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Black Friday? Cyber Monday? We Say Always Shop Local!

Shop Local!While plenty of Americans are gearing up for big Black Friday discounts at major retailers and online shoppers are browsing like crazy to get ready for Cyber Monday sales, we would like to remind holiday shoppers of the value of shopping local.

Shopping Local Benefits the Community

While everyone loves to get more for less, remember that small brick and mortar businesses in your community have great holiday sales too. And the best part of spending your hard-earned cash at these shops is that you are helping local families and their employees have a great holiday season as well. We can’t say it enough. Supporting local businesses helps build communities in a big way. So take part!

Local florists are stocked with beautiful seasonal flowers, wreaths, plants and trendy home decor that make beautiful gifts. Candles, gift baskets, picture frames, cards and so many unique items are waiting for customers this season. Be sure to head to your closest flower shop and check out all these potential presents!

With the success of the American Express campaign “Small Business Saturday”, more shoppers are seeking local establishments for gifts each year. So be part of the growing number of Americans who are choosing to invest their holiday dollars in their own towns. This means shopkeepers will have the revenue to grow their businesses, become involved with community organizations and even sponsor activities like baseball teams and senior services. Everyone wins when local businesses thrive.

So before you load up on midnight madness sale items from those big-box companies, think about where your money can have the most impact for your family and community.

After you survive Black Friday, Small Business Saturday and Cyber Monday, celebrate Treat Yourself Tuesday. It’s a great reward and the perfect way to guarantee you’re shopping local!

Gobble Up The Top 20 Thanksgiving Card Messages

“Happy gobble-gobble!” That’s the traditional way to say Happy Thanksgiving in my family. A table full of food is my favorite thing about Thanksgiving Day but there’s a lot to love about the holiday. Friends and family gather around to celebrate a day off of work, a really good football game, a feast of delicious food and the turkey coma that follows. What an incredible day!

What’s kind of sad is that the real meaning of the holiday is becoming lost in the muffled voices of people eating, so I’ve decided to reiterate a bit of it. We all know the story of how the pilgrims came over on the Mayflower to settle the colonies that would later become America. The winter was bleak and barren but the local Indians were kind enough to share their food as well as teach the pilgrims some survival tips for the next winter. We owed them a debt of gratitude for their hospitality, began saying thanks by dining together which formed a strong bond, and thus began the tradition of Thanksgiving.

Dining together still forms a wholesome bond between people, but sometimes celebrating Thanksgiving in this way isn’t possible. For this reason, many choose to send Thanksgiving flower arrangements or cornucopias. After all, everyone loves receiving a gift even if it is in lieu of the sender’s company. The hard part comes in finding the right card message to go along with the gift of flowers. To make it simpler, local florists have provided their favorite choices for Thanksgiving card messages. Enjoy!

Giving Thanks With The Top 20 Thanksgiving Card Messages:

1)       Among the Many Things We Give Thanks For Are Loyal Friends Like You Who Have Helped Make This Year A Success For Us

2)       Giving thanks for your friendship

3)       May your life be filled with good things to be thankful for as ours are filled with thankfulness for you

4)       Thanksgiving gives us the opportunity to tell you how very much your friendship means to us

5)       1. Me – 2. Your family – 3. Everyone who recognizes kindness, caring, and generosity of spirit. Just a short list of the people whose lives you’ve touched. Happy Thanksgiving.

6)       May your heart be glad and your home be happy at this joyful time of thanksgiving.

7)       When I count my blessings, I count you twice. Happy Thanksgiving.

8)       Our homes may be far apart, but our hearts are as close as always.

9)       Thinking of you and wishing you all the blessings of this beautiful season.

10)     Happy Turkey Day.

You’re only halfway through! View all Thanksgiving enclosure card messages. Brought to you by Flower Shop Network.

Enjoy These Frightfully Fun Halloween Card Messages

What do costumes, apples and ghouls have in common? Halloween. I know. I gave you that one. In any case, Halloween is a very festive time when even the most straight-laced folks get to let loose and enjoy the evening. It’s the only time of year when no one thinks twice about seeing Batman walk down the street beside an angel and a skeleton. Kind of creepy, yes, but Halloween is a popular holiday for a reason—the gifts! Halloween gifts range from gag gifts to Halloween flower arrangements. When boo-tiful blossoms are the gift of choice, the hard part becomes figuring out what clever lines to leave on the enclosure card. I’ll help you out again.

