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The Perfect Gift For Your First Love

As you know, every flower has a particular meaning. I was intrigued by the flower meaning of lilacs. “First love” took me by surprise and struck me as an excellent gift for my sweetheart. Of course, he’s not as into flowers as I am but he does love things that have a significant meaning. He’s just really sly about it. *grin*

A Lilac Bloom

A Lilac Bloom

By the by, lilac can also represent “youthful innocence” which I think really ties into first love. You can be 150 but the moment you fall for someone, you’re right back to that giddy and excited feeling. That’s why many “feel young again” when they fall in love with someone special.

Whether man or woman, your first love deserves to receive a few lilac blooms. It’s a beautiful, fragrant flower. Even those features are significant as they speak of how you regard your partner. Does she always smell good no matter what she’s been doing? Does his handsome face catch you off guard sometimes? It’s ok. This tends to happen with everyone who is still very much in love with their first love. I know I am!

If you want a significant, romantic gift for your first love, choose lilac or an arrangement from your local florist that features lilac. The occasion can be special or “just because”. Either way, it’s a real treat for your sweetheart to know that you still get dreamy-eyed or never stopped seeing the world through rose-colored glasses because of them.

Interested in flower meanings? Contact your local florist for ideas on how to incorporate flower meanings into your gift of flowers.

What Flowers Should You Send For Your Anniversary?

Ready to wow your sweetheart? Want to dazzle her with your charm? Want to floor him with your beauty? It all starts with flowers. Whether planning a romantic weekend or enjoying the same routine night as usual, add a dose of different to your anniversary. Flowers are a girl’s true BFF; diamonds are just their playmates. Here’s how you can eavesdrop on the chatter and get away with it:

Listen to the flower meanings. That’s right! Almost every flower has a particular meaning. The anniversary bouquet you send will have more significance if you take the time to pick out flower meanings that are right for your relationship. We’re going to go ahead and cut out the research time. Here’s a list of popular flowers and their meanings. Choose these and your sweetheart will be yours for the rest of the night.

Lilac – First Love
Orchid – Delicate Beauty
Pansy – Loving Thoughts
Passion Flower – Passion
Red Rose – Passionate Love
Red & White Rose – Unity
Sunflower – Adoration
Tuberose – Pleasure
Red Tulip – Declaration of Love
Yellow Tulip – Hopelessly In Love
Holly – Domestic Happiness
Gardenia – Joy

Your local florist will have an incredible amount of ideas for how to make these anniverary flowers extra special using flowers with a certain meaning. If you have thoughts of your own, contact your local florist and let the magic begin. With a little explanation on the enclosure card, your sweetheart will be swooning as soon as these flowers grace the doorway. Happy anniversary!

Dads Give Great Gifts Too

The other day I received a gift from my father that can turn even the most devout momma’s girl like me into Daddy’s little girl again. I told my mom about moving into a new office at work. She in turn told my father who surprised me when she came to see me on the first day in that office. Dad by himself was a treat but it was what he brought with him that nearly had me in tears.

A small recap of former posts:  my favorite flower is the standard pink carnation. It is this because this is the flower that dad always sent to my sister and me when we were growing up. He sent a pink carnation for Valentines Day when we were too young for suitors. He would send us pink carnations when he got lonely working away as a paramedic. I’ve loved the delightful flowers ever since.

So here mom comes with a few things for my new home. I’m already stoked to see my dad and their dog who tagged along for a quick visit. When dad walks me to my truck and shows what he’d put in my seat as a “new office” gift, I felt something I haven’t felt in a long time. I was pleased and delighted as well as a bit embarassed by the attention. In other words–I loved it.

I once heard a father say that the gift itself doesn’t matter nearly so much as the fact that it came from his child. “They could give me an empty box and I’d love it.” Well Dad, it works both ways. I knew my gift wasn’t something Daddy picked up from a random bix box store. He took the time to go to the town’s local florist and pick up a carnation for me.

