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Our Condolences For The Sad Passing Of A Wonderful Florist

Apple Blossom Florist, a flower shop in Winter Haven Florida, was recently struck with a personal loss. The founder of Apple Blossom, Pat Fisher, passed away this week. Flower Shop Network wishes to extend our deepest and most sincere condolences to Mrs. Fisher’s family, friends, and coworkers as we strive to honor the memory of this wonderful woman.

Sending Flowers Online, Is It A Good Idea?

Sending flowers is always a good idea. Flowers make great gifts. Flowers create positive feelings and make a great impression.  But, is it a good idea to send flowers using a company online?  Until I read Stop! Smell the online flower fraud on the Agassiz-Harrison Observer by

When I send flowers online, I use Flower Shop Network.  Since I work for the company, I know that every florist in our directory is a professional florist located in the city to which I am sending or at least one in very close proximity.  But, how does the average Joe know if they are dealing with a reputable company online?

As Michelle explains in her article, from a cost value perspective, dealing with the local florist in the recipient’s area will give you the best deal.  She details the pitfalls of using an order gatherer or websites that claim to be the local florist in her article.

Michelle also outlines a few ways you can ensure the online florist is the real deal.   Look for the following things: the name of the flower shop, the physical address of the shop, the local telephone number.

I would like to add a few extra tips that I use when go to a new vendor website.  These tips are a good idea for any website search you do.

1. Look at the “about us” page.  You will usually find local information or personal information about the company on this page.  I find this very helpful.

2. Make sure the contact page includes a local address and telephone number.  Reputable shops will always have a way for you to contact them locally.  This information should be consistent with the local information found else where on the site.

3.  Check for written or mapped directions to their physical store.  Sometimes I call to make sure the person on the phone gives me the same directions.

These are just a few tips I use when searching the world wide web.

I guess I have to say sending flowers online is a good idea.  Just make sure you know who is behind that website.

Flower Shop Network Employees Camp Out During Ice Storm

Paragould Arkansas is one of the many towns across the nation suffering from massive power outages caused by the Tuesday ice storm and the location of Flower Shop Network’s corporate offices. Almost everyone in this town of 28,000 is without power.  Even during this regional catastrophe, the Flower Shop Network staff has been able to work without much difficulty thanks to a natural gas generator.

I am thankful that Brock and Loranne Atwill, Flower Shop Network owners had the forethought to install a natural gas generator for just such emergencies.  After a cold night at home, I was able Wednesday morning to come to work where there was heat, hot water, a shower, a microwave and a stove.  Not only did I find a warm office when I arrived at work, I found an open invitation.  I, like all other FSN employees, was encouraged to bring my family (including my dogs to work) where they could be warm as well.  That’s how it is here at Flower Shop Network.  We are more of a family than a place of business and when the chips are down we take care of each other.

Last night several of the employees and their families chose to spent the night here.  They brought sleeping bags and approached the situation as a camping adventure.  Along with sleeping bags, they brought food and games.  They turned a crisis into a fun party by cooking, sharing and making the best of it.  Between last night and this morning everyone had a chance to use the shower.

We are weathering this storm the best we can. For those of you in the same boat, we wish you the best.  It’s funny  – as we learn that a co-worker’s neighborhood power is up, we react as if they have won the lottery. Hopefully we will all be winners soon. Although it looks like it maybe well into February before some of us have power.

Satisfying Today’s Echo Boomer Brides

Many florists work closely with brides to create quality bridal bouquets and other wedding flowers. Delivering the highest quality of customer satisfaction starts by knowing exactly what the bride wants and how to give it to her. The modern bride assumes many roles and is often referred to as an “echo boomer bride” or “millennial bride,” both nods to their Generation Y status. There are many helpful things to remember about these modern brides that will make creating the perfect wedding flowers much easier for your consumers.

What’s In A Name?

“Echo boomer” refers to the baby boomer generation who are the parents of the echo boomer brides. “Millennial brides” is often used to refer to brides who married after the beginning of the new millennium, but this is still typically the Generation Y crowd. Modern brides have very distinctive tastes and desires but favor advice from [Read more…]

Eco-Friendly Practices: Saving Green While Going Green

With more and more consumers “going green” and encouraging environmentally friendly practices, flower shops are using tips like these to ensure the highest quality designs and products.

There are many benefits associated with more eco-conscious work habits. First, you gain the trust and patronage of conscientious consumers. Secondly, you reduce your energy dependence and energy bill by proxy. Another great benefit is that you encourage other people to adopt these habits. Every little bit helps.

