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African Violet or Distant Cousin?

Ask the Expert: What is my new plant?
In the African violet family same fuzzy leaves only they are more long and oval than round. Leaves are not very big. The violet itself blooms on the end of a wiry stem 4-10 inches long. Easy to grow. I would love to know the name of this plant. I really love it because it is a prolific grower and quite beautiful. I begged a slip from someone who also did not know the name. I would appreciate you help. Susan


Could your plant be a trailing African Violet? The Saintpaulia (African Violets) genus consists of 20 different species and over 2000 cultivars that look similar but can range from stemless plants with small elliptic hairy leaves clumps in rosettes to plants with extended stems with larger and oval shaped. My next guess would be Sinningia speciosa (Floirsts Gloxinias) which is a cousin to the African violet very similar but the Gloxinias do have a longer oval shaped leaves and the flowers do appear on stems. If you send me a picture I would have a better idea of what it is.

What IS This Dried Flower?

Ask the Expert: help identify a dried flower

My mother whom is now passed away got these flowers in a dried arrangement years ago. I was wondering what kind of flower is this? I’ve been searching for sometime now, any help is greatly appreciated. A photo is attached for your consideration.
Thank you,
Jennifer Nutter

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Name This Split Leaf Plant

Ask the Expert: What kind of plant is this?
I have been trying to figure this out forever. A friend thinks it is some kind of fern but I can’t find any pictures of it?
I was hoping maybe you guys could help? Matthew

See Attached Pictures

Xanadu Philodendron

Xanadu Philodendron

Xanadu Philodendron Leaf

Xanadu Philodendron Leaf

What Are These Beautiful Pendant Style Red Blooms

Ask the Expert: What type of plant is this?
Photo taken at Royal Botanical Gardens, Edinburgh, Scotland

See Attached Photo

Chile Lantern Tree


Are You Ready for the Mother of Thousands?

Ask the Expert: What type of plant is this??
i got this from some one and they said that its some type of weed from Florida, thats all i know id like to know what this is so i can get it in the right soil and care for it the right way. i am sending you two pics because the underside is got some distinctive markings

thanks, Drew

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Kalanchoe Daigremontiana

Kalanchoe Daigremontiana
Mother of Thousands Leaf

Mother of Thousands Leaf

Blackberry Lily Is Iris Cousin

Ask the Expert: what is this plant It has a rhizome, like an iris, about 40 -45cm high. very beautiful. Jackie

See attached pictures:

Belamcanda - Blackberry Lily

Belamcanda - Blackberry Lily

Leopard lily

Leopard lily

Chilli Pod Looking Red Flower is an Anthurium

Ask the Expert: Do you know what the plant I describe is?

Have a small plant that was originally part of an arrangement.  Has been replanted into its own pot.  Grows slowly.  Had for a few years. This year October it started to grow a few (3 or 4 so far) red pod like “flowers” for lack of a better word.  The leaves are grass green and large. It looks like each one is on a separate stem like a shrub. The pods looks like a rolled up bigger flower more than like a chili pod, but are bright red. Kinda open in the back of each pod. Stems are thick.   What do I have? Joanne



Mystery Pod Stumped The Expert – Till Now

Ask the Expert: some type of pod plant
i have 2 of these pod type plants with 3 “blooms” total in my front yard but i have no idea what they are or how they got there, any idea of what it is?  It was closed for the longest time but today it opened up, coincidentally this is our first cold day of the year but i dont know if that has anything to do with the timing.  I have never seen it before in any garden in the area and my place seems to be a haven for anything that can bloom.  Kari

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Possible Milkweed Pod

Possible Milkweed Pod

Possible Asclepias Pod

Possible Asclepias Pod

Photo of a Tree Philodendron Plant

Ask the Expert: what is this plant?
this plant is unknown to me. any ideas of what it is? large green leaves with white flowers that look like a banana? very odd but pretty. see photos. Joe
Attached Photos

Philodendron bipinnatifidum

Philodendron bipinnatifidum

Split-Leaf Philodendron

Split-Leaf Philodendron

Tree Philodendron

Tree Philodendron

Mysterious Vining Flower

Ask the Expert: An annual flower
I grow a twining plant, an annual, the has a very thin stem, with soft feathery leaves shaped like individual pine needles, and very small magenta star shaped flowers. The seeds are small and individual with each flower, black and about the size of coursely ground pepper. I saw it at the Missouri Botanical garden, but it was mislabled as penta lanceolata. The plant grows up to 15 feet up the side of the greenhouse, and reseeds readily. Gail

Cardinal Climber Vine

Cardinal Climber Vine

Picture comes from the Missouri Plant website.