Yeah, he just solidified the pink carnation’s place in my heart forever. See, dads give great gifts too.

To secure a fresh place in your daughter or son’s heart, send flowers from a local florist using Flower Shop Network.

FSN’s Hope For Breast Cancer Awareness Month

It’s no secret that Flower Shop Network has been deeply and personally affected by breast cancer. Because October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, we’d like to give you our reasons why we hope this month will be a strong month for everyone who has been affected by the horrible disease.

"Think Pink" Flowers for Breast Cancer Awareness Month

"Think Pink" Flowers for Breast Cancer Awareness Month

  1. Recently each one of us was touched by the tragic loss of our dear friend, Jackie Marshall, who passed away earlier this year from complications of breast cancer. Having been in remission for many years, the cancer resurfaced later in another part of her body and took her much quicker than any of us had imagined possible.
  2. Our own Loranne Atwill suffered a loss long before selling her flower shop to pursue her dreams with Flower Shop Network, Wedding And Party Network, and FGmarket. One of the florists in her shop was diagnosed with breast cancer and was sadly lost to the illness.
  3. A very good friend of mine and a strong mentor lost her life battling the disease for only a few months. After a double mastectomy, the cancer was still not isolated and removed. My family, her family and many friends have never forgotten the sound of her voice or how happy it made us to hear her laugh. We just miss it.

It’s hard not to meet someone who has been affected by breast cancer. It is a prevalent, horrible disease that sneaks and attacks without warning, without repentance. It is very important that a cure is found and found FAST. Having known all but first hand the difficulties of the disease, it’s our sincerest hopes that people (including us) do everything we can this month and every one after to help find a way to end the suffering for our sisters.

Many florists give a portion of the proceeds to the Susan G. Komen Foundation or another respectable foundation involved in the fight against breast cancer. Contact your local flower shop today to see if they participate in any programs. If they don’t, request one!

Know someone battling breast cancer? Respectfully and gently show your respect by sending a Breast Cancer Awareness flower bouquet to your loved one.

Check Out The Birth Month Flower of October

For someone with a birthday in October (like me) it’s important to feel special. I suppose that’s true of all birthday boys and girls but it’s especially true of Libras and as much so of Scorpios. Rather than focus on zodiac flowers–in case you did that last year–focus instead on the birth month flower of October when looking for a unique birthday gift.

The birth month flower of October is marigold (Calendula) which means that it’s super easy to find flowers to go with such a beautiful bloom. Fall flowers like chocolate cosmos, burgundy pincushion, dahlia, dark colored hydrangea, sunflowers, amaranthus and gloriosa are great with marigold. They give a festive feel to the arrangement and are a breath of fresh flowers…er…air.

If you haven’t already discovered the October birth month flower, talk with your local florist about how you can send arrangements containing marigold or inspired by the delightful colors and textures of it. This will be a unique birthday gift for a special someone and will give you a chance to flex your creative muscles. Go on! Be creative!

Just a side note, the flower meaning of marigold (Calendula) is “desire for riches” so you can also use this as part of the theme of your gift. It’s practically the same as wishing someone good fortune, plus you the golden opportunity to use the most beautiful brown, orange and yellow shades in your arrangement. If your birthday boy or girl isn’t a fan of these colors, play it down a little and add some of their favorites. Reds, greens, dark blues, purples and similar earth-toned hues are striking against other popular fall flowers.

Know Someone Needing A Dramatic Gift?

They’ll flip when you send them a bouquet featuring lots of amaryllis.

So how did I get from dramatic to amaryllis? Easier than you’d think. The flower meaning of amaryllis is “dramatic”. Now while I wouldn’t recommend sending this to a drama queen as they may get offended and cause a storm of entertaining evenings, this is a really fun gift for someone who has been going through a rough or trying time and needs a pick me up.

