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What Is This Plant With Strange Claw-like Seed Pod

Ask the Expert: what is this plant?

I have a plant that came up beside my deck and I have asked several people and no one has been able to help me. I’ve attached several photos of the plant. I’d greatly appreciate any help you can give me. Thanks so much. T

Flower Shop Network Plant Expert Reply:

What you have is Proboscidea louisianica. It is commonly called unicorn plant, common devil’s claw, ram’s horn. It is often found in the open plains of tropical North, Central and South America.

The Devil’s Claw produces funnel-shaped, creamy white-purplish flowers with reddish purple and marked yellow within the throats. After the plant blooms crested, boat-shaped fruit (seed pods) will follow. The fruit can be dried and used in winter arrangements.

This plant can be found in the following states: AL, AR, CA, CO, CT, DC, DE, FL, GA, IA, ID, IL, IN, KS, KY, LA, MA, MD, ME, MI, MN, MO, MS, NC, NE, NH, NJ, NM, NV, NY, OH, OK, OR, PA, RI, SC, SD, TN, TX, VA, VT, WA, WV, WY). It can be found in the following provinces of Canada: ON, SK

As with many plants – one man’s precious flower is another man’s noxious weed. In Indiana this plant is listed as a threatened and endangered plant. However, Washington would love to eradicate this noxious weed.

It isn’t a plant you would want to grow if you have small children or pets. The plant has a unpleasant smell and a resinous slime that you can’t easily wash off.  The seed pods as they dry become a problem. They will snag on to one’s skin or clothing and hang on.  Gnats, small flies and beetles are attracted to the plant, but much to their detriment.

Interesting Bloom Is A Poppy

Ask the Expert: What is this?
We moved into an already landscaped home a couple of years ago. I have always thought this was a thistle and pulled it, not thinking twice about it.  This year it escaped me and this is what we have? It looks like a thistle but it is not prickly, the stems are “hairy” but soft. After it started blooming it shed it’s “pods”. The leaves look almost like crepe paper. They are truly beautiful if it is a thistle!  Do you have any ideas? Suzie

Flower Shop Network Plant Expert Reply:

The plant you have is a type of a poppy.  I believe it is an Oriental Poppy ( Papaver orientale “Allegro”), but just from a picture it is hard to tell which poppy it is. The Oriental Poppies are clump-forming perennials that spread and bloom late spring to mid-summer.  It is very similar to the corn poppy or field poppy ( Papaver rhoeas) which happens to be the Memorial Day Flower.

Although similar in looks it is not a California Poppy (Eschscholzia californica) which is the state flower of California.

This flower identification question was brought to you by the local Sacramento Florists

What Flowers Should I Use In A 1905 Crystal Glass Vase?

Crystal Flower Vase cr. 1905

Crystal Flower Vase cr. 1905

Ask the Expert: How to use a flower center


I recently acquired this beautiful cut glass flower center ca. 1905 and would like to know what type of flowers from that era would have been used.  The vase measures 5″ in height and has a base diameter of 8″.  Thanks for your help. Michael

Flower Expert Reply:

What a beautiful vase. Take your lead from the Victorian Era.  During the Victorian Era (Romantic Age), the growing and arranging of flowers was very popular. Popular flowers at the time were streaked carnations or tulips, anemones, dahlias, freesias, gardenias, salvia, stephanotis, sweet pea, sweet William, verbena and roses. The use of foliage was popular as well. So, you could use fern or plumed grasses in your vase.  Strong colors like dark purple, magenta, red, orange and mustard yellow were often the popular choice for flower arrangements.

Any flower you choose will compliment your beautiful vase.  Please send a picture of the vase filled with flowers. I’d love to see it.

Pittsburgh florists like this flower question.

What Is This South Dakota Plant?

Prickly Poppy Argemone polyanthermos

Prickly Poppy Argemone polyanthermos

Ask the Expert: Help identifying this plant?
Hi! I’m working on a project for a college class and would like to use this picture that I took on vacation in Custer St Park, SD last July, but I can’t figure out what kind of flower it is. Thanks, and I really appreciate your help!

Plant Expert Reply:
What you have is a Prickly Poppy (Argemone polyanthemos). This plant can get 2 to 4 feet in height and 1 to 2 feet wide. It blooms June to August throughout the western part of the United States with white flowers and yellow center stamens. Normally found in full sun, it prefers dry to medium moisture and require virtually no maintenance.

