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Friday Florist Recap 1/18 – 1/24: Bombardment of Floral Beauty

We’ve received a bombardment of floral beauty! These talented florists have gone above and beyond the call and were gracious enough to share their hard work with us. We have an assortment of arrangements that will leave your mouth agape and see you running to your local flower shop for some gorgeous blooms of your very own. Talent and style abounds here, but don’t let me hold you up. Scroll down and see for yourself!

Wedding Flowers

An absolutely gorgeous bouquet from Helen's Flowers & Gifts in Greenville, OH

An absolutely gorgeous bouquet from Helen’s Flowers & Gifts in Greenville, OH

“The scabiosa pods are so much fun!!”

Magnificent wedding centerpiece by Your Personal Florist in Troy, OH

Magnificent wedding centerpiece by Your Personal Florist in Troy, OH [Read more…]

Friday Florist Recap 1/11-1/17: A Collection of Creativity

We have some absolutely stunning arrangements for you this week. Local florists are working hard every day to create some of the most creative and uniquely interesting designs you’ll ever see, and we are fortunate enough to get submissions of those every week. Here is this weeks collection of creativity. Enjoy.

Wedding Flowers

Gorgeous bouquet by Holtz Landscape in Ham Lake, MN

Gorgeous bouquet by Holtz Landscape in Ham Lake, MN

Special Occasion Flowers

"Stoned" by Tom Kenison AIFD of Crossroads Florist in Mahwah, NJ

“Stoned” by Tom Kenison AIFD of Crossroads Florist in Mahwah, NJ [Read more…]

Instagram Inspiration

Instagram Inspiration Jan 14 2014Digital color filters and retro frames might not be needed to show off the beauty of these arrangements but it certainly doesn’t hurt. We selected our favorites from Instagram this week and we are loving the variety of styles!

We present 3 stellar florists who are great at fusing their own brand of creativity into their work.

Isn’t it about time you sent someone you know a little floral inspiration?

Michele's Floral

Looks like a great kickstart for Valentine’s Day. Make your sweetheart swoon with this one.

“Love is in the air. The countdown begins, order early” Michele’s Floral in Copperas Cove, Texas [Read more…]

Friday Florist Recap 1/4 – 1/10: Wearying of Winter

This week we have a few last holiday holdouts and a whole host of spring-themed and colorful designs! From the photos we received this week, it’s obvious our florists are already wearying of winter. They are looking ahead to warmer weather and the explosion of color that comes with Spring. So join in the fun and scroll down to see a bevy of beautiful blooms!

Wedding Flowers

Winning bouquet from Cary's Designs Floral in Spanish Fork, UT

Winning bouquet from Cary’s Designs Floral in Spanish Fork, UT

“Our Wedding Bouquet for Gentry Gustin’s Wedding in August was published in the newest issue Utah Valley Brides Magazine! We are very honored!”

Blue and white winter wedding bouquet from Blooming Art Floral Design in San Diego, CA

Blue and white winter wedding bouquet from Blooming Art Floral Design in San Diego, CA [Read more…]

Friday Florist Recap 12/28 – 1/3: Wrapping up the Holidays

Happy New Year!! We have moved past the last of the holiday season and are heading toward love with Valentine’s Day coming just a little over a month away. This week we have some lovely holiday themed pieces making use of tree ornaments, a wedding collage, and a gorgeous casket spray designed on drift wood! We also have a special photo from Monday Morning Flower and Balloon Co. of which they should be VERY proud. Scroll on through and enjoy our wrapping up the holidays edition!

Special Occasion Flowers

Winning arrangement from Monday Morning Flower and Balloon Co. in Princeton, NJ

Winning arrangement from Monday Morning Flower and Balloon Co. in Princeton, NJ

“Our bouquet was chosen by the Philadelphia Zoo for the cover of their new Wedding Brochure!”

Explosively beautiful arrangement from Wilma's Flowers in Jasper, AL

Explosively beautiful arrangement from Wilma’s Flowers in Jasper, AL [Read more…]

Friday Florist Recap 12/21 – 12/27: A Seasonal Soiree

This week we have a smorgasbord of gorgeous floral designs and arrangements for your viewing pleasure. From some seasonally aware wedding bouquets to some truly magnificent holiday designs, you’re sure to be impressed and possibly inspired! Enjoy this week’s best submissions and come back next week for another Friday Florist Recap!

Special Occasion Flowers

Amazing brides maids bouquets from Monday Morning Flower and Balloon Co. in Princeton, NJ

Amazing brides maids bouquets from Monday Morning Flower and Balloon Co. in Princeton, NJ

A Christmas wedding bouquet from Blooms on Buckley in Aurora, CO

A Christmas wedding bouquet from Blooms on Buckley, LLC in Aurora, CO [Read more…]

Friday Florist Recap 12/14 – 12/20: An Influx of Holiday Goodness

Christmas is in the air, and florists across the country are creating some very impressive arrangements to celebrate! We have reindeer, snowmen, a snow-covered village and some creative candy cane work. We also have a collection of some of the most impressive floral arrangements you’re likely to see this week. Scroll down and enjoy this influx of holiday goodness!

Special Occasion Flowers

A tablescape from A Flower A Day in Colchester, VT

A magnificent tablescape from A Flower A Day in Colchester, VT

“We used pieces from around the shop and our home with a mix of artificial and fresh flowers.” 

A magnificent arrangement from Fancy Flowers in Hialeah, FL

A magnificent arrangement from Fancy Flowers in Hialeah, FL [Read more…]

Friday Florist Recap 12/7 – 12/13: A Heaping of Holiday Happiness

This week’s recap is overflowing with unique and creative arrangements! We have a floral re-imagining of the common Christmas Tree, a creative use for basketballs and an amazing woodland memorial. So feel free to scroll down and mosey your way through these beautiful images.

Special Occasion Flowers

Bouquet for a winter wedding by Monday Morniing Flower and Balloon Co. in Princeton, NJ

Bouquet for a winter wedding by Monday Morning Flower and Balloon Co. in Princeton, NJ

Creative and colorful arrangement from Mabel Flowers in Mabel, MN

Creative and colorful arrangement from Mabel Flowers in Mabel, MN [Read more…]

Friday Florist Recap 11/30 – 12/6: A Seasonal Selection

This week we have a bounteous selection of beautiful options for you to peruse. We start with some seasonal fare invoking the coming winter, one of the pending holiday celebrations or both! After that we showcase the gorgeous work done for special occasions, be they weddings, funerals, or that creative arrangement designed for an important client. We have some breathtaking pieces for you to see, so scroll on down!

Seasonal Flowers

A gorgeous arrangement from Flowrama Minneapolis in Minneapolis, MN

A gorgeous arrangement from Flowerama Minneapolis in Minneapolis, MN

Winter arrangement from Montgomery Florist in Montgomery, NY

Winter arrangement from Montgomery Florist in Montgomery, NY [Read more…]

Friday Florist Recap 11/23 – 11/29: A Profusion of Florals

Thanksgiving doesn’t slow down these florists! We still received amazing photos of different flower arrangements for your viewing pleasure, and as usual we were blown away by the talent of our submitters. So scroll on down and enjoy this profusion of florals!

Special Occasion Flowers

Gorgeous bouquet from Monday Morning Flower and Balloon Co. in Princeton, NJ

Gorgeous bouquet from Monday Morning Flower and Balloon Co. in Princeton, NJ

Beautiful hand-held from Inspirations Floral Studio in Lock Haven, PA

Beautiful hand-held from Inspirations Floral Studio in Lock Haven, PA

“‘Silver Sparkle’ hand-held for a prom.” [Read more…]