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Can you identify this plant? It likes sun.. The flowers are bright pink –Phyllis
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Can you identify this plant? It likes sun.. The flowers are bright pink –Phyllis
Ask the Expert: Please identify this plant for me
I am unable to identify this plant. Please identify it for me and give me the scientific name. I believe the photo was taken in France.
Thanking you in advance. Loukmaan
Ask the Plant Expert: What is this plant?
I got this plant a few days ago but didn’t notice that it didn’t have an identification or care tag. It’s a beautiful plant and I want to take good care of it. It’s also me and my husband’s first house plant. Please help. Michelle
I received this from a funeral, and I’m trying to find out what it is so I can find how to care for it. – Ronna
Ask the Expert: What are these plants?
I’m unsure as to what these plants are, one I believe is a sedum/sempervivum. They are both from Vizcaya Gardens in Miami. Also are the two plants which looking very similar the same? One was in the shade and one in the sun which could explain the difference in colour on the edges of the leaves. Emma
Ask The Plant Expert:
What plant is this? Evergreen plant – ground cover? Yellow flowers – photo taken in mid winter. – Loan
What kind of plants are these? My neighbor gave me these plants and I have no idea what they are or how to care for them. Help please? -Aubrey
Flower Shop Network Plant Expert Reply:
I believe what you have is a Thunbergia vine. It is sometimes called Black-eyed Susan vine. As for care, they are real easy. Thunbergia alata likes full sun and a well-drained but moist soil. It is considered an annual except in tropical areas. The best place for it is in an area that gets a little shade in the late afternoon, but full sun otherwise. It will grow rapidly and bloom all summer through the fall.
What type of flower is this? Its an outdoor flower…that’s all I know. – Aubrey
Flower Shop Network Plant Expert Reply:
It looks like a type of lily, most likely an Asiatic lily. When the bloom opens, we maybe able to give you a more definitive identification. Hope this helps.
Ask The Plant Expert:
I was given a cutting over 10 years ago. I don’t know what it is, so its never been fed, it just gets water, in a clay pot. I have another in another room in a plastic pot, different window direction. The plant’s been moved around till I thought it liked a spot.they have grown. the one in a south/west window has surprised me with a flower; today it opened!!! It’s very large. There’s another blossom on same stock. How long will it last? What is the plant’s name? Need info; lots of info. It’s soooo beautiful!!!!! help!!! – Tina
Flower Shop Network Plant Expert Reply:
I believe it is a type of Epiphyllum or Nopalxochia.
Possibly a Epiphyllum ackermannii or Nopalxocia ackermanii, sometimes know as the red orchid cactus.
Not sure how long the bloom will last. Typically they last for 3 or 7 days.
They do not like temperatures above 100 degrees. The blooming cycle usually occurs between late winter and early summer. They grow best in a cactus mix potting soil in bright filtered light with moderate humidity.
During the growing season, apply a diluted water soluble fertilizer once a month. Keep it well watered except in the dormant season when it needs to be kept on the dry side. Growing season is some between late winter and the beginning of fall. Watch for mealy bugs especially in the spring.
I hope this information is helpful. Please let me know if I can help with anything else.
Ask The Plant Expert: What is this plant? Someone I used to work with gave me a start of this plant. She didn’t know what kind it was. I just re-potted it. Can u tell me what it is?
Flower Shop Network Plant Expert Reply:
Not sure exactly, but it looks like a purple passion plant. The botanical name for the plant is Gynura sarmentosa.
Other common names for it are purple velvet plant or purple passion vine. It is considered a tropical plant. It prefers bright filtered sunlight with a moist soil. However, don’t keep the soil soggy the roots don’t like to sit in water.
Hope this information is helpful. Please let me know if I can help with anything else.
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