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Happy Halloween 2008 From Flower Shop Network!

Happy Halloween From Flower Shop Network!

Flower Shop Network employees, including myself, recently enjoyed a small Halloween celebration while we were working through the holiday. Many of us chose to come to work in our costumes, snacked on festive goodies, and enjoyed a day of jovial jabs.

From a giant Lego man to a small hillbilly woman, we had a wide range of costumed friends roaming around the halls. Being in the festive mood, I’ve decided to post some of the pictures in hopes that it would inspire you to equally wonderful moods this holiday season. Who knows? This may even be what sways you toward throwing that fun holiday office party for Thanksgiving or Christmas.

Frightfully Good Customer Service

Frightfully Good Customer Service

Clowning Around With The Indians

Clowning Around With The Indians

(Left) Anita Perkins of FGmarket.com dresses as a cute little clown; the pretty Indian maiden, Wedding and Party Network’s Lacey Willie, poses alongside.

(Right) It’s hard to tell who is a super villain and who is a super heroine in this photo. Samantha Reavis scares up a good time as an FSN Relay Coordinator. Brynn Jackson (me!!) tries to be inconspicuous as Super Girlfriend by night and FSN Copywriter and Brilliant Blogger by day. Not exactly Clark Kent, but it works. Kristin Evans, another FSN Relay Coordinator, is a frightful sight for sore eyes on the far right.



Thats One Giant Lego

Thats One Giant Lego

An Angel of Mercy

Angel of Mercy

(Left) Kier Heyl of Technologies poses as a giant Lego™. For those of us who know Kier best, there is no doubt that this is the most perfect costume for him ever. Ever.

(Right) Gena Parrish, a wonderful Relay Coordinator for Flower Shop Network, comes as an angel of mercy. After all, it is breast cancer awareness month! Gena’s recent bout with cancer herself has been an inspiration to us all. We always knew she had a halo somewhere!






Super Girlfriend By Night

Super Girlfriend By Night

(Left) Wilma Baney of Wedding and Party Network looks like she could make a mean smoked opossum! Underneath that gruff exterior is one of the sweetest people around though. I’m suddenly tempted to buy barbecue sauce and corn cobs.

(Right) Brynn Jackson by day, Super Girlfriend by merit…er…night. Pay close attention. You never know what superpowers your friendly copywriter may possess. I stand for all that is good, romantic, and entirely devoted in the world.



Kristin As Cruella Deville

Kristin As Cruella Deville

Lacey Summons Rain

Lacey Summons Rain

(Left) Lacey Willie summons rain, or so we think, during a temporary break from pictures and fun on the phone. It’s hard to type the sound that is made when someone pats their hand to their mouth and mimics an Indian so I’m going to suggest taking a moment to figure it out for yourself. *moment*

(Right) Kristin Evans, though disguised as Cruella Deville from 101 Dalmatians, secretly loves dogs. We’re now all hoping that her hair naturally grays in this way. Seriously.