eCommerce Website

eCommerce Website

Congratulations to Carole’s Flowers & Gifts who was the grand prize winner!

Carole’s Flowers & Gifts
372 Court St
Plymouth, MA 02360
(508) 747-3855 –  Local

Located in Plymouth, Massachusetts, Carole’s Flowers & Gifts also provides floral delivery service to the following areas: Duxbury, MA; Carver, MA; Kingston, MA.

The eCommerce website package consists of a premium florist listing in the Flower Shop Network online florists directory, as well as one of our fully eCommerce enabled flower shop websites.  The complimentary listing and website will run for a full year on Flower Shop Network.

Congratulations to Carole and the rest of the staff at Carole’s Flowers & Gifts, we hope to see you again at next year’s event.

Winner of Premium Florist Listing

Congratulations to The Petal Pusher, the winner of a Premium Florist Listing which will run in the Flower Shop Network online florist directory for one full year.  Flower Shop Network welcomes you as a new member.

Premium Listing For The Petal Pusher

Premium Florist Listing

The Petal Pusher
450 Howe Ave
Shelton, CT
(203) 924-2901- Local

Located in Shelton, Connecticut, The Petal Pusher also provides floral delivery service to the following areas: Ansonia, CT; Derby, Ct; Oxford, CT; Seymour, CT

Congratulations to Sherrie, Dick and the rest of the staff at The Petal Pusher. The Flower Shop Network staff looks forward to seeing you at the convention next year.

Winner of FSN Floral Selection Guide

FSN Floral Selection Guide

FSN Floral Selection Guide

Congratulation to Ruth Chase Flowers who won The FSN Floral Selection Guide.  The  guide contains 200 pages of vibrant, eye-catching floral selections including the designer recipes for each arrangement.

This should come in handy for Ruth Chase Flowers in New Millford, CT.  Maria Luisa and her staff also provide flower delivery to: Washington, Bridgewater, Sherman, New Preston, Danbury, Brookfiled, Washington Depot, Gaylordsville, Marble Dale, South Kent, Roxbury and Kent, Connecticut.

Congratulations to Maria Luisa and the rest of the staf at Ruth Chase Flowers.  We look forward to seeing you at the convention next year. We hope you create many of the flower arrangements from the Floral Selection Guide through out the year.

The Flower Shop Network staff enjoyed the show tremendously and looks forward to next year’s show.

Feel Like Visiting A Flower Show in Grand Rapids?

Here’s the one for you! The 2009 Great Lakes Floral Expo will be held March 6-9 at the Amway Grand Plaza Hotel, DeVos Place in Grand Rapids Michigan. Florists, floral designers and other floral industry professionals are welcome to attend.

One great thing about shows like the Great Lakes Floral Expo is that these events provide a great foundation of knowledge for beginning florists. Each meeting is formed to help “Discover, Inspire, Promote” the floral industry and a love of flowers. Beginning florists will welcome the chance to learn helpful techniques from experienced industry professionals. Experienced florists will welcome the chance to discover new techniques and ideas for reaching untapped niches. It’s a great time for everyone!

Want to learn how to create unique sympathy arrangements? There’s a course for that at the Great Lakes Floral Expo. Want to provide better wedding flowers or learn how to appeal to the modern bride? There’s a course for that too! There’s a lot to learn at this year’s Great Lakes Floral Expo so make your reservations today!

Join Flower Shop Network at the Northeast Floral Expo!

Ever wanted to visit Cromwell Connecticut? Now is the perfect opportunity! Flower Shop Network will be attending the Northeast Floral Expo 2009 at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Cromwell. Just 15 minutes south of Hartford, this is sure to be an exciting time for florists in Connecticut and the surrounding areas.

The show is set to begin on Friday, February 27th and will run through Sunday, February 29nd. There are many great exhibitions and programs that will take place at this floral expo. For instance, florists attending can learn new techniques from the many how-to sessions. There are also business clinics with handy advice, a florist bookstore with useful information, design competitions and more. There’s something for everyone to love!

This is also a great time to meet network coordinators from Flower Shop Network. While networking with other floral industry professionals, stop by our booth and meet the people that make Flower Shop Network the best choice in online directories of florists.

Be sure to stop in to see Flower Shop Network at booth #47!

Flower Shop Network Announces Florists Convention Winners

Flower Shop Network recently enjoyed a trip to the 2008 Arkansas Florists Association Convention in Hot Springs, Arkansas. Florists attending displayed their designs, network with other florists, and learn more about the latest tips and trends in the floral industry. While visiting the Flower Shop Network booth, visitors were given the opportunity to win either a free premium listing in Flower Shop Network’s online directory of florists or a complimentary website package to accommodate a directory listing. A drawing was held Monday, August 18 to determine the winners.

Flower Shop Network would like to congratulate DeAnna Allgood at The Morning Glory Flowers & Gifts in Lake Village, Arkansas on winning the complimentary premium listing. The premium listing includes a one-year membership to Flower Shop Network. Located in Lake Village, AR, this florist also delivers to Eudora, Arkansas as well as Dermott, Arkansas.

