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Join Raleigh Florists At The 2008 NCSFA Convention

Ever want to spend some quality time at the North Raleigh Hilton but feel guilty about missing work? Don’t! Join Raleigh, North Carolina florists this year for the 2008 North Carolina State Florists Association Convention. Blend the best of both worlds at this year’s NCSFA Convention.

Sometimes work just feels like work. Vacations either seem too short or you feel bad for taking time away from your flower shop. Not this year! The 2008 NCSFA Convention will be held this year from July 25-27, 2008 at the North Raleigh Hilton in beautiful Raleigh, North Carolina. It’s like a vacation, only here you’re able to blend what you love doing with a relaxing, enjoyable break from a bustling schedule.

North Carolina florists aren’t the only industry professionals taking advantage of the scenery at this year’s convention. Network with other florists and floral designers as you relax by the pool. Have dinner with a few new florist friends that you met in one of the many interesting and educational sessions. Learn from the creative professionals at the conference while having just enough time to enjoy the sights of Raleigh with your family. However you choose to plan it, you’ll have a great time at the 2008 NCSFA Convention!

Flower Shop Network Attends Texas Florists Convention

Representatives from Flower Shop Network attended the Texas State Florists Association Convention in League City Texas on July 11-13th.

Flower Shop Network Coordinators Amy Hall, Joe Hayes, Rebecca Speer

Above: Network coordinators Amy Hall, Joe Hays and Rebecca Speer take a moment to pose for a picture in front of the Flower Shop Network booth. Over the course of the three day florists convention, they met with several interesting Texas florists including, Mary McCarthy at the Blooming Idea in The Woodlands, Texas.

Florists conventions are a fantastic place to meet associates face-to-face. In fact, Amy Hall was excited to finally meet Mary in person after years of communicating via the phone. According to Amy, Mary has a wonderful approach to designing flower bouquets. She creates many beautiful arrangements, but her specialty is a unique, European-style, hand-tied flowers-in-foil bouquet. In fact, creating a European flower market feel is the basic philosophy of the Blooming Idea and is the essence of their wedding flowers. Mary and Amy are pictured below.

Mary (Blooming Idea) & Amy (FSN)

Blooming Idea is one of many great florists serving The Woodlands, Texas. But, other areas of Texas also have wonderful florists like Connie from Plant It Earth in Webster, Texas. Connie is pictured below with Joe Hays and Rebecca Speer.

Connie of Plant It Earth with Joe Hays & Rebecca Speer

Laughter and good times radiated from the booth as Joe, Amy and Rebecca visited with several of our members and introduced new friends to the benefits of being a Flower Shop Network member. Joe (who loves to participate in florist conventions) is seen below explaining to a couple of new friends what Flower Shop Network does to help florists achieve success.

Joe Hays at the Texas Florists Convention

The convention wasn’t just about fun. Floral design, business and technology seminars got down to serious business for many of the Texas florists. Wedding flowers and sympathy flowers innovations were the focus of the floral design series. From the talk on the trade show floor these programs were very well received.

So, as my grandmother would say, “A good time was had by all.” If you missed this year’s convention mark your calendar to attend next year’s convention.

Of course a florists convention wouldn’t be complete without flowers. Amy snapped a few shots of the unique flower arrangements found at the convention.

Unique Flower Arrangment With Ginger

Flower Arrangment From Texas Florists Convention

Flower Arrangement with a Tropical Flare

Hot Pink Flower Arrangement

Colage of Flower Arrangements

Relax in Tulsa, OK at the 2008 OSFA Convention

Get ready for a rocking good time at the Oklahoma State Florists Association Convention to be held July 18-21, 2008. Enjoy a grand stay at the Renaissance Hotel where you will meet fellow florists and industry professionals, enjoy learning new tips and tricks, and take a fun-filled vacation from the office while mastering the floral industry. Join Tulsa, Oklahoma florists at the 2008 OSFA Convention for a great time of networking, education and entertainment! Contact the Oklahoma State Florists Association for more information about this year’s convention in Tulsa, Oklahoma.

2008 Ohio Florists Association Convention

The Ohio Florists Association will host their annual OFA Short Course floriculture convention from July 12-15, 2008. Slated as the “PREMIER educational and trade show experience serving the floriculture industry,” the OFA convention will be a valuable experience for member and non-member florists. Columbus, Ohio is once again the host city for the event which will take place at the Greater Columbus Convention Center. Florists in Columbus, Ohio and guests to Columbus attending the OFA convention can expect to learn, grow, and connect with other florists and industry experts. Make plans now to attend this exciting and education experience today!

Texas State Florists Association Convention July 11-13, 2008

Join Flower Shop Network‘s network coordinators at the Texas State Florists Association Convention hosted this year at the South Shore Resort and Convention Center in League City, Texas. Florists have a great opportunity to meet and network during this convention. Taking place July 11-13, 2008, the TSFA Convention is sure to be a great time full of education, networking and information. Get to know your Flower Shop Network representatives and other area florists, designers and industry professionals while learning about fresh floral design, enjoying a seminar for improving your business, or getting hands-on experience in a design workshop.

See you there!

Atlanta International Gift and Home Furnishings Market 2008

Florists, designers and gift shop managers should get excited as the Atlanta International Gift and Home Furnishings Market is set to take place once again from July 8-16, 2008. Make plans to attend as the permanent and temporary exhibits provide excellent ideas for fashioning new floral designs, providing creative home décor in your store or home, and allow a convenient time to network with other Atlanta florists and local designers.

More information can be found at the Atlanta International Gift and Home Furnishings Market website.

