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Light Up July With Larkspur Flowers

Celebrate July with a bang! The fabulous flower for the month of July is the larkspur which is the common name for several varieties of flowers from the Delphinium and Consolida genera. Beautifully complex, the intricate spikes of Larkspur plants bloom in colors ranging from white to blue and violet to pink, making Larkspur an attractive addition to gardens, homes or inside flower arrangements. The long, stemming Larkspur plant adds a very desirable height and visual appeal to flower arrangements. This touch of distinction keeps Larkspur the popular choice for florists desiring a little extra for a truly stunning arrangement.

Celebrate your independence from unoriginal, boring gift ideas this July. The uncommonly appealing blossom of the larkspur can be used to [Read more…]

Flower Gifts Even A Crab Will Enjoy

The end of June and the beginning of July mark the end of spring and the beginning of summer. People that fall under the Cancer zodiac sign are very aware of this mix of natural wonder. Those born between June 21 and July 22 find in themselves this same need to be both calm and feisty, cool and robust. Finding a birthday gift for Cancers can be challenging but there is one gift that soothes them all.

An arrangement of flowers corresponding with the Cancer zodiac sign is quite an amazing gift. Roses make incredibly beautiful arrangements and perfectly suit a vivacious and caring Cancer. Cornflower and delphinium arrangements speak to the softer, sweeter, and more colorful side of your beloved. A plant may also be a nice choice for Cancers who tend to be very protective, nurturing, and supportive. Ferns are a beautiful plant associated with the Cancer zodiac sign and make wonderful additions to any home.

Your sweetheart is likely a very loving, devoted person. As she does with her personality, capture the natural wonder of spring and the intense adventure of summer in a gift that shows just how much you love her also. Contact your local florist and send your favorite crab a flower arrangement today!

DaisyandDelphinium.jpg The striking appeal of delphinium and daisies is perfect for Cancers!

Can Carnations And Oleanders Make Southeast Missouri Home?

Ask the Expert: Carnations/Oleander

I have two questions.  I would like to grow Carnations like you get from the florist, is this possible?  I know you can get a Dianthus but it does not look like a florist carnation.  I have thought about Oleander also.  Are these possible growing in zone 6-7, Southeast Missouri?  If so where is the best place to purchase these?

Thanks, Mary

Honey, You’re A Real Gemini

Gemini birthdays fall between May 21 and June 21. If the love of your life is a Gemini, he or she is probably known for being talkative, intellectual, and energetic. It may be difficult to find a unique gift as fun and fascinating as your Gemini but sending a fresh flower arrangement filled with alstroemeria, solidago, or daffodils is a very easy way to make your Gemini feel special. These beautiful flowers represent the Gemini astrological sign and, when paired with a personalized card, are as unique to your Gemini as her bright blue eyes or his sensual laugh.

Your guy or gal may appreciate a plant rather than an arrangement. Easy! Cactus, nut-bearing fruit trees, and maidenhair ferns all represent the same charismatic traits found in Gemini. Gemini represents very strong individuals who are adaptive and ready for a new adventure making cacti perfect gifts. Nut-bearing fruit trees reveal to the world a fresh start and a new season of growth and exploration. With these and many other gorgeous plants, there is no shortage of options for pleasing your Gemini with a special birthday or anniversary gift!

Alstroemeria Topiary Flower Arrangement

Alstroemeria Topiary makes great Gemini gift.

Chocolate Brown and Baby Blue Flowers For September Wedding.

Ask the Expert: September wedding what kind of flowers?

We live in the high desert in CA, the wedding is in September, the colors are baby blue and chocolate brown.  What flowers would you suggest?  We are on a limited budget.  I was even thinking of just going with white roses with a “splash” of blue for the for bride and an assortment for bridesmaids. What is a good flower that is blue? Kim

Mother’s Day Blessings Are Small Wonders

You’ve probably heard the expression, “It’s the thought that counts.” That is very much the case with Mother’s Day gifts. I recently found myself scrambling among the mass of people shopping for something very unique and non-floral for my mother. However, I realized that there are many reasons why sending my mother a special flower arrangement is a unique Mother’s Day gift.

