What a century it’s been for Tom and Mary Horan of Horan’s Flower Shop in Simsbury Connecticut! This year marks the 100th anniversary of Horan’s. It’s not surprising that the flower shop has become a Simsbury staple and pride of the town. Flower Shop Network is also very proud of Horan’s accomplishments and attention to customer service. We were fortunate to be granted an exclusive interview with Tom Horan, owner of Horan’s Flower Shop, to discuss many fun things.
Here’s a snippet of the interview with Tom. You can read the rest after the break (click on “read more” at the end of this post).
Flower Shop Network: What can you tell me about the parties and events you’ve been throwing to celebrate your 100th anniversary?
Horan’s Flower Shop — Ok. We had last June a big celebration at one of the local hotels for staff and family. We had about 75 people. We had a lot of fun. My two older brothers have passed away but my two older sisters were there so we got up and talked about growing up in the business and some of the fun times that happened as we were growing up and that was kind of fun.
Then we had, two weeks ago, kind of an invited open house here at the shop for some of the town politicos and some friends as well as some of our top customers. We had 100 or so that came to that. We got a proclamation from the town and that day was Horan’s flower shop day. We got a citation from the state general assembly from our state rep and our state senator. Very nice, framed citation congratulating us. Then we got another award from the chamber of commerce here in town congratulations us.
It’s been kind of fun. Last week, as I mentioned, we had a regular open house for anybody. We had them make ornaments, Christmas ornaments, and it’s just like a white disc with our 100 years and our name in the center of it. We were giving those out as a little memento of our hundred years. We’ve been busy. I’m exhausted. *laughs*
Flower Shop Network: How do you feel that the floral industry has changed in the 100 years that Horan’s has been open?
Horan’s Flower Shop — *laughs* Well fortunately I haven’t been around for 100 years but from what I know of—I’m a third generation so it’s my grandfather that started it in Hartford—Oh, it’s changed tremendously. [Read more…]