Ask the Expert: When will my Phalaenopsis Orchid Bloom? I bought a (indoor) Phalaenopsis Orchid plant that looked rather sad with its’ droopy leaves and no flowers on a Lowe’s discount table for a $1. Took it home and with some TLC it has perked up quite a bit. It has a long brown stem (like a skinny branch) growing out of the plant base. No blooms whatsoever, so do I cut the stem off and would another one grow in its’ place? When would I expect some flowers? Also, does this plant get root bound? I can see through the clear plastic (small) pot all these green thick “roots” seem crowded.
Never owned a Orchid before as I have heard they are hard plants to take care of. Thank you in advance for your help. Would a photo help? If so I can send one to you. Thanks – JD
Flower Shop Network Plant Expert Reply: Phalaeopsis orchids are not too difficult to grow. In fact at the nursery, we basically ignore them.
However there are a few things you will want to do:
Proper Light: Phalaeopsis need bright indirect light. Directly across from a south facing window is the best. You can also exposed it to 12 hours of fluorescent light if natural light isn’t available. Your orchid will have bright green leaves if it is getting adequate light.
Adequate Water & Nutrients: As for water, you will need to let it dry almost completely before you water it. You will need to fertilize it once a month with a fertilizer specially blended for orchids.
Proper Orchid Maintainence: Bloom stalks are normally pruned. If the plant has healthy thick green leaves that are not wrinkled or drooping, you cut the bloom stalk just below the lowest bloom. The plant should then send out a new flowering branch. If you stalk is not healthy, cut the stalk all the way down and be sure to water and fertilize properly as the plant recovers. When an orchid is this damaged, it can take up to a year before it will bloom again.
Oh as for the roots – it is perfectly acceptable for the roots to show.
Hopefully this information will help you bring your Phalaeopsis orchid back to it’s glory.