Orchids are fascinating flowering plants that carry much history and symbolism. The display of elegance and grace, make it the perfect gift for any occasion! If you don’t already love this exotic bloom, you will!
Flower Spotlight: Star of Bethlehem
Many flowers can be used to spruce up a Christmas arrangement, but only the Star of Bethlehem embodies the true meaning of this holiday. Keep reading to learn about the symbolism of this bloom and other fun facts!
Flower Spotlight: Gypsophila
A commonly recognized flower, Gypsophila, or Baby’s Breath, has been used in flower arrangements for years. You can find them alongside roses on Valentine’s Day or in the bridal bouquet on a wedding day. Although they are not often the focus of a flower arrangement, they hold a great and complex meaning. [Read more…]
Flower Spotlight: Chrysanthemums
Chrysanthemums are some of the most popular flowers in the industry, standing just below roses, tulips, and lilies. With around 13 types of this mighty bloom, the possibilities for floral designs are endless! Keep reading to learn more about this late-season flower. [Read more…]
Flower Spotlight: Anemone
Anemones, not to be confused with the sea creatures, are a mysterious flower with many meanings. You won’t find them growing in the ocean, but they can be found all across the globe. There are more than 100 different varieties and they come in many different colors. [Read more…]
Flower Spotlight: Sunflower
The sunflower isn’t unusual. It’s normally not a flower that people go bonkers over trying to get. It’s actually quite common, and some may wonder how it even finds its way from the field into arrangements. Those who overlook its beauty don’t realize that they are missing out on a pretty awesome flower! [Read more…]
Flower Spotlight: Dahlia
Imagine a flower that comes in almost as many sizes as it does colors. One that has had mysteries named after it and brides can’t seem to get enough of- Dahlias. They are romantic, mysterious, and so varied that they can often be mistaken for other flowers. [Read more…]
Flower Spotlight: Peony
A favorite among brides and home gardeners alike, Peonies are an old-fashioned flower that never fall out of style. Peonies have sweetly scented blossoms and are easier to grow than most realize. [Read more…]
Flower Spotlight: Zinnia
The zinnia is an annual found more often in the garden than in a flower shop. They resemble a cross between a daisy and a dahlia and come in brilliant hues. Hardy and drought resistant, they are an enduring flower with great beauty. [Read more…]
Flower Spotlight: Iris
Irises are a unique flower. Their distinct shape makes them a welcome addition to floral arrangements, and their range of colors makes them a welcome site in flower gardens. There are more than 200 species of iris and they can be found in all corners of the globe.
Origin and Symbolism
The iris has a rich history, dating back to ancient Greece and Egypt. It is named after the Greek messenger goddess, Iris, whose name roughly translates to “rainbow,” and is very fitting for a flower that comes in almost every color. [Read more…]