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Flower Spotlight: Snapdragon


Snapdragon, also known as dragon flower, is part of the plant genus Antirrhinums. Keep reading to learn the symbolism and interesting facts about this stunning flower!

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Flower Spotlight: Marigold


For those of you who didn’t know, the stunning golden marigold is the birth flower of October. This gorgeous garden bloom is bright and full of meaning! Here’s everything you need to know…

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Flower Spotlight: Aster

For those of you who didn’t know, Aster is the flower of September. The blooms in the Aster genus are daisy-like and have grown continuously since ancient times. Want to learn more about the star looking flower? Keep reading!

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Flower Spotlight: Poppy

The poppy is one of the flowers with the most history and meaning. They were used by doctors for centuries to treat patients and often served as inspiration to poets. No flower compares to this beauty, not even the rose!

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Flower Spotlight: Bird of Paradise

Birds of Paradise are stunning tropical flowers that showcase elegance and exotic beauty. Their bright colors are mesmerizing to the eye, beautifully drawing our attention to their bird-like features. Keep reading for more information about this enchanting bloom!

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Flower Spotlight: Succulent

Instead of sending fresh flowers alone, have you thought about changing things up and gifting an arrangement with succulents? These beauties are long-lasting and require very minimal care. Your loved one won’t be disappointed!

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Flower Spotlight: Peace Lily

Peace lilies are more than just green plants! They are beautiful, versatile and easy to care for. When you’re looking for a beautiful plant to lift someone’s spirit or purify the energy in your home, spaths are the way to go!

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Flower Spotlight: Lilac

When people think of blooms with exquisite scent, roses are always the first ones to come to mind. What you didn’t know is that lilacs are right there with roses when it comes to fragrance.  They are beautiful, colorful and full of meaning!

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Flower Spotlight: Protea

Not many flowers are lucky enough to survive the changing times of our planet. Proteas are not only ancient but beautiful and truly one of a kind. Want to learn more about this exotic beauty? Keep on reading!

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Flower Spotlight: Cockscomb

Cockscomb is a beautiful and colorful bloom that brightens even the darkest of places! The variety of colors in which this flower is found is incredibly versatile and fitting for any gift-giving occasion. Keep reading to learn more about this stunning portrayal of nature!

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