On a side note, I know of an elementary school in my area that has used the money received from recycling alone to buy new playground equipment. With a student body of a few hundred K-2 students, the school has purchased more than a dozen new pieces of equipment thanks to the hard work of the students. Help keep our planet green for younger generations to enjoy beautiful flowers thanks to eco-friendly practices such as these:

  • Recycle paper, cardboard, plastic containers. Shredded newspaper comes in very handy as packing material. Cardboard boxes from a new shipment of vases can be used around the workstation to absorb water and protect that table from cuts. Empty milk jugs can be used to water plants or hold pre-mixed preservative. Print on both sides of the paper or cut used papers into squares for scrap paper.
  • Phase out / eliminate use of aerosol sprays.
  • Encourage and reuse returned containers. For example, offer a free arrangement with the return of 5 vases.
  • Buy local products when possible for a smaller carbon footprint. Buying products from local nurseries, growers, and suppliers helps keep travel costs down which reduces carbon monoxide emissions.
  • Turn off non-essential electrical appliances at day’s end. With the exception of security systems, floral refrigerators and other essential equipment, reduce your electricity bill and conserve energy by simply shutting off the lights and switching off your computer at the end of the day.
  • Favor the use of cloth towels over paper towels. Cloth towels will need regular cleaning but these costs are minimal when compared to continually supplying paper towels. Another option is to opt for durable shop towels over paper towels. These cloths tend to be made of stronger cloth fibers. Though as disposable as paper towels, shop towels tend to last longer under the stress of big jobs.
  • Fill delivery vehicles with gas during cooler times of the day. The popular belief is that gas vapors do not evaporate as quickly during the cooler morning and evening times. Therefore, you get more bang for your buck because you are gaining an extra fraction of a tank.
  • Recycle vase water by using on outdoor plants. Instead of taking a hose to outdoor plants, conserve water by using your vase water on outdoor plants. Instead of dumping the water from an arrangement that is a few days old, use it instead on outdoor plants.****This is only for clear vase water. If it has floral preservative in it you can not use it.*****
  • Replace standard light bulbs with energy efficient light bulbs. Looking much like a glass curly fry, these light bulbs come in a variety of watts but reduce wasted energy. Plus, they usually last as long if not longer.
  • Use plant-based cleaners to clean spills and workstations. Harmful chemicals can hurt the environment and your plants. Avoid using these chemicals and opt instead for plant based cleaners.

There are many ways to protect the environment. Energy efficiency is at the top of the headlines almost daily. Efforts to save the environment are gaining popularity and spreading like wildfire. Tips like these are a great place to start because they help everyone go green while saving some green.

Flower Shop Network Welcomes New Creative Director

Joshua L. Hudson, Creative Director

Joshua L. Hudson FSN Creative Director

Joshua L. Hudson of Paragould, Arkansas was recently appointed to the position of Creative Director with Flower Shop Network. As a personal friend of mine and most other Flower Shop Network employees, I thought a blog today would be as good a way as any to let everyone know how proud we are of Josh for his exceptional talent.

Josh began with Flower Shop Network in 2005 and has since shown himself to be a creative genius. Not wanting to give him a big head with the professional title of “Creative Genius,” Josh earned the promotion to “Creative Director” instead but it amounts to the same thing.

Did you know that Josh’s creative talents have been splashed across Times Square in New York City.  A graphic art ad submitted by Flower Shop Network to Dell Small Business Division during their small business competition was one of the winners.  The ad ran on one of the large Times Square monitors for several days during the summer of 2007.  The concept for the ad was spearheaded and designed by Josh. Wow! Want to know what the winning design looked like? See Flower Shop Network’s Times Square advertisement.

Josh has also had artwork featured at the 2006 AIGA Graphic Design Exhibitions at Arkansas State University and Missisippi State University. Not stopping there (and this is the short list, mind you), Josh has also had artwork featured at the 2006 Art Student Union Exhibition at Arkansas State University. I was also a student at this time and had no idea of the talent behind the art I was privileged to see daily. I am still amazed by some of his accomplishments and am completely sure that his talent and personality will take him very far in life.

Josh’s largest and most recent project to date is the new Floral Selection Guide from Flower Shop Network. The new selection guide allows consumers to quickly see a wide range of arrangements. Once the selection is made, the florist can view the product recipe or call another sending shop with the information. Josh designed every aspect of the selection guide from the font styles to the color schemes. The Floral Selection Guide is easily one of Josh’s finest works and as such as earned him this recent promotion.

Though you’re already familiar with Josh’s work with Flower Shop Network, Wedding and Party Network, and FGmarket, you may also view Josh’s work at www.JoshuaLHudson.com. Way to go, Josh!

Congratulations Kiwi Fleur–Voted Savannah’s Best Florist 2008

I was sitting with Jamie this morning when Amy Hall, a Flower Shop Network representative and good friend, brought us some interesting news about one of her florists in Savannah, Georgia who had received a pretty major award. So, all of us at Flower Shop Network would like to congratulate Vicki Sepielli of Kiwi Fleur for a job so well done that her shop was voted Best Florist 2008 by readers of Savannah Magazine! Way to go, Vicki!

