It’s possible you haven’t heard of International Women’s Day even though it has been around since 1908. But you are bound to hear about it more and more as this day that honors the strength and accomplishments of women gains additional recognition every year.
This is not just another version of Valentine’s Day or Mother’s Day. This is a holiday that was officially recognized in the US in 1994 and acknowledges the struggles of women to gain equal rights in different cultures all over world. Each year the UN sets a theme to bring about awareness about the struggles women continue to face in society. 2014 proclaims “Equality for Women is Progress for All.”
How Can You Celebrate?
There are several different way you can celebrate this day. You can feel good that no matter what way you choose, recognizing the significance of the holiday will help spread the word to others.
Bring About Awareness
Individuals often wear purple ribbons to mark International Women’s Day. Keep an eye out for awareness ribbons in local gift shops, or get crafty and make your own. By wearing an awareness ribbon, you are fostering the opportunity to tell interested parties what it stands for and why it is meaningful to you. You might even carry a few extras to give out at school or work.
Thank the Strong Women In Your Life
Becoming a strong independent woman is extremely challenging in a society that can frequently put up road blocks for females of all walks of life. But everyone knows someone in their lives who have been determined and held their ground. Whether it was getting ahead at a competitive job or raising a loving family, the strength of women should be rewarded. Send a lovely fresh-cut arrangement to let someone in your life know how amazing and inspiring they are.
Teach Others The History of Women’s Rights
Talk freely to children and loved ones about women working to gain equality, women champions you admire and why feminism is the desire for equal, not special, treatment. No need to get preachy, just speak from the heart. Talk about what inspires you to fight discrimination, even in small ways, or how you appreciate what others have done in the past to make our world what is it today. By making yourself heard, you are teaching others important values that make positive change possible.
While there is plenty of room for improvement, women’s rights have come a long way over many years and without remembering that rich history our culture won’t be able to move forward without your help.
Enjoy celebrating all the aspiring and inspiring women that have touched your life this Saturday.
Happy International Women’s Day!