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Flower Spotlight: Chamelacium

While single blooms are very popular, flower clusters make beautiful bouquets. Chamelaucium is a great example of these flowering shrubs!

Origins and Symbolism
Chamelaucium is a genus of about 30 species. This plant is native to the southwestern part of Australia and was first discovered by the French botanist René Louiche Desfontaines. This shrub produces blooms with waxy-feel petals and are commonly known as waxplants or waxflowers.

Waxplants are often associated with riches and enduring wealth. Their long lasting blooms make them a symbol of lasting success and often a sign of endless love or patience.

To Consider
Waxplants grow in any season and many are drought resistant. Over watering this plant may cause decay. This shrub grows in heathland areas on sand near the coast or inland in Australia. For warmer climates, well balanced sandy soil tends to give the best growth possible. If soil does not contain sand it can certainly be added. Chamelaucium is not toxic and safe to plant in any garden.

Waxfloweres come in a variety of different colors such as white, pink, lavender and even bi-color. The vase life of waxflowers when cut is 7-10 days and they make great fillers in hand tied bouquets, arrangements, boutonnieres, etc.

Head to your local florist and when asking for an arrangement tell them to use waxflowers as fillers. You will fall in love with these tiny, five-petaled blooms!

Flower Spotlight: English Rose


Roses are classic, beautiful and perfect for any occasion, but what really stands out is the English Rose. Perfect for gardeners that like to think outside the box! Here is a brief history of this astonishing bloom.

Origins and Symbolism

Introduced in 1969 to England by David Austin Rose (another name for the rose), the English Rose combines elements from both old and modern roses. David Austin wanted cupped, rosette-shaped flowers with many petals and a wide variety of colors, including yellow–which is not very common among old roses. In order to create what is no known as the English Rose, David Austin crossed Gallicas, Damasks, Portlands, and Bourbons with Floribundas, Hybrid Teas, and Mordern Climbers.

To Consider

The David Austin Roses are classified as shrub roses and make great landscape plants. These roses can be grown in warm climates (southern parts of the United States), but some varieties, such as the ‘Graham Thomas’ need cooler climates. Roses are non-toxic and safe to grow for pet owners.


English Roses bloom several times a year depending on the variety and climate. These roses come in different soft pastel colors, such as pinks, peaches and apricots. There are also yellow, white and dark red varieties. Some of the fragrances are damask, tea scents and citrus. The Constance Spry, which is the first English Rose, has an unusual scent described as “myrrh.”

English Roses can make beautiful cut flowers with just a few disadvantages. Most have very short stems and the petals can be very delicate, not lasting very long when cut. The ‘Evelyn’ and ‘Abraham Darby’ varieties, however have many petals and make great cut flower arrangements.

This rose is perfect if you are looking for something unique and romantic. Head to you local florist and have them create a beautiful arrangement with the exquisite English Rose.

Flower Spotlight – Gerbera Daisy

The Gerbera Daisy is the 5th most popular flower in the world. This flower comes in a variety of bright and pastel colors, making it perfect for any occasion.

Origins & Symbolism

The Gerbera Daisy was first discovered by a Scotsman named Robert Jameson near Barberton, South Africa. It was found in 1884, but it wasn’t until 40 years later that this type of daisy was cultivated. The scientific name for this flower is Gerbera Jamesonii, named after the German botanist Traugott Gerber and Robert Jameson. Other names include African Daisy, Barberton Daisy and Transvaal Daisy.

The Gerbera Daisy is a symbol of innocence, purity and cheerfulness. It is a member of the family of daisies, asters and sunflowers. Legend has it that the Gerbera is a symbol for modesty. According to the legend, a nymph, so incredibly beautiful, was never left alone by suitors. She was so tired of being followed that one day the nymph, in order to have peace, decided to turn herself into a Gerbera Daisy.

To Consider

It’s better to plant Gerbera Daisies in areas where it will get full to partial sunlight. Gerberas aren’t affected by high temperatures and can stand harsh sunlight. In cooler months, like November through May, make sure to only water when the soil becomes dry. This will ensure the flower’s growth is successful.

Note: The ASPCA listed Gerbera Daisies as non-toxic. They pose no danger to cats, dogs, or horses.


Gerbera Daisies come in many different colors. From orange to soft creams or blushes, each color holds a special meaning of beauty. Bright colors radiate positive energy and soft breams whisper innocence. In the United States, California and Florida produce a great amount of Gerbera flowers, but Netherlands and Columbia are the primary distributors of the cut version. These flowers often measure 7 inches across and remain fresh for 7-14 days, making them great for centerpieces and bridal bouquets.

Head to your local florist today and select a beautiful arrangement of Gerbera Daisies. You will be stunned by their beauty! Check back with the Bloomin’ Blog for more flower spotlights!

Flower Spotlight – Ranunculus

There is beauty in everything coming from nature, but Ranunculus flowers simply go above and beyond expectations. With their incredibly radiant colors, it is true to say that they will brighten anyone’s day!

Origins and Symbolism
Ranunculus are best known as Buttercup Flowers, but some may also know them as Coyote’s Eyes. Legend has it that the Native American mythological figure “Coyote” was throwing his eyes up in the air and catching them every time, when suddenly “Eagle” snatched them. Coyote not being able to see grabbed two buttercups creating a pair of new eyes, allowing him to see the beauty of this world once again.

This isn’t the only legend surrounding this beautiful flower. Another legend tells of a shy, handsome Persian prince who lived longing to declare his love for a nymph. Not being able to do so, he died of heartbreak and turned into a giant Ranunculus flower.

Turban Buttercup is another alternative name for this flower. It derives from a species that originated in the Middle East. The Victorian meaning of Ranunculus is “you are rich in attractions,” making this a very romantic flower choice.

To Consider
Ranunculus use a lot of energy for they produce complex, multi-petal flowers. Make sure to add all purpose fertilizer when you plant them and every two weeks supplement with half strength fertilizer while the plants are growing.

Also note that these flowers are poisonous when eaten fresh by cats, dogs, horses and cows. They contain juices that can irritate or damage their digestive systems. So, make sure to keep you little friends away from these blooms.

Ranunculus come in a variety of vibrant colors such as yellow, red, pink, orange, copper, and white with dark or yellow centers. Once cut, these flowers last for a week. This makes them perfect for bridal bouquets or centerpieces. They are most popular in the mild-winter regions of the South and West.

If you want to put your hands on these beautiful flowers, head to your local florist today! Check back with the Bloomin’ Blog for more tips on flowers!

Photo by iMarly

Flower Spotlight – Stargazer Lily


When looking for flowers to dazzle, Stargazer Lilies seem to do that effortlessly. With their vibrant colors and delicious fragrance, it’s hard not to take notice of this oriental hybrid!

Origins and Symbolism
Originating from California in the early 70s, this perennial has added to the already famous legacy of the lily, so it’s no surprise that this striking bloom has a variety of meanings.

Used to congratulate or for sympathy, Stargazers symbolism varies due to their color. Whites represent purity, while bright pinks and reds express aspiration and prosperity.

To Consider
Although this beauty looks beautiful planted or cut, caution is given to those who have feline friends.

The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals reports this plant can be toxic to cats, causing vomiting, kidney failure and even death.

Named ‘stargazer’ because their blooms face the sky, these flowers are available late-summer.

Used in arrangements as well as bridal bouquets, they always astonish any receiver lucky enough to gaze at its star-like petals.

Make sure to head to your local florist to find this bloom in an arrangement!

Bridal bouquet photo accreditation to: http://www.weddingandpartynetwork.com/gallery/