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Favorite Flower Arrangement of the Month: September

Flowers for September

Fall Treasures – September Flower Arrangement

I know it’s not fall yet, but almost is! Fall Treasures (pictured above) mixes the brightness and sunshine of summer with the warm palette of autumn, which is why it’s perfect for September!

Although this beautiful flower arrangement is perfect for any occasion, there are many great holidays in September you might consider sending it for:

Good Neighbor Day is September 7thSend flowers to your neighbor to brighten their week!

National Grandparent’s Day is September 11thGrandma & Grandpa would LOVE to have this array of cheery flowers!

The first day of autumn is September 23rdNothing says fall like the warm colors of autumn; this design is a festive way to celebrate the changing seasons!

So if you need to send flowers in September, remember the Fall Treasures flower arrangement for big smiles every time.

Favorite Flower Arrangement of the Month: August

Favorite Summer Flowers For August

Hooray For Summer!

This month’s favorite flower arrangement is called Hooray For Summer because it is one of our favorite seasons and we want to shout HOORAY!

I know summer is drawing to an end, but let’s continue to celebrate the spender of the season while it’s still around. Hooray For Summer bouquet is filled with lush greens and beautiful bold colors that instantly transport you to a tropical oasis state of mind. If you need a pick-me-up from this heat, Hooray for Summer is sure to do the trick! Daydream about tropical forests and cool pouring waterfalls as you lounge on a beach and listen to the birds of paradise. It doesn’t get much better than this!

Click the picture above and enter your zip to send this arrangement from a real local florist in your city! (Or order it for yourself!)

Hyacinth: A Favorite Springtime Flower

All About Hyacinths

Spring has sprung! The daffodils, tulips and other spring flowers are waking up from their slumber. Hyacinths are our favorite flower this month, mostly because of their wonderful fragrance that could only be described as truly springtime!


• Use: Flower

Type: Bulbous Perennials

Height: 6in – 14in

Meaning: Rebirth


Requirements: Well-drained, moderately fertile soil. Can be forced to grow early for winter indoor displays.


Blossom Size: 4″-8″ tall

Texture: Waxy

Fragrance: Strong

Silhouette: Dense spike of flowers

Vase Life: 4-7 Days

Colors: Blue, white, pale yellow, pink, red or purple

Flowering: Spring to Autumn

Flowers Available: Jan-Jul and Dec


The beautiful spring hyacinth is a definite signal that spring has finally sprung! They are a short plant, but covered in highly fragrant, tiny bells. Perfect for any garden close to a window for spring fragrance.

Hyacinths are native to southwestern Asia and the Middle East. They are myrmecochory, meaning their seeds are dispersed by ants. Ants find the hyacinth seeds and take them to their burrows where they germinate. (who knew?)

Hyacinth popularity rose to fame during the era of Tulipmania in the Netherlands, where they were majorly cultivated.

Hyacinth Field

What’s In A Name?

The hyacinth name comes from the Greek divine hero, Hyacinth, who was admired by the god Apollo. One day, as he and Apollo were throwing the discuss, Zephyr, the West Wind, blew the discuss and killed Hyacinth in a moment of jealousy. Apollo refused to let Hades claim Hyacinth and instead created flowers, the hyacinth, from his spilled blood.

Today, the Spartan celebration of Hyacinthia is observed every summer. This story also inspired the Mozart opera, Apollo and Hyacinth.


Rebirth Celebrations

Hyacinths have represented rebirth in many cultures. They are often associated with spring, but especially Easter. Flowers for Easter are often soft, pastel colors and the hyacinth offers just that, and a wonderful spring fragrance to accompany it.

We also see hyacinth used in personal religious ceremonies like christening and baptism. Once again, it is the perfect flower for these because of it’s flower meaning of rebirth.

Hyacinths and Nowruz

Hyacinths are used in the Haftseen table of the ancient Persian celebration Nowruz (نوروز), or the New Year, which has been celebrated for over 3,000 years. The holiday begins on the first day of Spring and is a celebration of new life. [Read more…]

FSN’s Favorite Flower For February: Anthurium

What better choice for our favorite flower of the month than the beautiful Anthurium? It’s heart-shaped flower heads make it perfect for Valentine’s Day. So what’s the best part about sending an Anthurium arrangement to your Valentine? It has a the longest vase life of any cut flower! Anthuriums can last up to a whopping 28 days! Anthuriums add an exotic look to arrangements and can be used with all types of flowers as well as with other tropicals.


• Use: Flower

Type: Herbaceous epiphytes

Height: 15in – 3ft

Name Meaning: Hospitality


Requirements: moist, but well-drained soil. Stake tall varieties.


