It’s already time for another anniversary with your sweetheart? Congratulations! Whether interested in sending flowers from your local florist or delivering an anniversary arrangement in person under some clever guise, giving flowers warms the heart. It’s a fail safe way to say “I love you” this year and every year. However, sometimes you simply have to spice up the gift ideas so that your honey will feel special each time. Flower Shop Network has gone further than just delivering romantic anniversary flowers. To make your husband or wife feel special, we’re giving you another great gift idea for your anniversary this year!
Surprise your sweetie by presenting him or her with a romantic anniversary bouquet. This time instead of a traditional card or greeting card, fold up a treasure map that leads to a more special surprise. Try your hand at an authentic treasure map by drawing a dashed line from your starting point to a big “X” where the present will be. Be creative with the rest of the map by drawing pictures, lightly burning the edges of the paper or soaking it in tea, coffee, or soda for an aged finish that can still be read after drying.
The adventurous side in all of us comes out the moment we see a treasure map. Watch your love’s eyes light up as they spring to life in search of the prize at the end. The treasure can be something as simple as a sweetly decorated bathtub where a romantic bubble bath has been drawn next to a shimmering sparkle of candlelight and softly scented bath supplies. Hide smaller gifts in a drawer, cabinet, or place in a focal point in the room. Jewelry in small boxes are great for nestling among the flowers of an arrangement sitting on a simple table in the room. Another great way to hide a jewelry surprise is to fold an oversized piece of paper in half, draw an “X” on one side, then stand on the table so that it cleverly hides the ring or necklace box. My brother proposed to his wife this way so obviously this gift idea goes over well!
There are many more wonderful ways to tell your partner that you’re glad to have shared another year (or even months) with him or her. For the adventurous spirit, X marks the spot for a great anniversary! Love this idea? Used it before? Don’t forget to stop by and tell us how it worked for you.