The unique flower meaning of amaryllis also makes it easy to recognize that someone has been struggling to have an “even keel” day once in a while. Something always comes up or they never catch a break. I know plenty of people like that, my sweetheart and mother included. Both work their tails off to please and provide for other people with little gratitude in return. If I want them to know what I’m thinking, I’ll make sure amaryllis helps me say it.

Other flowers with special flower meanings that will go well with amaryllis are:

"Melody of Flowers" with Alstroemeria

"Melody of Flowers" with Alstroemeria

  • Pink carnations (gratitude)
  • Black-eyed Susan (encouragement)
  • Cosmos (peaceful)
  • Gardenia (joy)
  • Gladioulus (strength of character)
  • Lisianthus (calming)
  • Pansy (loving thoughts)
  • Star of Bethlehem (hope)
  • Pink tulip (caring)

There are many other flower meanings as you might have imagined. These are just some of the beautiful flowers that represent a special sentiment that will help cheer up your friend or loved one. A sweet card message mentioning their meaning will be a sweet reward for someone very deserving of positive attention. When you contact your local florist for a pick-me-up treat for your friend, ask about using flowers with special meanings for an extra special, meaningful bouquet.

Is It Time For Libra Birthday Gifts Already?

My heart is jumping up and down a little because that means that my birthday is just around the corner. I’m on the cusp of Libra and Scorpio but I align myself more with Libras. Libras are an awesome group of people. There are exceptions to every rule but not when we’re concerned. We are all awesome. If you’re a Libra, you’ll understand my passion for this zodiac sign. If not, feel free to let my ramblings elude you and take a peek at this AWESOME birthday gift for Libras.

A Unique Birthday Gift For Libras

If you know someone who was born between September 23rd and October 23rd, you have a Libra’s birthday gift to buy. As always but with growing passion, I recommend flowers. Not just any old flowers though. Give flowers associated with the Libra zodiac sign. Some Libra zodiac flowers are:

Half Dozen Pink Roses

Half Dozen Pink Roses

  • pink roses
  • dahlias
  • gardenias
  • tea roses
  • orchids
  • tuberose
  • freesia
  • gladiolus

They’re all beautiful flowers and many of them are quite fragrant. They strike an easy balance between pleasing both the eyes and the nose. This isn’t just a coincidence. Libras fall under the sign of the scales so finding a balance  in nature is part of our charm.

If you’re in the mood to give a unique birthday gift this year, contact your local florist and ask to send your friend some astrological/zodiac flowers associated with the Libra sign. It’s something they don’t hear often enough and will give them a pleasant change. Watch how their creativity flows when given a fresh idea! You’ll love what comes out of their creative process, but more importantly, your sweetheart/friend will adore them too. Most of all, they’ll adore you!

Miss the Libra zodiac flowers blog last year? No worries. View it now!

An Anniversary Flowers Idea For The Creative Type

As you probably know, most flowers are associated with a particular meaning. For instance, the flower meaning of red roses is “passionate love.” Forget-me-nots are a rather obvious one, “remember me forever.” Ginger is associate with being proud. Sweetpea is associated with shyness. There are tons of flowers associated with a particular meaning which comes in very handy when you need a unique anniversary gift.

For the creative type this year, write a poem for your sweetheart. It can’t just be any poem though. Make this one special to your beloved, unique to his/her personality, and include a few flower meanings that are associated with his/her disposition. When you get ready to buy anniversary flowers for your love, simply ask the florist to use a mix of those flowers only or a pretty blend that is predominantly one kind; the one with a meaning that best reflects her uniqueness.

If you’re not the creative type, I’ll help you out by giving you an anniversary flower arrangement idea. I’m sure I’d love your sweetheart but since I do not know her/him, I’ll make this example about me and my beau. If you have a different personality type in mind, simply view Flower Shop Network’s list of flower meanings and pick out the ones that mean the most to you. Here goes!

