Ask the Expert: Can you identify this plant?
I have a plant that I would like to have identified. I have attached a picture below. The leaves are a medium green and are elongated with serrated edges. The blossom is a cream colour and I have had trouble identifying the exact colour of the centre – it is either a deep vibrant brown or a deep purple. There are 5 petals on each flower and yellow stamens in the centre. The flower is in bloom when I awake in the morning and when the plant is in shade or when it is dusk, the flowers are spent. Lin
Plant Expert Reply:
I can’t see a leaf clearly to make a positive identification on the species but it definitely in the Hibiscus genus. I would guess a Hibiscus moscheutos (common rose mallow or swamp rose mallow) or a Hibiscus trionum (Flower-of-an-hour). The rose mallows are woody-based perennials hardy in zone 5-10. The Flower-of-an-hour are short-lived perennials that are hardy in zone 10-11.
This plant identification was brought to you by Flower Shop Network.