Blossom Size: 1″-6″ across

Texture: Waxy

Fragrance: none

Silhouette: Heart

Vase Life: 15-28 Days

Colors: purple, yellow, red, orange, pink, white, green and even bi-color

Spathes come in white, yellow, orange, pink, dark purple, maroon, red, green and combination of colors; can change during growth.

Flowering: Spring to Autumn

Flowers Available: Year Round


The genus Anthurium includes over 800, if not thousands, of different species. Many of which are undoubtedly not yet discovered, and new ones are being found every year. These tropical beauties come to us from the wet, tropical mountains of Central and South America. In 1889, Anthurium andreanum was released in to Hawaii by Samuel Damon. It’s popularity grew and soon farmers learned how to propagate with seeds instead of cuttings. This gave rise to the hundreds of colors and styles you see today.

Anthuriums are called many different names — flamingo flower, painted tongue, boy flower, and a few others that may not be suitable in certain company, but the actual name, Anthurium, comes from the Greek, meaning tail flower. All of which undoubtedly derive from the unusual shape of this quirky plant.

The ‘flower’ of the Anthurium is actually a special kind of waxy leaf called a spathe, and the spiky-structure coming out is the spadix. The spadix is covered in the real Anthurium flowers, all teeny-tiny hundreds of them. It also doesn’t have to be straight, many Anthurium spandix are spiraled, curled, globe-shaped, and others.

Anthurium Parts

Anthuriums are a florist favorite because of their incredibly long vase life. Anthurium flowers can last up to 28 days! Imagine a bouquet of Anthurium for your sweetie this Valentine’s Day? Not only are the heart-shaped flowers incredibly romantic, but she can enjoy an entire month of beautiful color and thoughts of you!

*Note* Not all florists carry tropicals in their everyday coolers, but a lot do! Call your florist ahead of time and discuss your Anthurium arrangement. If you’re planning to send an Anthurium arrangement for Valentine’s Day, order now!

Heart-Shaped Anthurium Makes A Great Valentine's Day Flower Anthurium Makes Valentine's Day Rose Alternative Anthurium and Roses Valentine's Day Arrangement


The Standard Anthurium are the ones typically used as cut flowers from your florist, and is the most common variety. They are shaped like perfect Valentine’s Day hearts and generally come in solid colors, though multi-colored patterns are also available. The standard Anthurium flowers range from three to eight inches.

The Tulip Anthurium are similar to the standards except a tad smaller, and instead of a heart-shaped spathe, theirs curls up around the spadix. (Think peace lily, although they are not related.) Most Anthuriums plants are usually scentless, but some varieties of tulip Anthuriums are actually quite fragrant.

There is a third type, the Obake Anthurium, that are BIGGER than other types of Anthurium. “Obake” means ghost in Japanese and these kinds of blooms present an ethereal quality simply because they are so much bigger than other varieties. Another interesting fact about the obake anthurium is that virtually no two contain the exact same mixture of coloration.

We want to hear from you!

Do you grow Anthuriums in your garden? Or have you designed or received a beautiful arrangement filled with these gorgeous flowers? Post a pic in the comments below and we’ll add it to this post! We can’t wait to hear from you.

*Note that this is FSN’s favorite flower of the month. The actual flower of February is the violet.

Related Articles:

You Know What Peaks My Interest? UNIQUENESS
What Is A Good Plant For An Office?
Proper Care For An Anthurium Flamingo Flower
Anthurium Water & Fertilizer Requirements

This post is brought to you by local Kailua, HI florists.
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FSN Flower of the Month – Daisy


“He loves me, he loves me not … he loves me!”
For most of us, the daisy brings back a host of childhood memories filled with outdoor play and sunshine! Hours of fun making daisy chains and determining whether “He loves me,” or not. Recent popularity of the Gerber daisy has brought daisies into the spotlight once again. However, the classic white and yellow daisy and the Gerber daisy are actually two separate plants all together! In fact, the most commonly called “daisy” flowers are 3 separate genus’.


Scientific name: Asteraceae

Use: Flower

Type: Herbacious Perennials


Stem: 8-32″

Blossom Size: 2-5″

Texture: Satin

Colors: Variety

Bloom Season: Late spring, early summer

Flowers Available: Year Round


  • Contrary to popular belief, there is really no true ‘daisy’. Many people refer to almost any member of the Asteraceae family (formerly Composite family) with distinct ray and disk flower heads as ‘daisy’. A truer description of daisies is ‘daisy-like’.
  • We’ve all heard the phrase, “dead, buried, and pushing up daisies” but where did that come from? The phrase was first recorded in 1918 in a poem called A Terre, about World War I by Wilfred Own.
  • Saint Louis was said to have a ring with three engraved symbols on it: a daisy for his wife, a cross for his country, and a Fleur De Lis for his religion — all he held dear.
  • The name daisy is thought to have derived from the slang “day’s eye.”



