Ask the Expert: A Few Questions About My Lucky Bamboo
and i been searching on the net to see just how to care for them, and i have been getting ALOT of different things pointed at me..
* I understand that they are hardy plants which dont like to be fussed with to much..
* I know they like destilled water over tap or spring
* I also know that you have clean/change the water and rocks in order for it to stay free of bacteria
My Questions Are However :
1. How often should you give it water? (once a week, 2 times a month?) – im totally confused!!
2. How often should you change/clean the rocks?
3. How much food should you give it, and when?
please let me know! like i said i have been reading alot of things online.. and im not sure what one to follow, please help Janelle
Plant Expert Reply:
I understand your stress. So I will try to give quick and uncomplicated answers.
Lucky Bamboo water requirement: Give it enough water to maintain a consistent water level. For me that means once a week for you it may be longer or shorter. Tip: make a mark where you optimum water level should be – if the water drops 1/4″ below this mark add water. For you I would make the mark right at the lip edge of your pot.
Keeping Lucky Bamboo clean: If you keep all decaying plant material out of your container, you will only need to replace the water every couple of months. The only time I would change or clean the rocks would be if a bacteria or algae conditions was occurring.
Feeding Lucky Bamboo: I personally feed my lucky bamboo twice a year. Lucky bamboo is slow growing and do not respond well to over-fertilization. If you feel that it needs more fertilizer, schedule fertilization once a quarter.
I hope this information helps to remove any confusion you might have about lucky bamboo. Please keep me posted and let me know if you have other questions.