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Is My Jade Plant Really A Jade Plant??

Ask The Expert: I believe this is a species of jade plant and it’s been flowering beautifully since January but i cant figure out what kind it may be.

Flower Shop Network Plant Expert Reply: It looks more like a Kalanchoe blossfeldiana to me.

Response: It had been given to me as a cutling and called a jade but i surely couldn’t find a jade with flowers such as those. Thing is i been raising it like a jade all along so i’m guessing that it’s also a succulent type plant with similar care then? And the flowers look right on to what you said bt the only thing i think looks different is the leaves of the plant mine seem much more rounded and not as “jaggedy” as the Kalanchoe i see on google but i assume this could be because my plant is young and there’s probably many many sub species of this type as well it seems.

Pink Blooming Succulent Is A Kalanchoe

Ask the Expert: What kind of plant is this?

Pink Kalanchoe

Pink Kalanchoe

The leaves appear to be a succulent, because they are thick and spongy. The flowers are like heather…     Heather

Plant Expert Reply:

You have a succulent called Kalanchoe blossfeldiana.  This happens to have pink flowers but they also come in yellow, white, red and orange.  Give it bright filtered light and keep moist to the dry side.  Watch for pests like aphids and mealybugs.  If kept too wet, kalanchoes can develop powdery mildew, leaf spot, as well as , crown and root rot.

Memorial Plant Is A Kalanchoe



Ask the Expert: I am stumped trying to identify this plant
We were given this plant when my father in law passed away. It grows well in direct sun with daily watering. I have tried everywhere to identify it but can not.. Can you help me. I thought it was a bogonia but everyone tells me Im wrong the flowers arent right.

Thank you for all your help



What you have is a Kalanchoe blossfeldiana.

My Name Is Kalanchoe Blossfeldiana

Ask the Expert: What kind of plant is this?



I received this plant about 3 years ago, it originally was small and had pink blooms on it.  Since then I has never bloomed again and it seems to be growing straight up.  It is really easy to regrow.  All you have to do is pull off a leaf and stick it in the dirt and boom a new plant will grow.  The leaves are dark green and waxy/shiny. LuAnn



You have a type of Kalanchoe blossfeldiana.  Yes, they are very easy to grow.  It looks as if this one is getting ready to bloom again.   The more you pinch it the fuller the plant will become and it will also keep it from becoming leggy.  In order for kalanchoe to bloom they need lengthy exposure to darkness similar to that of a poinsettia.  In the greenhouse, we move them to a place that has really low light and that seems to work for us.  After they bloom we trim the plant back and this seems to help as well.  The Flower Shop Network Kalanchoe page has some care tips that might help.    Kalanchoe Care Tips. You’ll need to scroll down the page to see them.