AIFD Symposium July 3-7, 2008

The American Institute of Floral Design will be hosting the AIFD Symposium July 3-7, 2008 at the Chicago Hilton and Towers in Chicago, Illinois. Florists and floral designers can enjoy a few fun-filled days of networking, learning, designing and dreaming at this year’s AIFD Symposium. The theme of “Collaboration…Floral Education” leaves the imagination reeling as plans are underway for this year’s event which will feature educational seminars, networking opportunities and much more. Make plans to attend what is sure to be a fabulous time of learning and teamwork.

Learn more about the 2008 AIFD Symposium.

Friday The 13th Is Good Day For Florida Florists

People often associated Friday the 13th with a bad day. As I see it, this year it is going to be a good day for Florida Florists (many are Flower Shop Network members). Why? Because the Florida State Florists’ Association Convention starts tomorrow, June 13th. From the look of the Schedule of Events it promises to be a great convention. This convention is filled with design workshops, competitions and includes a program involving wedding design. Many of the Flower Shop Network florists have flower shops that specialize in wedding flowers. Since wedding flowers are a large part of the floral industry, this special program will give florists an insight as to the wedding trends for 2008 and 2009 and how to refresh the traditional flower concepts for the modern bride. Along with all the great workshops and competitions, there will be many opportunities to network with florists from around the state as well as some from surrounding states.

If you are attending don’t for get you money. The silent auction promises to be a good one. If you are not registered but would like to attend, I am sure they will sign you up at the door. Most convention have a registration booth on site at the beginning of the convention for those last minute attendees.

Interested in other floral related conventions, symposiums or shows? I have complied a list of Conventions, symposiums and shows for June through October 2008. As information becomes available I will add to the list. Flower Shop Network staff will be attending some of these and we look forward to seeing you there.

For those of you attending the Florida State Florists Convention.  Have a happy and fun Friday the 13th.

Flower Shop Network goes to the Northeast Floral Expo

Representatives from Flower Shop Network attended the Northeast Floral Expo in Hartford CT on March 1st and 2nd.
From upper left to right: Joe Hays, Loranne Atwill, Brock Atwill and Leslie Cox.

New England florists and vendors attended floral design, business and technology seminars and presentations. New business relationships were forged and products were purchased and sold. High School students competed in floral design and select florists displayed some amazing work. Congratulations to the officials of the Northeast Floral Expo for another successful show.

Renato Cruz Sogueco, Chief Information Officer with SAF visited our booth after his presentation on how to be a web savvy florist.


Renato’s seminar was attended by more than fifty florists interested in claiming their place on search engine results. It is apparent that owners are realizing the Internet is the new preferred way for customers to shop and order flowers. Renato relayed the story of a shop owner in Denver, located directly across the street from a large hi-tech company. The shop owner said that almost 30% of his revenue came from the employees of that building, although he had never had a single one of them come inside his shop. Renato expanded on the point by saying that Generation Y (kids these days) are more comfortable online, than on the phone.

Renato outlined some basic ways to improve your website’s appeal to the search engines, pointing out that content in the form of keyword rich text was really more important than “pretty pictures”or flash.

Blogging as well as exposure on social networking sites such as Myspace.com and Facebook.com and even YouTube.com are ways to gain more exposure for a flower shop’s website, according to Renato.

In the end, a shop wants to wrap up as many postions on the natural results as possible. Ways to accomplish this are through listing with online floral directories, such as FlowerShopNetwork.com. For more information on Renato and SAF visit www.safnow.org.

Joe Hays of Flower Shop Network meets member Jenny Thomas of Oak Hill Florist from Scarborough, ME.


Flower Shop Network members Dot and Paul Chenevert of The Green Oak Florist in Hyde Park, New York, talk to Leslie about their new FSN website.


Our neighbor at the show also happens to be the representative for our phone system here at work. We would highly recommend anyone looking to improve communications to contact Kelly Lumpkin of Alternate Access about their TeleVantage system.


A member of our sister site, FGmarket.com (wholesale directory for floral and gift products) , Carroll Hunt, is always good for a laugh and a positive attitude. Carroll offers a delivery product that we personally used back when we had a flower shop. We highly recommend it. Check out their website at SeminoleDeliverySystem.com.


Thank you to the officials of the 2008 Northeast Floral Expo for producing a very productive show. We look forward to seeing all of you again in 2009.

No Rest For The Weary – Florists Are Busy With Conventions

Although Valentine’s Day 2008 is over, the next two weeks is a busy time for many florists. Several florists’ conventions are taking place February 29th through March 9th.

The Northeast Floral Expo will be celebrating its 75th year, February 29th –March 2nd in Hartford Connecticut. Florists attending have the opportunity to attend workshops, programs and a trade fair. Some of the Flower Shop Network staff have their bags packed and are ready to go.

Florists from Georgia attending the Georgia State Florists Association Convention February 29th – March 2nd in Atlanta Georgia. Florists will have the opportunity to network with others from across the state.

Florists from Michigan can attend the Michigan Florists’ Association Spring Conference and Great lakes Floral Expo February 29th – March 3rd in Grand Rapids Michigan. Florists will have the opportunity to enjoy many activities all revolving around the “Visionary Concepts For A Bright Future” theme

Florists from Illinois can attend the Illinois State Florists Association Conference March 6th-9th in Springfield Illinois. Florists will have the opportunity to attend workshops, competitions and other useful programs.

Although many florists are exhausted from the Valentine’s Day holiday, they can’t pass up the excellent opportunity to network and learn the latest floral trends. So for all of you attending these great conferences, remember its not all work at the conventions – you get to play quite a bit, too.  For those of you attending the Northeast Floral Expo our network coordinators look forward to seeing you. In fact if you stop by the Flower Shop Network  trade show booth, we have a great totes bag to give you.