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Is This A Woodland Plant Or An Invasive Weed?

Oxalis regnelli

Ask the Expert: Plant name

This an outside plant. It is green with tin white flowers. During the day the e leaves are out straight. At dusk, they lay down like a tiny umbrella. Judy

Flower Shop Network Plant Expert Reply:
The plant is most likely Oxalis regnelli. For some this is invasive weed. Others it is a beautiful woodland plant. It is one of 500 species of Oxalis which be found as fibrous-rooted, bulbous, rhizomatous, or tuberous annuals or perennials.  They are progated from seed or by division.  Some form of Oxalis are called Shamrocks and are given as gifts on St Patrick’s Day.

Cleveland florists are proud to bring you this plant identification question.

What Is This Plant With Strange Claw-like Seed Pod

Ask the Expert: what is this plant?

I have a plant that came up beside my deck and I have asked several people and no one has been able to help me. I’ve attached several photos of the plant. I’d greatly appreciate any help you can give me. Thanks so much. T

Flower Shop Network Plant Expert Reply:

What you have is Proboscidea louisianica. It is commonly called unicorn plant, common devil’s claw, ram’s horn. It is often found in the open plains of tropical North, Central and South America.

The Devil’s Claw produces funnel-shaped, creamy white-purplish flowers with reddish purple and marked yellow within the throats. After the plant blooms crested, boat-shaped fruit (seed pods) will follow. The fruit can be dried and used in winter arrangements.

This plant can be found in the following states: AL, AR, CA, CO, CT, DC, DE, FL, GA, IA, ID, IL, IN, KS, KY, LA, MA, MD, ME, MI, MN, MO, MS, NC, NE, NH, NJ, NM, NV, NY, OH, OK, OR, PA, RI, SC, SD, TN, TX, VA, VT, WA, WV, WY). It can be found in the following provinces of Canada: ON, SK

As with many plants – one man’s precious flower is another man’s noxious weed. In Indiana this plant is listed as a threatened and endangered plant. However, Washington would love to eradicate this noxious weed.

It isn’t a plant you would want to grow if you have small children or pets. The plant has a unpleasant smell and a resinous slime that you can’t easily wash off.  The seed pods as they dry become a problem. They will snag on to one’s skin or clothing and hang on.  Gnats, small flies and beetles are attracted to the plant, but much to their detriment.

Unknown Plant Looks Like A Type Of Rheum

rheumAsk the Expert: Unknown plant
I live in Maine and I am on a wooded lot, not much sun and lot of pine trees. I have pretty much given up trying to grow anything. This plant appeared this year. This is one of the only plants that are in my garden. It has square stocks and maple like leaves. Can you identify it?  Scott

Plant Expert Reply:

It looks like something from the Rheum genus – rhubarb.  However, at this point I can’t be sure. It could also be a type of Gunnera.  I’m not sure what part of Maine you live in but you the Maine Extension Service might be able to identify it  The extention service in Arkansas is very helpful with local plant identification. I’m sure the Maine Extension Service would be as well.  I will forward the picture to the extention to see what they think.  Maybe we will know something soon.

What Is This Blue Flower Found In Upstate South Carolina?

agapanthusAsk the Expert: what kind of flower is this
I have no idea what kind of flower this is.  The flower had not bloomed in the past few years.  I live in upstate SC and this plant is always green and never dies even in the winter it still had very bright green leaves.  I cannot identify it. Melissa

Plant Expert Reply:

Since I can’t tell by the picture the true structure of the plant and it’s foliage, I am basing my identification on the bloom only. I believe the plant you have is an Agapanthus (African Blue Lily).  However, I’m not sure which type of Agapanthus it is.

Agapanthus is a genus of about 10 vigorous perennial species, some of which are evergreen.  They are clump forming with large strap-shaped leaves. Agapanthus needs fertile, moist but well-drained soil.  Full-sun is required for good summer blooming.

Your blooming issues could be lack of sunlight, phosphorus deficiency, or the plant could be buried too deep. A change in any of these conditions could stimulate blooming.

This flower identification question wsa brought to you by local South Carolina Florists

Shade Loving Plant Between Trees Is Hosta



Ask the Expert: What plant is this?
Just moved in and can’t figure out what this is. They are planted in rows in between 2 big trees. Nikki

Plant Expert Reply:
What you have is a hosta. I’m not sure which kind. Hostas are shade loving plants that herbaceous perennial plants that grow from rhizomes. They are lily-like plants that will put up a blooms.