Anniversary Flowers For A Woman

My personality is very distinctive. I am very open, blunt and slightly opinionated. I am very thoughtful, analytical and intelligent. I am perky around people and completely quiet when left to myself. For a personality like this, try:

  • Pansy (loving thoughts)
  • Larkspur (beautiful spirit)
  • Freesia (spirited)
  • Yellow tulips (hopelessly in love) — a reflection of your feelings for her

Anniversary Flowers For A Man

My sweetheart’s personality is very complimentary but different. He is very reserved, cautious and protective. He doesn’t brood on things as I do but he is able to assess a situation. His entire world is wrapped around being with his family and providing for them. His personal hobbies are a little young for his age but that’s only because he works harder than anyone his age should have to.  For a personality like his, try:

  • Lilac (first love) — he is mine, this may be appropriate for you as well
  • Black-eyed susan (encouragement)
  • Pink carnations (gratitude) — for everything he does selflessly
  • Gardenia (joy)
  • Ginger (proud) — because you’re proud of him
  • Passion flower (passion) — a reflection of your feelings for him

If these do not strike a chord with you, view Flower Shop Network’s list of flower meanings or visit FSN’s flower dictionary to discover other unique things about these flowers.

What A Charming Gift Idea for Fall!

I mean this in the best of ways…

The “Charming For Fall” flower basket looks just like something my grandmother would love. For that matter, my mother would love it also. It’s the perfect fall flower arrangement for a dining room table, a mantlepiece, the coffee table, or anywhere else that flower baskets could be used for decoration. In my mother’s house, that’s the table at the end of the hall. It fills an empty space and is often overlooked. Not anymore!

"Charming For Fall" Flower Basket

"Charming For Fall" Flower Basket

Both women have an affinity for fall decorating. Flowers are their thing. They usually have immaculate gardens and displays of flowers that neighbors envy. This year is going to be a little bit different for both. My grandmother turned 82 in April. Still a pistol with her speech, her body is failing and she’s left in a motorized wheelchair. That means gardening the hilly land around her house is out of the question.

My mom is a full time mom even though her children are 22, 23 and 26. She is also the full-time homemaker, a college professor during the day and is a medicare billing specialist at night.

I love these women with all of my heart.  I couldn’t ask for more respectable, strong women in my life. I want to honor them with something special this month. A gift isn’t enough. They need a special gift with meaning and feeling. I looked at the “Charming For Fall” arrangement and knew instantly that it was the right gift for them. Though too busy and too frail to garden for themselves, they can still enjoy fall flowers and autumn decorations.

It’s important to me that they get the best. They always give it to me.

Which flower arrangement is your favorite? Tell us why and it may be next month’s featured flower arrangement!

Flowers Are Any Teacher’s Favorite Back To School Gift

Parents and children celebrate going back to school with a bang. There is lots of back to school shopping and back to school parties to enjoy. But what does the teacher get?

This year, send your child’s teacher some flowers. Better still, buy a bouquet of flowers from your local florist and have your child present them. Flowers aren’t quite as tasty as an apple but the smile lasts longer.

Another idea is to visit your local flower shop and see if they have any mugs that are appropriate for your child’s teacher. They could say “#1 Teacher,” “You’re The Best,” or anything like this. Then, ask your florist to create a small mug bouquet or candy mug for the teacher. Both are excellent gifts that are unique and creative.  Instead of adding to the pile of apples on the desk, add a smile instead with a candy mug or mug bouquet.

Of course, no teacher will refuse a balloon or two, especially tied to the rim of a candy mug or back to school flower vase. They may wish to put them in a different part of the room so as not to make the other children feel badly about getting nothing or something smaller. If this is a concern for you, make sure the flowers are presented at the end of the day or to the teacher’s home. Bringing back to school flowers and gifts at the end of the day not only spares embarrassment for others, but it also gives you a chance to speak to the teacher when more one-on-one time is available and the stress of the day is gone.

For more back to school gift ideas, contact your creative local florist!