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Patti Jones Retirement Party

Patti Jones is retiring! I don’t know whether to congratulate her and excitedly jump up and down on her behalf or cry and bemoan the fact that we won’t get to see her shining face in the halls anymore. In reality, I’ll probably do a bit of both. Scroll down for some photos of the party and all the hugs and laughter that were shared.

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Meet Patti. She doesn’t normally stand around holding delicious cake. That’s something she’s doing for today only.

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This is Patti enjoying lunch with her family at the Flower Shop Network offices.

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The Flower Shop Network logo in delicious cake form! YUM!

Patty Retirement 024

A nice, orderly line for the BBQ. It’s obvious they hadn’t tasted it yet. If they had, they would have been knocking each other over and clamoring for all they could fit on their plate … or maybe that was just me.

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And here is Patti with her FSN/FGmarket family. A sea of smiling faces.

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A little blast from the past of FGmarket hanging on the walls of FSN.

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Happy retirement, Patti! We’ll miss you!

FSN Pre-Chili Cook-off Chili Cook-off

The Mission Outreach of Northeast Arkansas is hosting a chili cook-off fundraiser on March 8th of this year. Flower Shop Network is excited to participate, but we only want to present the best possible chili to the contest. In order to find that perfect chili, we decided to hold a pre-chili cook-off chili cook-off. Of course this pre cook-off had nothing to do with a desire to eat delicious chili until we popped. It was all business. You believe that right? Okay, moving on.

The Setup

The cascade of chili. Looking delicious! And nicely laid out. I wonder how it will look after our staff gets their hands on it?

Donation Station

The donation station also doubles as a voting station. Just place your donation in the number of the chili you enjoyed most.

Cursory Deserts

A few desserts to calm the sure-to-come raging mouth flames.

Mood Killer 9000

I hope that photo is not an indicator of the meat type used. Eeesh!

Fire in the Hole

A spicy selection. The probable instigator of those previously mentioned raging mouth flames.

Everything But the Antlers

Oooh, deer chili! Venison is an excellent meat and has an excellent flavor for chili.

Mystery Meat Chili

Mystery Meat Chili? I guess they left their opossum picture at home.

Digging In 2

Bring on the taste-testers!


Looks like they’re enjoying it …

Tray of Goodness

Quenching the raging mouth flames!

The Aftermath

A picture of the chili aftermath. Looks like this chili was demolished!

Donation Station 2

From the look of the donation station, we are going to have a tight race at the top.

The Mission Outreach of Northeast Arkansas is an organization focused on housing the homeless, feeding the hungry and caring for the sick. FSN is proud to join in their fundraising efforts, and our haul for today was $123.03! Yay donations!

The FSN Turkey Shoot: Having Fun and Meeting Goals

The sales team here at Flower Shop Network, just like the sales people employed by your business, has sales goals. And also like you, we try to find new and interesting ways to motivate our sales team to not only meet but exceed those goals. Our last contest was so successful, we thought we’d share this fun, seasonal idea with all of you. It’s the FSN turkey shoot!


This is our turkey shoot board. Think of it as a large dart board with images of animals acting as the bullseyes.


Here is a list of the potential prizes to be won. Those look awesome! [Read more…]

FSN Relays for Life 2013

The FSN Tiger Lily Tamers' Relay for Life Booth

Flower Shop Network participated in our local Relay For Life event over the weekend to raise money to fight and find a cure for cancer. This is a cause very special to us, and most of us have been personally affected by cancer in some way.

The theme of this year’s relay was Cirque De Relay. For our booth, we thought wayyyy outside the box and chose to go with a hot-pink and black theme. Our owner and talented quilter, Loranne Atwill, donated a beautiful, pink and black quilt to be raffled off at the event. That was our primary inspiration for our theme.

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FSN Thanksgiving 2012

Mouth watering yet?

Today we had a feast at FSN! It was Thanksgiving and everyone brought their own delicious contribution to fill all of our buffet tables to the brim. Ham, turkey, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes… you name it, we probably ate it today!

That doesn’t mean we aren’t doing our part to help those that need it. Since school started back, we’ve donated hundreds of items to our local food bank’s School Backpack Program to help students who may not get all that they need at home. Because it’s an ongoing competition between our departments, we have given a ton!

Here are more pictures from today’s Thanksgiving feast!

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Bosses Day at Flower Shop Network

Bosses Day at Flower Shop Network

FSN Presidents Brock & Loranne Atwill pose with our donation in their honor to the local food bank kids program.

Today is Bosses Day! We couldn’t let it pass without doing something special for our own bosses. So, what do you get the bosses that have everything?

Our sales team came up with a fantastic plan with benefits that go beyond FSN. Many (very many) of our staff have kids in school. Instead of having a party or buying them a cake (we of course got them flowers!!), they all chipped in and brought items to donate to our local food bank’s kids Backpack Program. All of the items donated are easy for kids to make themselves. These will be given away to kids in need at local schools.

