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What Chemical Property does this tree have?

Ask The Expert: The tree grows about 6-7 mtrs; very straight and skin is very smooth. When the leaves are chewed and digested, or boiled and drank as tea, it causes continuous diarrhea, depending on the amount taken. No other trees or plants, especially crawling plants, grow closer than 1 meter around. If any crawling plant goes any closer, it’ll eventually dry up and die. – John

Flower Shop Network Plant Expert Reply:

John, Without seeing a picture of the tree, I not sure which tree you are talking about. There is an organic compound that occurs naturally in the leaves, bark and roots of some plants. This organic compound is called Juglone. Plants that produce Juglone create a toxic environment for other plants. The Black Walnut is an example of a trees that produces Juglone. I’m not sure if Juglone causes vomiting if consumed by humans, but I do know that it is toxic to horses.

If you could send me a picture of the tree and its bark, I might be able to determine what the tree is and what chemical it produces.

What Happen To My Bird Nest Fern?!?!

This is the second bird nest fern that has been purchased and the same with the other two, the leaves yellow and start to die… could this have something to do with that air inside my house and the heating? I sent a picture. What’s wrong? Can you help me, I love these plants but not how to look after.
Thanks -Elisa

Birds Nest Fern Birds Nest Fern

Flower Shop Network Plant Expert Reply: After looking at the photos, it appears that 3 things are not suitable for this plant. The soil is a poor quality mix for fern, it is extremely dry, and the pot doesn’t appear to have drainage.

If trying another fern.  Use a good quality potting mix such as Baccto, or Ferti-Lome complete mix, these are peat based soils which are much better suited for ferns.  Use a pot that has drain holes in the bottom with a saucer underneath. Water once to saturate then let dry for 5-7 days, then water again.  The soil shouldn’t get to the point it’s dry to touch on top.

Try to keep the plant out of the direct path of blowing heat. In addition to watering, mist daily if the room is excessively warm and dry (70° or hotter).  Place in a bathroom while showering the steam from the shower will help.

What Is This Plant With Unusual Pink Flower And Silver Leaves?

Ask the Expert: Can you tell me what this plant is received this plant as a gift what is it and how do i care for it. J

Flower Shop Network
Plant Expert Reply: Although the plant has a Sansevieria look, it is actually a type of  Bromeliad. This particular plant is a Aechmea fasciata. With a bloom that lasts 10-12 weeks, it grows to an average 24-27”. It thrives in medium to high light.

For more information about Bromeliads, read our blog post Tropical Bromeliad Basic Houseplant Care or check out the specific care information for the Aechmea fasciata.

Bromeliads are members of the Bromeliaceae (bro-meh-lee-AH-say-eye) family. Pineapple is the most well known Bromeliad. This versatile family contains a wide range of plants; some that look like a pineapple and some that look very un-like a pineapple. They do best indoors in cooler climates, but can be used outdoors in warmer climates (where the temperatures never freeze). They are general easy to grown with long lasting blooms.

This plant identification questions was brought to your by Pensacola Florists. Not in Pensacola FL? Find a local florist near you with FlowerShopNetwork.com

Please Identify Plant with Yellow Blooms and Stick-like Branches.

Euphorbia tirucalli

Ask the Expert: we are trying to identify this plant
This plant has stick type branches with tiny bottle like ends before the flowers. The first flowers were pink, these are yellow. Have you seen anything like this? Jim

Flower Shop Network Plant Expert Reply:
It looks like you have one of the many different culitvars of euphorbia tirucalli.

Euphorbia tiruis commonly referred to as pencil tree, firestick, finger tree, pencil euphorbia. The cultivars of euphorbia tircalli are light loving plants and need all the sun or light that you can give them. They can not tolerate freezing temperatures and therefore are used as houseplants in areas in zone 9 and above. These highly drought tolerant plants should only be watered when dry.

This plant identification post was brought to you by the local Roswell Florists. Not in Roswell NM? Flower Shop Network can connect you with the local florists in your area.

Using FSN Pictures To Identify Houseplants or Tropical Plants

Blooming Plant OrchidAsk the Expert: where can I find pictures of house/tropical plants.

I have several plants and I want to take care of them properly. Robin

Flower Shop Network Plant Expert Reply:

A good starting place to identify blooming, tropical and houseplants is in the Flower Shop Network’s plant gallery.  The plant gallery page has several different kinds of plants including a photo of each.If you click on the picture of the plant, it takes you to a page specifically dedicated to information about the plant.

Most plant pages contain water, light and fertilizer requirements for that specific plant. It may also contain information about pests and disease, as well as interesting facts. You can also find a florist near you and purchase the plant.

If your plant isn’t in our plant gallery, send us a picture and one of our plant experts will do their best to identify your plant and give you care instructions.

