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What Causes Houseplant Leaves To Turn Brown And Dry Up

Ask the Expert:

what cause the end of my house plant leaves to turn brown and dry up ? Nicole

Flower Shop Network Plant Expert Reply:

The number one cause of browning leaves on any plant is a water issue.  It could be getting too or too little water.  Depending on the houseplant you may need to keep the soil very moist, but not soggy.  Sometimes this is hard to determine.  Another cause could be too much sunlight. If the plant is close to a window the sun could be burning the leaves.  Some insects can cause browning but it usually presents itself in the middle of the leaves.

I recommend checking the soil moisture. Make sure the soil is moist and that the container can drain excess water.  Check the position of the plant. Move it out of the direct line of the window. Look for signs of insects. Check the backs of the leaves for signs of insects.

Once you determine which issue you have, you can correct it and the plant should make a full recovery.

Dundalk Florists hope this plant care questions helps others with brown tips on their houseplants.

Does My Plant Have Stem Gall?

Ask the Expert: what are stem galls?
I have tiny “cobwebs” at the stem end of my croton and I notice no new leaf growth and many leaves falling off. Could these be stem galls? Or what else could these cobwebs be and how do I get rid of them and ensure they don’t come back? Madelon

Plant Expert Reply:

Stem gall is an abnormal growth on the stem of a plant. It can be cause by various parasites: fungus, bacteria, insects, mites.

However, you probably have cottony scale. It is an insect. You will need an insecticide for houseplants. Your local garden center should carry one.

This plant problem question was brought to you by Duluth MN Florists

What Plants Are In This Dish Garden?

Ask The Expert: I am trying to find out the names of the plants in your dish garden of plants. The one with the red veins. I have been trying for months to find the name of this plant because I have one and love this plant! Donna

Dish Garden

Dish Garden

Plant Expert Reply:

Is the dish garden to the right the one you are looking at in either the Flower Shop Network selection guide or online in our flower gallery?

It has several plants and I have tried to label them all. I assume the plant you are talking about is the Maranta Prayer Plant.

I can understand why you would love this plant. The Prayer Plant makes a wonderful houseplant and is very compatible with other houseplants. It likes a spot with good light, but no direct sun. Be sure to keep this plant away from drafts — it is originally a rainforest plant. When you water it use room temperature warm water.

This Flower Shop Network questions was proudly sponsored by Philadelphia Florists

How To Care For A Peace Lily Received At A Funeral

Peace Lily (Spathiphyllum clevelandii

Peace Lily (Spathiphyllum clevelandii

Ask The Expert: I was give a peace lily for my husbands funeral last April.  This is very large plant. I have trouble keeping any house plant.  The leaves are dying and turning brown. I’ve tried leaving the light on in the kitchen because I thought it needed light.  I would just hate to loose this plant for many reasons.  Can you help me bring my poor peace lily back to a healthy life?
Thank you,

Plant Expert Reply:

I can understand why you want to keep this plant healthy and I will try my best to help you do so. If you haven’t removed the peace lily from the decorative foil the florist puts it in do so now. The foil won’t allow the peace lily to drain properly.

Knowing what the specific care needs for a particular plant is the first step in houseplant survival. Let’s see what kind of care peace lilies (Spathiphyluum clevelandii) need.

They need bright filtered light, but are tolerant to low light levels. They do not like bright sunlight shining down on their leaves — it will cause the leaves to burn.  So place your peace in a room that gets a fair amount of light, but do not place it directly in front of a window.

Peace lilies want an evenly moist environment. This means the soil should not dry out completely or reamin soggy.  Once a week watering is a good rule of thumb. When you water make sure the soak the water completely and that any excess water drains quickly and easily. You can perform an easy test to determine the water needs of your plant.

Test the soil before watering by sticking finger in soil up to first knuckle — this will help you determine if the plant needs water. If the soil feels moist don’t water. You can also pull a little bit of the soil out and perform the roll test.

Roll the soil into a ball:

  • If you can squeeze wtaer easily out of the ball and you haven’t water in a while check the drainage. The plant may be too wet.
  • If you can’t roll the soil into a ball, it is too wet.
  • If you can roll soil into ball and it stays together but you can’t squeeze water out of it — then it is just fine.

Always water your peace lily with luke warm water and mist the air around the plant occasionally. Peace lilies are susceptible to chlorine damage; let chlorine evaporate from tap water before using or use distilled water. Over-watering may cause leaves to turn yellow and under-watering may cause plants to wilt and the leaf edges to turn yellow or brown.

Light and water are the most important plant care requirements. You can learn more about peace lily care on our peace lily page.

I also recommend trim off the damaged leaves.  Hopefully these tips will help you take care of your peace lily. Please keep me posted on your progress.

Flower Shop Network proudly sponsors this and all plant care questions.

English Ivy Air Purifier or Myth?

English Ivy

English Ivy

Ask The Expert: My husband bought me an English Ivy from the florist and said it is suppose to filter the air and rid your home of anything causing allergies. I don’t believe this, but wanted to ask. He said you are suppose to be able to get rid of your air purifier.
Please advise.
Lily Hampton

Plant Expert Reply:NASA scientists conducted a clean air study to find a solution to indoor pollution problems. English Ivy was one of the plants studied and it was found to help eliminate indoor pollutants.