Local florists spend Halloween like everyone else except they get to deliver their best Halloween flower arrangements and watch how happy this type of celebration makes people. They are always coming across new and clever card messages to accompany their arrangements, so it seemed only natural to ask for some of their favorite Halloween card messages.

Top 10 Eerily Awesome Halloween Enclosure Card Messages:

1)       A happy Halloween wish just for grins!

2)       As the sky grows dark and the moon glows bright, as strange creatures and critters appear in the night, as the goblins growl and the werewolves whine, hope that Halloween sends a chill up your spine!

3)       At this special time of year when jack-o’-lanterns glow, it gives a welcome chance to send a warm “Hello!” Happy Halloween.

4)       This is no Trick just a Treat for a special someone. Happy Halloween.

5)       Time for shivers, scares, and thrills, for pumpkin grins in windowsills, for black cats in the full moon’s glow, and a happy Halloween hello!

6)       A Merry Halloween. Wishing you a Halloween filled with good old-fashioned fun.

7)       Hope your Halloween is so happy, it makes you glow inside.

Surprise! That’s only 7! Find all 10 Halloween enclosure card messages. Feel free to share this frighteningly funny list with your customers. Let us know who BOO!-hooed and who laughed hysterically. Brought to you by Flower Shop Network.

Forget A Birthday? Send Flowers With These Belated Birthday Card Messages

Oh no! You’ve missed the birthday! What to do, what to do? Send flowers. I know. It seems to be my answer for everything but trust me on this one. Short of an apology on bended knee and a round of sobbing, there isn’t a much better way to say “I’m sorry for forgetting the birthday of someone so special to me.” In lieu of the first option, belated birthday flowers seem like a much better idea.

While weeping and pleading are probably not right up there on everyone’s list, sending flowers is quick and easy. In other words, having a local florist deliver a belated birthday bouquet is the best way to humbly recognize a forgetful slip up while not having to spend all day groveling for mercy at the feet of the offended one.

Many people have a heard enough time finding the right birthday card message, let alone sifting through lists and lists to find belated birthday card messages that practically jump off of the page. Local florists, being all too familiar with the humble needs of forgetful loved ones, have contributed to this list of the best belated birthday card messages for just such an occasion.

15 Card Message Reminders That It’s Never To Late To Say Happy Birthday

1)       (Funny) 29 again? Talk about recycling! Happy Belated Birthday

2)       May God grant you a day filled with happiness, a year filled with joy.

3)       Today well-lived makes every yesterday a dream of happiness and every tomorrow a vision of hope. You deserve a lifetime of beautiful tomorrows. Happy Belated Birthday.

4)       (Funny) At birthday time, it’s good to remember our friends. Actually, it’s good to remember anything! Happy Belated Birthday

5)       Because you’re you I’m celebrating your birthday yesterday! Because I’m me, I’m celebrating it today! Happy Belated Birthday

6)       Count not your years by adding the days but with joy count the friends you’ve made on the way. Wishing you a year of joy and friendship.

7)       For your birthday, I wanted to get you the thing you need most but how do you gift-wrap a 25-hour day? Happy Belated Birthday

8)       Go ahead and have another birthday if you want to. But don’t expect me to keep up with you. Happy Belated Birthday.

9)       (Funny) Can you guess what I want to be when I grow up? As much fun as you! Happy Belated Birthday.

10)   (Funny) Happy Belated Birthday. You’ve got a great life, you look wonderful, and your health is good. How could a measly present from me compete with that?

11)   (Funny) Happy Belated Birthday to someone who still looks good. In fact, almost lifelike.

12)   Your birthday is truly an event worth celebrating! Happy Belated Birthday.

13)   (Funny) You should really celebrate on your birthday. Take TWO naps today.

14)   Wishing you birthday memories to hold close to your heart! Have a Beautiful Day.

15)   (Funny) Wanted to send you something really nice for your birthday but the machine just kept taking my quarters. Happy Belated Birthday.

Haven’t found the one you want yet? Follow this link for a printable list of all belated birthday enclosure card messages. Brought to you by Flower Shop Network.

