Ask the Expert: Identify plant with prickly seed pods?
Thanks. Bob
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Everything you want to know about flowers!
Ask the Expert: Identify plant with prickly seed pods?
Thanks. Bob
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Ask the Expert: An annual flower
I grow a twining plant, an annual, the has a very thin stem, with soft feathery leaves shaped like individual pine needles, and very small magenta star shaped flowers. The seeds are small and individual with each flower, black and about the size of coursely ground pepper. I saw it at the Missouri Botanical garden, but it was mislabled as penta lanceolata. The plant grows up to 15 feet up the side of the greenhouse, and reseeds readily. Gail
Picture comes from the Missouri Plant website.
Ask the Expert: identification?
This plant is turning yellow and I want to find out what kind of plant it is so I can research what I’m doing wrong Deana
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Ask The Expert: What is this Flower?
This plant has light whitish blue flowers that look like a morning glory but after flowering get a prickly seed pod on it and plant is about 2 ft tall. Sure is weird looking. I live in Penna. Thanks Brenda
see attached photos.
Ask The Expert: I need help identifying a new plant I got from a friend. The leaves are similar to oak leaves only sharp not rounded. The steps grow out in long trailing branches, like an ivy, and the leaves are dark green on top and eggplant purple on the bottom, and are a bit fuzzy. Leaves are appx 3 inches long. One stem has tiny flower heads on the very end of it. The ‘petals” are very tiny and feathery and are marigold orange in color. The kind of have an unpleasant odor. there is a cluster of 7 of them just on the end of that one step.
Help! I don’t want to kill this beautiful plant
Photo Provided by Cal’ Plant of The Week ideveloped by the University of Oklahoma Department of Botany & Microbiology, specifically Cal Lemke (OU’s Greenhouse Grower).
Ask the Expert: Can you please tell me the name of this flower?
I bought this plant because I loved the delicate white flowers. It had no information at all on the container, no name of the plant, what type of sun exposure or soil it prefferred…nothing, just that it was an annual. My girlfriend bought the exact same plant because she liked it so well and the same thing…no information. We are stumped, we’ve asked everyone we know and no one has a clue. Please help us with any information you can. Thanks, Kim
Ask The Expert: While traveling through Oklahoma I saw these beautiful flowers along the road. I was told they were called Indian Painted Flowers. I understand they are your state flower. Is there anyway I can get these flowers for my garden.
Thank you, Susan Hopkins
Ask the Expert: What type of flowers are these?
Could you please tell me what type of flowers you think these are?
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