The common daisy we all know and love is a Bellis perennis. This little beauty has been found in paintings, furnishing, and jewelry dating back to the ancient Egyptians. It has been inspiration for artists, poets, songwriters and other such artists:

The Daisy follows soft the Sun —
And when his golden walk is done —
Sits shyly at his feet —
He — waking — finds the flower there —
Wherefore — Marauder — art thou here?
Because, Sir, love is sweet!
-From Emily Dickinson’s The Daisy follows soft the Sun

This simple flower is used to symbolize innocence and purity, as well as new beginnings. The unique smell is the reason it was taken out of the Genus Chrysanthemum and moved to the Genus Leucanthemum.

Chrysanthemums are the second commonly used ‘daisy’. Often called daisy poms, these little guys tend to have a more greenish colored center. This is the type (other than Gerbs) most commonly used in floral arrangements.

The Gerbera, or Gerber Daisy is the fifth most used cut flower in the world. Their flower heads are huge, and their slender stem makes them gorgeous in arrangements. If you’re girlfriend says “Daisies are my favorite flowers,” she is probably referring to these beauties.


If you’ve never made a daisy chain, you’re missing out! My cousin and I used to make bracelets, necklaces, crowns — everything when we were little girls. You simply can’t play fairies without one!

How to make a daisy chain:
It’s super easy. Take care to pick daisies with about 2½-3″ stems. At the very end of the stem use your fingernail or some other flat, sturdy tool to cut a slit the daisy’s stem. Take another daisy and insert into the slit you just made. Cut a slit into that daisy and repeat. To finish, cut a large slit and stuff the flower head into it. These can be as long or short as you want. Be creative and attempt new styles … Can you make a double daisy chain?

Daisies have almost come to represent girlishness in general. I am in love with some of the daisy items I’ve found researching this post:

Image credits: Land of Nod Lighting | Daisy Guitars | Kaboodle | Bloomstyle

FSN’s Flower of the Month is sponsored by: Local Ohio Florists

Flower of the Month: The Chrysanthemum


Scientific name: Asteraceae

Use: Flower

Type: Herbaceous Perennials

Height: 2-3′

Form: Mass

Astrological Flower: Capricorn (Dec. 22 – Jan. 19) Virgo, (Aug 23 – Sept 22)


Planting Zones: 3-9

Soil Requirements: Full sun and well-drained soil.


Stem: 18-24″

Blossom Size: 2-4″

Texture: Satin

Silhouette: Dense/Pinwheel

Colors: Reds, Oranges, Yellows, Purples, Whites, Browns, Pinks, Combinations,

Bloom Season: Fall

Flowers Available: Year Round

Chrysanthemum Drama

We often hear chrysanthemum associated with things like tea and seems to be only used in early fall. This doesn’t have to be the case. The chrysanthemum is truly the Cher of the flower world. Did you know there are 12 different styles of flower heads for the chrysanthemum? Not to mention the vast color options! That’s right!


There are two types of chrysanthemums: the Exhibition and the Garden. The exhibition variety (also called florists mum) are available in the most wide range of colors and styles. These are the best type for your fresh cuts. The straight growing sprays will produce several blooms per stem and will look great in any arrangement! The garden mums grow in hardy, bushy mounds unlike the exhibition styles and are great for your landscaping. They also tend to have a longer flowering season.

There are many culinary uses for the garden chrysanthemum – mostly in teas, but in some parts of the world the mum is a staple. (If you plan to cook with the chrysanthemum, try the Garland or edible chrysanthemum.)


The roots of the chrysanthemum run deep. It was first cultivated in China as far back as 15th Century B.C. and is still highly prized today. In fact, one of the highest honors you can receive in Japan is The Supreme Order of the Chrysanthemum from the emperor himself. There is a great rice wine found in Korea flavored with chrysanthemum flowers called gukhwaju. As mentioned before it is a staple in Asian cuisine and the inspiration for many Asian festivals and traditions.

The flower made its way to Europe around the 17th century and has been a favorite ever since. The name “chrysanthemum” came from Swedish botanist Karl Linnaeus who combined the Greek word for golden, chrysos, and anthemon meaning [Read more…]