How To Say “Happy Grandparents Day” To Grandma & Grandpa

In my family, grandparents rule the roost. The child in good with the grandparents need never want for another thing. They are protective, loving, gentle, and supportive. They rule their homes with iron fists and open hearts. I adore my grandparents and want only the best for them. We recently started celebrating Grandparents Day with them as a way of bringing the families together again during the year. My remaining grandmother and grandfather are in their early 80s. After that many years of receiving gifts for various occasions it gets kind of hard to give one that they’ll really like. I’ve figured out the answer for them though. I have decided to send flowers to my grandmother with a very sweet Grandparents Day card message attached. My grandfather, a farmer, is receiving a plant instead but with the same message of love.

Those not so skilled in verse may struggle to find the right way to say what is on their hearts. Grandma and Grandpa know that they are loved, but what combination of words expresses the depth of this love with any kind of fervor? What Grandparents Day card message says it all but in the space of a little enclosure card? Instead of spending hours looking for the perfect message, spend the day enjoying time with your grandparents. They’ll love the gift because you sent it, but a special message like those below help make it their favorite gift yet. With this list of Grandparents Day card messages compiled by local florists, it is easy to find the message that you need when sending flowers to grandma and grandpa.

Grandparents Day Card Messages

1)       The two of you must have been the inspiration for this special day. Happy Grandparents Day.

2)       A Loving Wish on Grandparents Day. To wish you a happy Grandparents Day and then remind you, too, how very, very much you’re loved Today and all year through!

3)       Among the sweetest memories Our hearts keep through the years, Are special things grandmothers say and do– Their tender hugs and words of praise, Their laughter and their loving ways Are joys that we recall our whole lives through. With more love and special thoughts than you could ever know.

4)       A zillion hugs just aren’t enough for grandparents who do such special stuff and always make me feel so very loved.

5)       It’s great to have a day that honors grandparents. It’s a wonderful chance to thank you for great times and feelings and lifelong gifts of your love.

6)       Thank you for telling me your stories and sharing your many years of experience and wisdom. I’m a better person for having learned from you. Happy Grandparents Day.

7)       A grandparent is a special part of all that’s cherished in the heart.

8)       Grandparents give the best hugs! Here’s one to wish you a Happy Grandparents Day.

9)       I love the way you love and the nice things that you do. I feel so very lucky just because you’re you!

10)     For You On Grandparents Day. It’s the perfect time to let you know how much you’re loved, how much you’re wished the best of everything.

You’re only halfway through! Read all 20 Grandparents Day enclosure card messages. Brought to you by Flower Shop Network.

What Can You Say With A Sweetest Day Card Message?

Herbert Birch Kingston had the right idea when he created Sweetest Day in 1922. It was his way of giving a sweet gift to those who were normally forgotten. Orphanages, the terminally ill and the disabled in his hometown of Cleveland, Ohio received these gifts. What a heartwarming gesture from a special man! It has especially touched my heart which is why I have begun celebrating Sweetest Day by sending flowers or gift baskets to my friends. For me, it’s a way to let them know somewhat randomly that I care about them all year long and want the best for them.

It’s very easy to get lost in preparing Sweetest Day flowers and gifts, but the most endearing part of the presents is actually in the card message. Being not a wordy person when it comes to expressing emotion, this list of Sweetest Day card messages has proven to be very helpful. Because Sweetest Day celebrates sharing, here is a great list of Sweetest Day card messages prepared with the help of local florists.

A Sample of the Best Card Messages for Sweetest Day:

1)       This is Sweetest Day-a day inspired by the love and friendships we all cherish.

2)       You put the “sweet” in Sweetest Day.

3)       A wish for you on Sweetest Day. May you be as good and kind to yourself as you always are to everyone else!

4)       Because you are so special, so nice in every way. This brings you loving wishes for a happy Sweetest Day!

5)       Hope your Sweetest Day is sprinkled with all different kinds of happy!

Want a complete list of just the Sweetest Day enclosure card messages? View all 10, print and share with customers, or keep a list by your register. All card messages brought to you by Flower Shop Network.

FSN Surprise Visits Hollyhocks Flowers & Gifts

Hollyhocks Flowers & Gifts, St. Louis MO

Recently, while attending the SAF Growth Solutions Conference in St. Louis, Brock and Loranne Atwill, owners of Flower Shop Network, decided to pay a surprise visit to one of our member florists to see what was happening in her flower shop.

