Sure it’s all hearts, roses and romance for everyone else, but for a florist, Valentine’s Day is a lot of hard work! That’s why Flower Shop Network is bringing you soothing, de-stress and relaxation tips! These are great tips for everyone, but especially our florist friends who have been run ragged over the last few days.
Relaxation, stress relief and mood enhancers
Here are some ideas to help you relax and reduce stress. Remember you know yourself best, so do whatever suits you and makes you happy.
- Take some time for yourself to just be alone. Practice deep breathing. This is particularly helpful when under a lot of stress. Breathe slowly in through your nose, filling your lungs as you do so, then release the air slowly out through your mouth.
- Attend a yoga class, or simply look up some basic stretches on YouTube. A good stretch will re-energize and de-stress.
- Laugh! Nothing beats the power of laughter. If you’ve been stressed to your limit the last few days, take some time to watch funny videos, a comedy movie, play with grand kids or something else that is sure to make you giggle!
- Listen to a relaxation CD while laying down, preferably in a hot bath.
- Get a massage. No one deserves it more than you!
- Take a bath. Use your favorite scented oils (no one will blame you if you choose a scent other than floral! haha) and for maximum relaxation light some candles.
- Read a book. This is such an easy way to escape the world for a while.
- Indulge in your favorite hobby. You could always try something new that you know you will enjoy.
- Eat a healthy diet. You will feel happy and healthy! There is no greater feeling!
- Go to bed early and sleep well. There is no better way to start the day than with a good night sleep.
- Wine… florists love wine. When we asked on our Facebook how florists unwind after V-Day, practically everyone’s response was lots and lots of wine!
- Praise yourself. You deserve it!! For everything you accomplished and will accomplish, you deserve a little congrats! Buy yourself something nice. :)
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