Congratulations to Carrie Skolarski at Buzy Bee in Ozark, Arkansas for winning the complimentary website package. Each e-commerce enabled website allows the holder to receive orders via the Internet. Customers also gain 24-hour access to information about the flower shop such as contact information, delivery location information, flower arrangement design styles and more. The Ozark, Arkansas florists at Buzy Bee also delivers flowers to these cities: Coal Hill, Arkansas; Cecil, Arkansas; Charleston, Arkansas; and Altus, Arkansas.

Each convention is a fun time for florists as well as Flower Shop Network representatives. Annual florists and flower shows are great times to renew friendships as well as make new friends in the floral industry. Joe Hays, one of the network coordinators representing Flower Shop Network, returned the day after the show with a particularly amazing story of goodness and generosity from one of Flower Shop Network’s kind friends in Walnut Ridge, Arkansas.


Rhonda Sade (left), Joe Hays (center), Karen Williams (right).
Read how Karen Williams florist’s disaster turned into a benefit for the community.

It is easy to make quality friends such as Karen Williams of Flower Basket in Walnut Ridge, AR who met Ms. Rhonda Sade at the conference and immediately became friends. Ms. Sade is a floral designer for Northwest Arkansas Florist in Fayetteville, Arkansas. She, along with many others at the convention, was taken by the outgoing nature and shared interest in flowers of Ms. Williams. These kinds of connections are common occurrences at the annual florists conventions which is why Flower Shop Network proudly attends these conferences each year.

Flower Shop Network also visited the Texas State Florists Association Convention in July. Congratulations to Nora Anne’s Flower Shop in Sugar Land, Texas who won a complimentary one-year listing in the Flower Shop Network online directory of Sugar Land, Texas florists. Nora Anne’s Flower Shop also delivers flowers to: Southwest Houston, Texas; Missouri City, Texas; Richmond, Texas; Rosenberg, Texas; Stafford, Texas; and Meadows Place, Texas.

Join Us In Hot Springs At The 2008 AFA Convention!

Alright. Who wouldn’t want to hang out with other florists in Hot Springs, Arkansas? I know that I would! Fortunately for people like me, the Arkansas Florists Association is hosting their 2008 convention and trade market in Hot Springs from August 14-17. Sweet!

Flower Shop Network’s network coordinators will be at the show this year ready and raring to talk to our friends in the floral industry. Stop by booth 309 and look for our smiling faces as we enjoy the good times and fabulous scenery in Hot Springs, one of the premier relaxation destinations in Arkansas. We hope to brighten your day the way your visit will brighten ours.

Once the shows are over check out the many amenities in the city. Widely renowned spas, fantastic eateries, and other floral industry experts within a stone’s throw are some of the great reasons to join us at this year’s Arkansas Florists Association Convention and Trade Market. What a mouthful! Go a little crazy at the convention and enjoy yourself learning more about the latest trends and products in the industry then pamper yourself and relax at one of the many relaxing places to visit in Hot Springs. You can’t go wrong with this show—so see you there!

Sunny Phoenix Hosts The 2008 ASFA Expo

Who doesn’t want to have a reason to visit sunny, entertaining Phoenix, Arizona? Florists are gathering this year at the Black Canyon Conference Center for the Arizona State Florists Association 2008 Expo to be held July 27, 2008. Arizona florists have the perfect opportunity to network while welcoming other florists to their wonderful state! ASFA members have worked to ensure a fantastic schedule for this year’s one day expo. From beginning to closing there is something entertaining and educational happening. Thankfully for traveling florists, the Conference Center is located in front of a Marriott Courtyard for florists to catch their breath after an exciting and busy day. There is no shortage of good reasons to visit the 2008 ASFA EXPO so get to it!

Join Louisiana Florists For “A Wedding Extravaganza” Convention

Florists from across the nation will enjoy the Louisiana State Florists Association Convention and Trade Show and Louisiana State Florists Association 2008 Convention and Trade Show. Join Lafayette, Louisiana florists at the River Oaks Convention Center on July 26 and 27, 2008 for what is destined to be “A Wedding Extravaganza.” The annual LSFA Convention, Design Show, and Trade Fair is always the premier floral industry event in Louisiana. Florists young and older come together to learn, meet new people, network, and grow their businesses. If having a great time while getting your name known in the floral industry sounds like fun, this convention is for you!

Take advantage of booth space this year by setting up a booth of your own. Interested parties may contact the River Oaks Convention Center for more information about amenities or visit the LSFA Convention website for exhibitor information. Why not go for it? This is a fantastic opportunity to really intrigue fellow florists, floral designers, and trades people who have gathered together for the same reasons. Stand out in the crowd. Make a bold statement. Whatever you call it, take advantage of the incredible opportunity to really draw attention to your business. Mark your calendars now to join fellow florists at the 2008 LSFA Convention.