Ask the Expert: What type of Rose is this?
We found this rose on our travels through Italy. See the pictures attached. It looks like a Grandiflora, with a yellow bud. The bud turns into pink and rose.
What type of rose is it and will it survive in Zone 5 or 6 (Southern Ontario)?
And even better, where can I get one?
Flower Shop Network‘s Plant Expert Replay: Grandiflora roses are a cross between a hybrid tea and a floribunda. Their flowers grow in clusters and the plant is usually tall. Both of these qualification seem to be present in the rose in question. Since I am not an expert rosarian, I can not say with certainty which grandiflora it is.
However, I can tell you that there are many rose varietiesthat start out in one color in bud form and mature to another color. A few of those varieities are Dream Come True, Heart o’ Gold, Rio Samba and Joesph’s Coat. If you want a rose that closley resembles the one in the picture I would choose Dream Come True. It is a grandiflora rose that is hardy to zone 5. The best place to get one is at your local garden center & nursery. These professionals will not only have the roses, but will explain what is needed to make them grow successfully in your area.