What Is This South Florida Tree With Pink Blooms

Clerodendron quadriloculare

Clerodendron quadriloculare

Ask the Expert: Can you please help us identify this tree /flower
This tree is seen quite a bit in South Florida. This one is in Corol Gables. Dave Giardina

Plant Expert Reply:

What an interesting and beautiful plant. I must say this one stumped me. It looked familiar, yet I had trouble identifying it. So, I passed it along to the wonderful folks at the Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden in Coral Gables (Miami), Florida. Martha Kent, their staff Horticulturist, told me the plant is a Clerodendron quadriloculare (sometimes referred to as Starburst, Shooting Star, Glorybower). Although quite a pretty plant, the root suckers and they can eat up quite a bit of real estate. As a result for most South Floridians the plant has quickly lost its appeal.

At maturity this fast growing plant will be over 10 feet in height. It thrives in fgull sun or part shade when given plenty of water. It usually blooms January through February and has edible berries.

To combat its invasive nature, many people use it as a potted plant

A special thanks to Martha for the identification. Anyone in the Coral Gables area should drop by the Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden and say hi to Martha.

This plant identification was sponsored by Flower Shop Network’s Miami florists

What Is This Early Spring Weed With Purple Flower

lamium-amplexicaule-henbitAsk the Expert: Can you identify this plant? (weed) Picture enclosed, I hope, Thanks. Rufus

Plant Expert Reply:

The plant is called Henbit (Lamium amplexicaule). Members of the Lamium genus can run the gamut from annuls to perennials and from wanted to unwanted plants. In this case Henbit is usually considered a weed. It usually pops up in early spring in lawns, flower & shrub beds. In the lawn, you can spray 2 4 D to get rid of it. It is a little more tricky in the shrub beds because the 2 4 D will damage the shrubs and the flowers if the chemical gets on them. I recommend pulling the Henbit that is in the shrub, but would spray the Henbit that is in the lawn.

Flower Shop Network is a proud sponsor of this weed identification question.

Pink Pipe Cleaner Looking Bloom Is A Chenille Plant

Ask the Expert: What kind of plant is this?
acalypha-hisponiolaeHi I want to buy some of these plants but I can’t find anywhere what they are called. Can you please take a look and tell me the name? I have always called them pipe cleaner plants and am having a horrible time finding them cause I don’t know their proper name. Thank you Raquel

Plant Expert Reply:

The plant is a Chenille plant (Acalypha hispida). Some people call it a red-hot cat’s tail plant. It is often used as a houseplant.

What Is This Plant Found On Facebook?

Ask The Expert:
what is this plant and its care and properties?? it leaves water on the desk from its leaves. thank you.

Plant Expert Reply:

It looks like you have an Aglaomena sometimes referred to as a Chinese Evergreen. The water on the desk is perplexing. Is the water dripping from the leaves. Is it water or a sticky substance? A sticky substance could indicate an insect problem or damage to the plant. When you water the plant do not wet the leaves only the soil.

As for Aglaomena (Chinese Evergreen) care instructions are as follows:

Light: Filter light or partial shade – no direct sunlight.

Water: Keep soil evenly moist; occasionally letting it dry slightly. Mist plant with lukewarm water every day.

Fertilizer: Feed a balanced fertilizer every 2 to 3 weeks except during the winter.

Let me know more about the water and I will try to figure out if it is a problem.

What Is The Purple Flowering Plant

Ask the Expert: Unknown flowering plant

Datura Stramonium

Datura Stramonium

Can someone please identify this flowering plant. Giovanni

Plant Expert Reply:

The plant you have is a Datura stramonium. It is sometimes referred to as a thornapple, Devil’s Apple. Jamestown-weed. Jimson-weed. Stinkweed. Devil’s Trumpet. Apple of Peru.  A native of tropical America, it can be found throughout the world, except the colder or Arctic regions.  In North America, it blooms May Through October.  I assume in Bermuda (where you live),  the flowering season is extended.

This beautiful flower is considered a weed in many areas because of the rank odor it produces.  The smell is not the only undesirable quality of this plant. Although this plant has been used as a medicinal herb ( as an antispasmodic, anodyne and narcotic), the alkaloids produces in this plant can be highly toxic.

All parts of the plant are poisonious. Wash hands after handling the plant and do not rub eyes, nose or mouth until hand have been washed.  Don’t let children or pets ingest this plant.

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