For more information check out The Missouri Botanical Ga.rdens page:

What Is This Yellow Wildflower From Kentucky?

Type Of Helianthus

Type Of Helianthus

Ask the Expert: Yellow Wildflower – grows in Kentucky
This flower (I’m sorry the pick is somewhat past bloom) grows all along the farm – my friend believes it to be wild cosmos… and I didn’t think there was a cosmos genus around here – could you help us out?

Thank you! Anne

Plant Expert Reply:

I believe it is a type of Helianthus.  Kentucky has many wild species of Helianthus.  My best guess would be one of the following: Helianthus hirsutus (Hairy Sunflower), Helianthus strumosus (Pale-leaved Woodland Sunflower) or Helianthus tuberosus (Jerusalem artichoke).  Of course it is a little hard to tell without an open bloom.

What Is This Flower – Red Spider Lily

Ask the Expert: Ask the Expert: What kind of flower is in this photo?

Red Spider Lily - Lycoris radiata

Red Spider Lily - Lycoris radiata

A friend had this photo sent to her and we really like these flowers but dont know what they are called – S bailey

Plant Expert Reply:

The beautiful flower is called red spider lily.  The common name spider lily is attributed to at least 2 genus Crinum and Lycoris.  Red spdier lily is mostly associated with Lycoris radiata a bulbous perennial with red flowers.  Lycoris radiata (red spider lily) late summer  into early autumn.  It is sometimes known as the hurrican lily because it can be found in many southeast gardens during hurricane season.

Pink Blooming Succulent Is A Kalanchoe

Ask the Expert: What kind of plant is this?

Pink Kalanchoe

Pink Kalanchoe

The leaves appear to be a succulent, because they are thick and spongy. The flowers are like heather…     Heather

Plant Expert Reply:

You have a succulent called Kalanchoe blossfeldiana.  This happens to have pink flowers but they also come in yellow, white, red and orange.  Give it bright filtered light and keep moist to the dry side.  Watch for pests like aphids and mealybugs.  If kept too wet, kalanchoes can develop powdery mildew, leaf spot, as well as , crown and root rot.

What Is This Delicate Vine With Small Pinkish-Purple Bloom?

Ask the Expert: Can you identify this blooming vine?

Beggers Lice

Beggers Lice

I saw this vine a few days ago in wooded area next to gravel road.



Vine seems to be at least 4 feet tall, blooms are sparse, blooms late July-early August. Leaves are 3 in cluster. Thanks. Debbie

Plant Expert Reply:

It looks similar to a sweet pea but I don’t think it is. I am investigating
a few possiblities. Is this plant crawling on the ground or more up right.
What state did you find it in – this will help me narrow down the choices.

What Are These White Flowers With Berries?

Ask the Expert: Can you identify this plant?

White Flowers & Berries

Hi – this plant has tiny white flowers with 5 petals and small green berry clusters (I don’t know if the berries will change color eventually).  Can you identify it?

Los Angeles

Plant Expert Reply:

It is a little difficult to tell from the picture, but I think it is Carolina Horsenettle (Solanum carolinense).  It is not actually a true nettle.  The berries should turn a yellowish color. Carolina Horsenettle has spines on the stems and is considered a noxious weed in most states.  It also has toxic properties. Be careful when your handle it.  Take a look at the Carolina Horsenettle on the MissouriPlants.com site for a positive identification.

White Night Bloomer Is Hymenocallis harrisiana

White Flower Hymenocallis harrisiana

White Flower Hymenocallis harrisiana

Ask the Expert: identify night bloomer
the flower blooms randomly every few years & starts blooming @ dusk & completes a bloom cycle in ~5 minutes.  i’d appreciate you identifying it & providing any online info that is available about it.  thanks – ed johnston

Plant Expert Reply:

You have a type of Hymenocallis probably a Peruvian daffodil (Hymenocallis harrisiana) or a Spider lily (Hymenocallis acutifolia).  The plants all in the Amaryllidacaea family.  They are bulbous perennials.

Different species of this plant have different blooming cycles. The first hymenocallis will bloom in spring followed by summer blooming ones and finally autumn blooming ones. You can find them in a native habitat in  United States from Indiana, Kentucky, Virginia, south to the Carolinas, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Louisiana, Texas. They are also found in Mexico, Central America and South America.

You can find more information about hymenocallis at http://www.wildflower.org/plants/result.php?id_plant=HYLI.