Ask the Expert: Have a lace-cap hydrangea but no blooms. Help? My lace-cap hydrangea looks healthy with lots of deep green leaves but no flowers. Should I be fertilizing it? Elizabeth
Plant expert Reply:
There are 2 major reasons Lacecap Hydrangeas (Hydrangea macrophylla) cold damage or improper pruning. Since they form their buds August through September, the Lacecap hydrangea bloom buds are susceptible to frost damage. There is very little you can do about this type of blooming problem except to use a variety that is a little more hardy. However if pruning is the cause for lack of blooms, you have all the control over this problem. Lacecap hydrangeas should be deheaded immediately after blooming and very little true pruning needs to take place. If you must prune your hydrangea, follow the fantastic pruning instructions I found at Hydrangeas! Hydrangeas.
2 minor reasons hydranges don’t bloom: Not enough sunlight and insufficient nutrients. Hydrangeas love morning sun and afternoon shade. Also they will grow in shaier conditions, it does inhibit blooming. make sure your hydrangeas get half a day of sun. Fertlize your hydrangeas will a balanced slow-release fertilizer once or twice a summer. May and july are good months to fertilize your hydrangeas. Don not fertlize after August.
Hopefully the reason your hydrangea isn’t blooming will become clear and you will be able to correct the problem.