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Call This Houseplant Rex – Begonia That Is

Begonia Rex

Begonia Rex

Ask the Expert:
Do you know the name of this house plant? Can you identify this house plant. I would like it’s name and any other information you may have on it. Thank you! Linda

Plant Expert Reply:

It is a little hard to tell from the picture but it looks as if you have a Rex Begonia. This herbaceous perennial is only hardy in zone 10 to 11 and therefore treated more as an annual or houseplant.  This houseplant needs high humidity and well-drained soil. You will need to be careful not to over water this plant.  If the roots remain soggy for too long, they will rot. You, also, need to fertilize it quite often during the growing season. Fertilizing should begin in spring and end in the fall.  I recommend a balanced fertilizer just slighlty higher in nitrogen that is water soluable every two weeks.  Rex Begonias need lots of bright filtered light. The optimum day time temperature is in the 70 degree range and the night temperature is in the 60 degree range.  Most normal household temperatures will be sufficient. 

Good Luck with your plant and keep me posted.

Avocado Leaves Turning Brown

Avacado Tree 1 Year Old

Avacado Tree 1 Year Old

Ask the Expert: What is wrong with my avocado tree?

The little thing is a year old. It did not get much sun at all this winter but now it has full southern exposure and plenty of light. I keep it inside and ensure it’s nice and warm.
When new leaves sprout from the top the older larger leaves turn brown and fall off the bottom.
I have tried giving it plenty of water and I’ve tried to dry it out.
I’ve tried a little water each day but still can’t stop what’s happening to it. Dianne

Plant Expert Reply:

It looks like you have a water stress issue.  Instead of a little water each day, water it thoroughly and when the soil starts to dry out water it thoroughly again.  At some point you will need to water it with a very diluted solution of water soluble fertilizer.  I would remove the brown leaf.  Do watch for leaf spot.  If the leaves start to get rust colored spots, you will have to treat it for leaf spot disease.  Try to give it as much light as possible.  For the summer you might want to put it outside.  Good Luck and Keep Me posted.

See More Avocado FAQs From Our Expert »

Drooping Chocolate Soldier

Ask the Expert: Drooping Chocolate Soldier
I have a chocolate soldier that about a month ago got way too much water.  Since then I have transplanted the plant into a pot that drains well.  However, my plant is still really really droopy and I am worried that it may not make it.  The blooms on it are still coming but they do not open.  Any help would be appreciated but please hurry.  Norma

Plant Expert Reply:

Give the plant time to recover.  Try to keep the conditions consistent. Chocolate solider needs to have a visual dryness between watering. Use tepid water when you do water them and try not to get the leaves wet.  Keep them in partial sun or shade (an east, west, or northern exposure). A little direct sunlight is beneficial; try to avoid hot noonday sun. They need warm temperatures above 65 degrees. Follow these care instructions and the plant should make a full recovery. Good Luck and keep me posted.

Green Peace Lily Blooms

Ask the Expert: Peace Lily flowers are turning green
We have
several peace lilies planted outside next our patio out of the sun and for
several months they were blooming abundent white flowers but now the majority of
the white flours are turning green.  What can I do to correct this problem. Tyrus

Plant Expert Reply:

This is the natural process of peace lily blooms.  They will start out white then turn green and eventually turn brown.  You need to remove spent the blooms.  Follow the stem to the base of the plant and cut the stem off.  This will encourage the plant to produce new blooms.

Brown Tips On A Peace Lily

Ask the Expert: Peace lily: Brown tips

I want to ask you what I should do when my peace lily has brown tips. Should I cut them?

Also, some of the tips are turning kind of green. Is this good or bad sign? Jack

Plant Expert Reply:

You can cut the leaves at an angle to remove the brown tips. If only a few leaves have brown tips, I like to remove the whole leaf instead of cutting the tips off.

When you say turning green do you mean a lighter green? Water stress and insect stress can be a factor. I would say since the plants have brown tips, it is more of a water issue. Create a more humid environment around your peace lily and make sure the soil stays moist but not soggy.

If you can take a picture of the leaves from various angles, I will take a look at them to see if I can determine any problems.

Magnolia Alive Or Dead?

Ask the Expert: Newly planted magnolia trees looks dead?
I just bought 3 magnolia trees from a nursery last May. 7 ft, 5 ft. and a 3 ft. in height. The trees didn’t have flowers and leaves when I bought them but I thought that maybe it’s because it’s still early spring. It’s is now June 10 and they have less than 10 leaves on each tree. Is it dead? how long should I wait for leaves to bud?