This post was brought to you by the real local florists in Peoria. Not in Peoria IL? Find a local florist near you by using Flower Shop Network’s online florist directory.

They Called It Crooked Back Cactus – What Is It?

Devils Backbone - Euphorbia tithymaloides

Ask the Expert: What is this “cactus”?
I purchased this plant at a flea market in SC and the seller called it a “Crooked Backed Cactus”. I haven’t been able to find this plant online under that name and would like to know what it is so that I can properly care for it. Melanie

Flower Shop Network Plant Expert Reply: Although the plant looked familiar, I could not place it. So I passed it on to Rick Pudwell at the Memphis Botanical Garden. I knew he would know exactly what the plant is called.

According to Rick

The plant is commonly called Devil’s Backbone. Botanical name is Euphorbia tithymaloides variegatus. It is a true succulent not a cactus. Like all Euphorbias the milky sap can cause a rash or irritation to exposed skin, so be careful if using it for cut material.

So there you have it! It is a Euphorbia tithymaloide.

Thanks Rick! You always come to my rescue.

What Is This Plant With Purple Flowers And Interesting Foliage?

Ask the Expert: What is this purple flowering plant
I recently acquired this plant. A friend called it a “Purple Jasmine” and said that it takes full sun. In my internet searches I have not found a picture of a purple jasmine that looks like this plant. Melanie

Flower Shop Network‘s Plant Expert Reply:
What you have is a Pletranthus ciliatus – a plant with textured green leaves that are red/purple underneath. In late summer this very heat tolerant plant produces purple blooms.

This plant has interesting foliage with a mounding habit growing 10-12″ in height and width. It is an annual plant unless you live in zone 10-11. This low maintenance plant will take full to partial sun. It can be used in landscapes as well as containers.

It is also adaptable as a houseplant and does not need deadheading.

This plant identification question was brought to you by the local florists in St Petersburg FL.

What Is This Yellow Flower With Purple Foliage?

Ask the Expert: Name of the plant we bought today?

Yellow Dahlia with purple leaves

Dahlia 'Clarion'

We bought a plant today in one of the private gardens open to the public for the charity. The leaves are dark (blackish purple) with yellow flowers about 5cm and about 1 and half metres. They told us it is called Clarion but alas we can’t find it anywhere online or in the books. We need to know how to take care of it. There are still some closed buds on it so it is just starting to flower at this time of year. Jacqueline

Flower Shop Network‘s Plant Expert Reply: The people who sold you the plant were correct in calling it a Clarion. They just didn’t tell you the complete name – Dahlia ‘Clarion’. What you have is a type of Dahlia. For classification purposes dahlias are divided into various classes according to their form and size. This particular Dahlia is in the single class. This means the flowerheads are composed of a single row of uniform, evenly spaced ray florets.

August is the peak blooming time for Dahlias. To learn more about this wonderful flower, Read Mandy’s August Flower Gets it’s Dues: Dahlia Flower Day post. Once a month she spotlights a flower and this past August it was the Dahlia.

What Is This Vine With White Flowers & Cactus-like Seed Pod

Ask the Expert: What is it?
we have a crawling vine on our fence that looks like a maple leaf but has little white flowers and it has little cactus looking plums on it? grows really quickly. Deline

California Vine With Small White Flowers

Coast Wild Cucumber

Vine and prickly seed pod

Marah fabaceus Seed Pod

Flower Shop Network‘s Plant Expert:
It looks like a member of the wild cucumber family which is the Marah genus.

I think this particular plant is a Marah fabaceus. It is commonly called California manroot, Coast wild cucumber, Manroot, wild cucumber and bigroot. The plant is found throughout California. Although the Marah genus can be found in various parts of the country, the Marah fabaceus is endemic (limited) to California alone.

It is consider a perennial vine and a herb.  The prickly fruit may resemble cucumbers, but is not edible. It has a very bitter taste.

Native Californians used this fruit medicinally. The Kumeyaay people use the crushed tubers of this plant to aid in fishing. They throw the crushed tubers in the water to immobilize the fish.

This plant identification was brought to you by the local florists in San Francisco.

Please Idenitify This Perennial Found In Connecticut

Hibiscus moscheuto - Swamp Rose-mallow

Ask the Expert: Can you ID this plant?
My niece and I were taking a walk and saw several of these plants, along with black-eyed Susan’s planted around a mailbox. This was in Connecticut, August 1st, if that helps. The yard had many perennials that I was familiar with, but I have no idea what this one is–not even sure if it’s a perennial. Thanks for your help! Mary Ellen

Flower Shop Network’s Plant Expert Reply:

I believe the plant is a Hibiscus moscheutos (Swamp Rose-mallow). It usually blooms July thru September with pink or white blooms (occasionally with red centers). It can grow 4 to 7′ in height and the blooms can be 4 to 7″ across.