Susan Kenny, owner of Hollyhocks Flowers & Gifts, welcomed the FSN crew with open arms. After a tour of the shop, the conversation turned to business, and according to Susan, business is good!

Susan has recently found great success in reaching out to the strong Hispanic influence in her community. She has hired a translator to help in the shop and created flyers and other promotions intended to branch out her network in these demographics. She is really proud of her shop’s diversity and is ready for even more.

Brock and Loranne really enjoyed the visit with Susan at Hollyhocks. Just goes to show, you never know when FSN might drop in on you!

Just4Florists: How To Reach Out With Community Workshops

Teach What You KnowHow involved is your flower shop in the local community? (No blank stares, please.) The more you put yourself out there, the more you will get back!

Do more for your public image by offering workshops to your community. This engaging approach cements your business in the minds of customers, and can be highly rewarding.

By developing simple, one-day sessions, you can reach out to your neighborhood to offer an event that is completely original.

Your customer base will increase, not just from workshop participants, but word of mouth as well. Think of it as summer camp for flower enthusiasts!

Host Workshops in Your Area

Flower Arranging 101 – Teach the basics of flower arranging to the DIY crowd, and make sure they know they can get the best loose stems and flower accessories from you to build their own custom creations.

Grow Green Thumbs  – Show how to care for all the houseplants you offer in your shop by demonstrating various pruning, re-potting and watering tips.

Cocktail Flower Hour – Offer a wine tasting paired with a floral design lesson for a relaxed and sophisticated evening mingle.

Posy Pals  – Make use of bright, summer blooms and appeal to all ages by teaching young flower lovers how put together a beautiful flower arrangement. (Great just before family-oriented holidays, such as Grandparent’s Day.)

[Read more…]

Florist Friday Recap 6/1 – 6/7: Bright & Cheery

Florists everywhere are gearing up for summer fun. Bright and cheery flower arrangements are going out to happy people all across the country. Today’s recap shows recent arrangements by local florists all across the country.

Summer Flowers

Paisley Floral Design Studio, Manchester NH

Summer florals by Paisley Floral Design Studio, Manchester NH

“Bright, garden inspired vase for sympathy – incoming FSN order filled!”

Fun summer flowers by Crossroads Florist, Mahwah NJ

Fun summer flowers by Crossroads Florist, Mahwah NJ

““Havin’ a Ball” Tom Kenison AIFD… Just for the fun of it”

Cottage Flowers & Gifts, Pasadena TX

[Read more…]

Top 10 Best Smelling Flowers According To Florists

When was the last time you stopped and smelled the roses? Or the lilacs? Or the hyacinth? With spring ushering in all these beautiful blooms, we wanted to know what fresh-cut flowers are the best for filling a room with a heavenly aroma. So we asked those who would know best – our FSN florists! We had quite a response, but compiled a list of the top ten.Poetric Peonies

Top 10 Best Smelling Flowers


  • 1. Stock

Click here to order a fresh flower arrangement with stock!


  • 2. Freesia

Click here to order a fresh flower arrangement with freesia!


  • 3. Lilacs

Looking for lilacs? Find a florist near you to order a beautiful arrangement! 


  • 4. Gardenia 

Order a fresh flower arrangement with gardenias from your local florist today!


  • 5. Rose – Garden & Rainbow 

Click here to order a fresh flower arrangement with roses!


  • 6. Lilies – Asian & Stargazer

Click here to order a fresh flower arrangement with lilies!

  • 7. Boronia

Order a fresh flower arrangement with boronia from your local florist today!


  • 8. Jasmine

Order a fresh flower arrangement with jasmine from your local florist today!


  • 9. Peony

Order a fresh flower arrangement with peonies from your local florist today!


  • 10. Hyacinth

Order a fresh flower arrangement with hyacinth from your local florist today!

So if you want to walk in your home and be transported to a lush garden or know someone needing a bit of scent-inspired pick-me-up, contact your real local florist today. Ask for your favorites from this list for a scent-sational arrangement. You can’t go wrong!

Find a Local Florist

This list was generated from responses received on our Facebook page. Join in the fun!