What’s really interesting about Vicki is that she’s [Read more…]

Alamo Florist Dedicated To Community Involvement

Unless you are a hermit living deep within a forest you are a part of a community. It may be a small community or it may be a large community. It might be a flower loving community or a dog loving community. You might be the center of the community or you might be on the fringe of the community. But you are a part of a community. Many of us take our community for granted and don’t think about or make an effort to contribute to our community; not with our time, money or heart. So when I found out what Connie at The Alamo Flower Co was doing, it put a smile on my face and a little guilt in my heart. Sometimes I am stingy with my time, money and my heart.

The Alamo Flower Co. is located in a California city called Alamo just northeast of San Francisco. The town has a strong sense of community and one of the big community events is the Tree Lighting Ceremony that occurs every year in Andrew H. Young Park and adjoining Oak Tree Plaza. This year the festivities will take place on Dec 7th. So what does this have to do with Connie and Alamo Florist? Well every community event takes money and effort. Instead of being on the fringe of her community Connie and her flower shop have jumped in with both feet. Giving her time, money and most definitely her heart. During The Alamo Flower Co’s Holiday Open House, Connie will donate 10% of the proceeds from her pre-holiday orders to the Tree Lighting Fund. What a wonderful way to be involved with her community.

It is amazing what an Alamo florist like Connie and The Alamo Flower Shop can do with the gift of flowers. When the switch is flipped and the lights begin to glow more that just a holiday light display will radiate. The beauty of Connie’s flower gift and the commitment that The Alamo Flower Co. promotes will sparkle through out the town.

Did You See Lifetime Television This Morning

We all know that sending flowers is a great way to create memories with the gifts we give to our family and friends. In fact last April, I even wrote a newsletter about it for Flower Shop Network called Flower Memories; detailing the wonderful memories I had from the flowers I had received as gifts throughout the years.  Well this morning Lifetime Television explored the issue of sending flowers using a real local florist.

Growing up we had a very close relationship with our local florist and it was easy to send flowers to my family and friends because most of them lived in the same town as I did.  Of course, today my family and friends are scattered across the country and I often turn to the internet to send them things including flowers.  In fact even before I came to FSN as the Plant Expert, I used the Flower Shop Network directory to find a local florist where ever my friends and family lived.  I did this because I knew that Flower Shop Network verified the loaction of the florists in its directory. As a result I have been able to talk to the florist in that town and every flower gift I have sent was a pleasent experience.  However not everyone is aware of the benefits of using a local florist.  So The Balancing Act segment that aired on Lifetime Television this morning should be very helpful to consumers across the nation.  Danielle Knox (The Balancing Act host) asked questions that most people ordering flowers using the interent needed answers to and Brock Atwill (FSN President) gave very helpful tips.

If you didn’t see the segment, I highly recommend watching it.  I actual got a few tips from it my self and the shot of the flower arrangement from Petal Designs made me want to send flowers to someone in Boca Raton Florida.  I loved the color and texture combination that Dan Harvill used in the arrangement.  That alone makes watching the segment worth it.

You can view the segment here:

Flower Shop Network Celebrates National Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Flower Shop Network would like to join the nation in recognizing October as the official Breast Cancer Awareness month. Many here at Flower Shop Network have been affected very deeply by breast cancer. Having known both the pain of loss and the joy of survival, we are very aware of the sympathies that mean the most during the troubled times of dealing with the disease.

Often it is the simplest expressions of support that mean the most to those battling cancer. Sending flowers is just one way to let your special lady know that you are thinking of her, want to support her, are praying for her, appreciate and love her. The same is true for all women that during our down times nothing can be closer to our hearts than the warm sentiments and kind words of those that mean the most to us. When you cannot join her to hold her hand, send flowers as the pretty package that holds your sweetest sentiments.

Many florists honor Breast Cancer Awareness month by creating special arrangements. While pink ribbons are typically associated with breast cancer awareness, pink flowers also send the same message of support. Schaefer Greenhouses Inc. is one of the talented florists in Montgomery, Illinois aware of the affects of breast cancer. Schaefer Greenhouses Inc. honors Breast Cancer Awareness month each October with a selection of flower arrangements that honor the memory of those lost to breast cancer and show support to those still battling the illness.

Many florists also allot a percentage of the proceeds from Breast Cancer Awareness arrangements to a foundation dedicated to breast cancer research. The Susan G. Komen Foundation is a well-known foundation dedicated to the research, cure, early detection, and prevention of breast cancer. The Race For The Cure campaign is a vital effort in breast cancer research. Visit the Susan G. Komen Foundation website for more information about breast cancer and how you can help support victims of the disease.