English Ivy removes Formaldehyde, Benzene, and Carbon Monoxide which helps to purify the indoor air. So, in a sense it may help with allergies. However, it will not remove certain allergens like pollen, pet dander or dust.

Pink Pipe Cleaner Looking Bloom Is A Chenille Plant

Ask the Expert: What kind of plant is this?
acalypha-hisponiolaeHi I want to buy some of these plants but I can’t find anywhere what they are called. Can you please take a look and tell me the name? I have always called them pipe cleaner plants and am having a horrible time finding them cause I don’t know their proper name. Thank you Raquel

Plant Expert Reply:

The plant is a Chenille plant (Acalypha hispida). Some people call it a red-hot cat’s tail plant. It is often used as a houseplant.

Mystery Plant Could Be A Type Of Pilea

Ask The Expert:
Both pictures are of the same plant. I’ve propagated this plant many times over and have come to producing a plant with smaller leaves, which is a nice combination.

pilea foliage

Plant Expert Reply:Very interesting. The first picture looks like a type of Peperomia. However, in the second photo it looks more like a type of Pilea. So, I think we should ask our friends on facebook, if they know the names of these plants. Maybe one of them will have a better idea as to the identification of this plant. In the mean time I will check with a few other plant experts.

What Is This Creeping Plant With Small Leaves

Ask the Expert: Please Help Me Identify this Plant
peperomia-rotundifoliaI’ve put several arrangements together using this unique plant. It was a gift to me awhile back and I propagated it to continue to enjoy its beauty. I’m hoping you’ll be able to provide the name of this plant. Thanks! Candy

Plant Expert Reply:

I believe what you have is a Peperomia rotundifolia. I can’t tell from the picture if the leaves have any fine hairs. Peperomia rotundifolia (Yerba linda) is often covered with minute, fine hairs.

As you already know it propagates rather easily. At some point it will produce short spikes of yellish white flowers.

Making Outside Peace Lily A Houseplant

Ask the Expert: peace lilys
during our relocation from tennessee to georgia my 2 lilies have been in a nephews garage from june until now.  I know that the weather was in the 90’s to 100’s during the summer and recently it has been in the teens at night.  I would like to bring them back inside and need to know what I need to do to make them inside plants again.  They have wilted considerably and alot of the larger leaves are brown half ways.  any suggestions would be appreciated. Teresa

Plant Expert Reply:

You plants are already in shock and they will probably look worst before they look better. But, I think they will recover. Anytime you move a plant from outside in to your home check for any signs of pests. During times of stress plants are more susceptible to pests and other pathogen attacks. If you have a pest or fungal problem, you will need to get rid of them. Send me a picture of the pest or problem and I will instruct you on how to get rid of them.

To care for the peace lilies when you take them inside, begin by removing all damaged leaves. Place in an area where the plants will receive bright filtered light, natural if possible. Make sure your drain holes are working and are not obstructed. Keep the plant evenly moist. Do not over-water — the peace lilies will not need as much water as it did outside.

Now for the hard part, wait. You will need to patiently wait while the plants works through the shock of being moved.  In a couple of weeks, you should start to see new growth appear.  As the new growth appears, you can give the peace lilies a very light solution of water-soluble fertilizer.  Now the peace lilies should be fully acclimated houseplants.

Red Margined Dracaena – The Plant As Cool As Its Name

Dracaena plants are incredible. They range from red edged and trendy to your normal looking houseplants. What the quirky ones like me enjoy are dracaena plants with fun names. Since Generation Y looks for unique characteristics in everything, having houseplants like the Red Margined Dracaena around is a great way to help my generation fall in love with houseplants.

Let’s talk about Red Margined Dracaena (Dracaena marginata) alternate names for a moment. Shall we? Think about these when you’re looking for a new decoration for the house.

  • Red striped dracaena (sounds like a fast, sporty race car)
  • Red edged dracaena (why do I want a Red Bull now?)
  • Madagascar Dragon Tree (do I really have to elaborate?)
Red Striped Dracaena (Dracaena Marginata)

Red Edged Dracaena Houseplant

Now I grant you that nothing beats “Madagascar Dragon Tree” but give it up to Dracaena marginata for having several awesome names. It’s also one of the most popular dracaena plants for another reason. It bends.

I don’t mean that it bends like rubber. I mean that this tree can be shaped for a more unique appearance. It will grow in different directions or toward the light if handled properly. A plant with it’s own mind undergoing a growth spurt? What person wouldn’t find entertainment in that?

Just to top it all off, Dracaena marginata plant care is simple. I mean that. It’s easier than walking the dog or doing a load of dishes. Caring for your Dracaena marginata almost disqualifies itself as a chore based on the level of “easy” plant care. Basic plant care requirements for Red Edged Dracaena (Dracaena marginata) are thus:

  • Consistent temperature
  • Moderate watering
  • Bright filtered to low light

Basically, houseplant care can’t get much simpler than this. Water it a few times a week. Keep it away from drafts. It even tolerates low light of office buildings well! Really, can there be a better houseplant?

To send a Red Margined Dracaena to a friend or scour one for yourself, use Flower Shop Network to contact your local florist.