Ask the Expert: Peace lily won’t flower
I had a peace lily that was healthy, and flowered lots. One day (about a year ago) I decided it was pot bound, and as it divided easily, split it into several ‘new’ plants and repotted each of these. All have done well, continues to grow and look healthy – dark green glossy leaves, but none of them have flowered. all the plants have different conditions (given away to family and friends) and I’ve tried moving mine between rooms to try different light levels.
What do I need to do to get the plant to flower? or did dividing it ‘kill’ the flowers? Sarah
Plant Expert Reply:
Dividing the peace lily did not kill the ability of the plant to flower. The natural cycle of a peace lily is a 3 to 4 month blooming period per year. Hybrid varieties may have different blooming cycles that occur more often or they have been chemically manipulated (with a hormone called Gibberellic acid – GA 3 ) to bloom.
Light and humidity are the natural factors that inhibit or stimulate the blooming of a peace lily. In your case, another factor maybe a contributing factor – maturity. One of the reasons peace lilies have been hybridized is that the original Spathiphyllum needed maturity and size before it would bloom. This often meant more than a year’s growth before the plant would bloom. You plant may simply lack maturity. You didn’t say how long it has been since you divided the peace lily. If it has only been a few months give it a little more time. When the plant has “matured”, it should bloom.
In the mean time, I would make sure the plant is receiving the right amount of humidity and light. You can find more Peace Lily Care information on the Peace Lily page on FSN. If you want to learn more about peace lily blooming, read Making Peace Lilies Bloom.
Good Luck and keep me posted.