Plant Expert Reply:

I assume you have purchased a type of deciduios Magnolia like Magnolia soulangeana (Saucer Magnolia) and not Magnolia grandifolia (Sounthern Magnolia).   Southern Magnolias should always have leaves.  However decidious magnolias will drop their leaves in the winter.

When you say you bought them last May do you mean May of 2008 or 2009.  If you mean 2008 and the trees didn’t have leaves all of last year, the trees are probably not going to make it.  However, if you mean May 2009, then trees have a good chance and may be slow in forming leaves.  Usually by this time, your magnolia should be fully leafed out.  To see if your tree is still alive take your finger and scrape the branches.  If the tissue underneath is green or has a green cast to it, the tree is still alive.  You will need to prune off any dead till you reach the green tissue.

When you planted the magnolia trees, did make sure not to plant them too deep.  The original top of the tree root ball should have been even with or slightly higher that the top of the ground.  If the trees are planted to deep, the tree will be stressed and may not produce leaves correctly.  You will need to raise the plant if it is planted too deep.

You can give the tree Vitamin B1 and fertilize to help it thrive.

Good Luck and Keep Me Posted.

Compatible Plants For Peace Lily

Ask The Expert: I am preparing to repot my beloved peace Lily and have selected a beautiful (large) pot. I would like to accent around the base of the Lilly with another small leafy plant. I wonder if you can suggest a variety that will be symbiotic, or at least get along very well with the lilly?

Thank you very much! Kabir

Plant Expert Reply:

You need something that needs the same conditions as a peace lily.  So plants that like humid and warm environments and light to partial shade are going to be compatible with peace lilies (Spathiphyllum).  I suggest using Peperomias or Tradescantia (Spiderwort).  There are other plants that will work, but these genus have textures and colors that will compliment the peace lily foilage.

Peace Lilies Outside

Ask The Expert: can pease lillies be put out side in summer months? Jill

Plant Expert Reply: Yes peace lilies can be placed outside during the summer.  I recommend placing pease lilies (Spathiphyllum) in an area protected from hot blazing sun.  Bright areas are good for peace lilies but sunlight beating down constantly on them will cause the leaves to scorch.  Keep them moist outside but watch for overwatering.

Transplanting Grape Vines

Ask the Expert: when is the proper time to  transplant grapevine in west tn? Bill

Plant Expert Reply:

Transplanting an established grape can be a little tricky.  They usually don’t like to be moved which is why people taking cutting of their grape instead of moving it.  However, it doesn’t mean that a grape can’t be moved. I recommend waiting until late fall.  When you transplant the grape vine you will need to prune the plant back as well.   Good luck and keep me posted.

Taking Care Of New Lucky Bamboo

Ask the Expert: I just recently got my Lucky Bamboo!I was reading some on the computer and they said that the roots are healthy when they are red. Mine are a light tan??? I got it that way I just have one stalk!! Is it better to leave it in water or plant it in soil or in pebbles? every site I read says all three work! And Mine is Yellowish on the top of the stem what does that mean? I’m about to go out of town and leave it with my friend so I need to get all the info I can so she doesn’t kill it!! Thanks SO Much Jadee

Plant Expert Reply:

Caring for lucky bamboo (Dracaena Sanderiana) is fairly simply.  With the right light and water, your lucky bamboo will basically take care of its self.

Let’s address your first question.  What color should the roots be? Older roots are ususally orange or rust colored.  Newer roots are white or cream in color.  Roots which are any of these colors are healthy.  However if your roots are black or slimy red, you have a problem.

Second question – what should lucky bamboo be planted in.  If it came to you in water leave it in water.  It is not necessary to add pebbles or rocks, but it won’t hurt to have them.  If your lucky bamboo came in soil, leave it in soil.  Lucky bamboo can grow in weither soil or water.  However, it doesn’t like to switch back and forth.

Third question – Yellowing top.  Lucky bamboo with yellowing at the top of the stalk can be a result of too much light, fertilizer or exposure to fluoride.  This kind of damage actually presents itself in the leaves of the stalk.  If the yellowing is on the stalk above where it has been cut, you have dieback.  Should the yellowing travel down the stem, the stalk will die.

Since you are new to lucky bamboo, I suggest reading our Caring for lucky Bamboo newsletter.  You can also find more question and answers about lucky bamboo in the blog.