My mother is as unique as a dainty snowflake. She is among the most important people in my life. Decades spent with her have woven together the threads of time into a bond between her and I that cannot be broken. Because of this I wanted to get the best gift possible for her this Mother’s Day. I walked through the aisles and peered through online galleries in search of the perfect gift for her but none seemed to show how much I care. Not one had the special touch that a child or grandchild can bring. I wanted a gift that warms her heart because it brought forth a special memory. I thought back through all of the many times that my mother had received flowers from her children, my father, her own father who is now deceased, and others. I remembered the chipper little girl that seemed to shine through when she received each arrangement. I knew then that what I really wanted to give my mother was another flower memory.

My mother’s father has been gone for many years now. I’ve heard her speak often of her “pa” and the many wonderful attributes of this amazing man. I poured through the recesses of my mind and finally remembered the story that I’d heard mother relay of the first time that her father gave her flowers. I couldn’t wait to call my local flower shop and order a bouquet of daisies because it is exactly what she received from him nearly forty years ago.

No generically manufactured gift can ever elicit the same response from my mother as the daisies and accompanying card that read, “Your daddy would be proud of how wonderful a mother you’ve been to me.” While generic gifts may conjure up some sort of general emotion, they cannot touch individual hearts with the same tenderness as a child. They rarely accomplish the feeling of awe as a child watches the wrinkles of her mother’s face melt away, replaced by the bright smile of a little girl. Though many offered ideas, few would’ve thought that the perfect gift with the most special touch was the one that I’d almost overlooked though all it really needed was my mommy-daughter touch.

Daisy And Delphinium Photo.jpg Daisies For My Mother

— Brynn Jackson FSN —

Outdoor Wedding Reception Flowers For June

Ask the Expert: my son is having an outdoor wedding reception

In June it will be very informal type BBQ outside. What suggestions would you have for some sort of floral arrangement that is both economical and able to stand the possibilities of say wind..etc that day? Her colors are black, white and a touch of orange. We thought of tiger lilies will they be in bloom by June 14th? Besides putting something in a vase that could blow over what else can we do? Thank you. Diane

Fall May be Months Away But Here’s A Sample October Flowers ?

Ask the Expert: what flowers are in in October. Kelley

Inexpensive “Green” Wedding Flowers For North West

Ask the Expert: What flowers are in season in the Great NW on 7/4?

I am planning a wedding to commence on the 4th of July this year.  I am trying to plan it as “‘green,” local, and inexpensive as possible.  My colors are green, purple, white, and perhaps bold yellow highlights.  Please email me your response as soon as possible.  Thank you! Shawnicee

Flowers Add Pep To Life

Flowers empower according to recent studies published by Prevention magazine and Redbook magazine. While an old adage has long suggested that stopping to smell the roses will brighten one’s day, new evidence concludes that even casually glancing at flowers has the same uplifting affect.

According to Prevention magazine’s April 2008 publication, a study at Texas A&M University compared the productivity of two women in a room decorated with abstract sculptures versus the productivity of two women in a room embellished with two potted plants and a floral bouquet. The women in the room with flowers produced 13% more ideas than the women surrounded by abstract art.

April 2008’s edition of Redbook magazine cites a study conducted by Harvard University that asked 50 female participants to keep mood journals during a single day. Half of these women were sent flowers. The leader of the study, Nancy Etcoff, Ph.D., noted that—not surprisingly— these women began the day anxious, nervous, and worried but those who had received flowers noted elevated and more compassionate moods throughout the rest of the day. Ms. Etcoff goes on to suggest that having a visual reminder of life and health “may have a calming and positive effect on the brain.”

With these and other studies suggesting flowers as a way to boost productivity, lift and brighten moods, and put a positive spin on the day, it is no wonder that so many people surround themselves and loved ones with beautiful bouquets, colorful blooms, and decorative green plants. Imagine the smile on the face of a child who receives a birthday blossom at school or the debonair gentleman who places a small flower in his lapel before presenting his beloved with a loving bouquet. The spring in the young man’s step and the glow of the child’s heart are simple expressions brought to life by flowers. Let flowers like these invigorate your day today.

Tickle Me Pick Tickle Me Pink Bouquet.

Want to send someone a little FLOWER POWER? Click Here to find a local florist and send flowers today!

Brynn – FSN Support Staff