FSN has a huge heart for kids. We have frequently been apart of the local backpack program here in town. This donation in honor of our great bosses for Bosses Day might be our biggest yet! Way to go team!

What did you get your boss today?


FSN’s Summer Splash Picnic 2012

The Flower Shop Network Annual Summer Splash Picnic was yesterday, August 7th! Long name — absolutely awesome event! Paragould Arkansas, our hometown, might not be very big on the map, but we are lucky enough to have an incredible Aquatics Center. Pools, diving boards, slides, kids play center and as many sprinklers and water sprayers as you can imagine in our community center!

FSN Summer Splash Picnic 2012

Brock and Loranne Atwill, FSN’s presidential duo, rent out then entire place just for the Flower Shop Network crew! Even I was surprised just how big our family has grown. Check out the pics:

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FSN Floral Calendars

We are very excited to bring you our first set of FSN Floral Selection Calendars just for our member florists!

2012 Floral Calendars

Impress your guests with colorful arrangements and holiday reminders. Each month has a big, beautiful arrangement featured in full-color on the 10″ X 11″ personalized calendar. Floral holidays are clearly marked to remind customers when it’s time to send flowers from you. All of your shop’s information will be shown in large print on every page.

But the best part — they’re only $1 each!

That’s right! Calendars ship Nov. 5th, order NOW to reserve your quantity. These calendars are not only affordable, but also the perfect way to spread the word about your flower shop to your community. Pass them out to local and neighboring businesses, clubs and churches, customers, friends and family. You could also use these as a reward for a contest or quiz (think of the Facebook contest/quiz possibilities!).  Calendars also come with individual envelopes so you can mail them to your top customers!

To pre-order call your Flower Shop Network representative today at 800-858-9925 or order your floral calendar online! Last date to order is August 25th,2011.

Ordering for 2011 is over, but you can still order calendars for 2013.

Custom floral calendars are only $1.00 each*minimum order of 100
Plus $35.00 which includes a one-time setup fee & shipping
*sold in increments of 100
*mailing envelopes are included

Facebook Fun: Flower Arrangement of the Week!

Jerry's Floral - First Arrangement of the Week!We are very excited to start a new fun feature of our Facebook page. We know how much florists and flower lovers enjoy visiting our Facebook page for inspiration and ideas, and to encourage this, we are beginning a new weekly feature — Flower Arrangement of the Week!

For the new Flower Arrangement of the Week feature, we are asking our florist friends to share the favorite designs they’ve created during that week on our Facebook Page.

Every Monday, we will pick one of the photos to use as FSN’s new profile picture! The flower shop that created the design will be credited in the picture and a link to their website will be included in the caption.

Choosing the Weekly Feature

Although it technically is a sort of contest, I just want this to be a fun little feature of our page that everyone can get involved with. We at FSN want to showcase designs from all across the country, and show our visitors who aren’t florists the wide variety of designs available. Not only that, we are excited to have our wall covered in beautiful flower pictures from REAL florists and think everyone would enjoy this as well.

  • Any and all flower arrangement styles are welcome: everyday, funeral, events, etc.
  • We would really prefer arrangements made from the week prior, although any recently made flower arrangement pictures are fine.
  • We mostly want to keep with the feel of the season. You wouldn’t want to see a Thanksgiving cornucopia picture chosen in the middle of the summer. Remember, you want non-florists to see whats available to them right now, and hopefully be inspired enough to contact their local florist!

Fun For Everyone!

We want this new feature to be lots of fun for everyone, and hope the idea of seeing a new arrangements from fellow florists every week will be inspiring. We would also love your input and suggestions. How do you think we could make this even more fun? Let us know in the comments below, or email me at social@flowershopnetwork.com.

If you don’t keep up with our Facebook, (and just why not?!) we are already a virtual hub of florist activity. We are constantly sharing articles either just for florists, or ones great for florists to share with their customers. We also have a weekly feature, Monday’s Florist One-Liners. These are easy lines florists can use in their weekly promoting for things like, status updates, email subjects, even outdoor or window signage.


Introducing the NEW FSN Funeral Homes

We are so excited to present to you our newly re-designed FSN Funeral Homes! We have completely changed the look-and-feel, but also the motivation behind the site. We want FSN Funeral Homes to be a complete resource for visitors looking for information about funerals, funeral homes and funeral planning.

FSN Funeral Homes

The new layout features six, easy-to-navigate categories to easily help visitors looking for specific information on any aspect of funeral services. With new articles coming out each week, we are confident this site will become a top resource for funeral planning.

There is also a improved search bar at the top to search for a funeral home anywhere in the United States or Canada. This can be a big help to florists as well when you are looking for funeral homes in other cities. You can also send your customers here if they have questions or need help with funeral planning. If you have a topic or question you think we should cover, let us know!

We are very proud and hope you find our new FSN Funeral Homes to be both convenient and beneficial.