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Wilting Peace Lily – How Long Does The Shock Last?

Ask the Expert: help for a wilting peace lily
I’ve had a peace lily from my dad’s funeral for the last 7 1/2 yrs. It came in a pot about 12 inches originally, which it outgrew and I repotted the whole thing into a 14.5″ pot.  It grew beautifully, flowering twice a year.  It began to outgrow this pot, so I split it into 3 plants recently. One pot is 14.5″, the other two are 12.5″.  I added potting soil and some of the original dirt to all and watered it like I normally did.  The leaves wilted which I figured was due to the shock of splitting them, but now, 4 days later they are still wilted, like drooping the way they do when it hasn’t been watered.  The soil is damp when I put my finger in, but not soggy.  What can I do to help them?? Beth


I have seen it take a week or two for a peace lily to overcome shock after it has been split and transplanted.  The key is not to panic.  As long as the soil is moist but not soggy, the peace lily will come out of the wilting phase.

One thing that you might check is the planting depth.  If the peace lily has been planted too deep this could be a problem.  The original top of the root ball should not be covered with soil.  It should always remain the top of the root ball and new soil should only be used to fill the bottom of the container and to close the gap around the sides.  If you placed extra soil on top of the root ball, you will need to remove the extra soil.  Good luck and keep me posted

Peace Lily Drooping – What’s Up

Drooping Peace Lily

Drooping Peace Lily

Ask the Expert: Peace Lily Drooping
Hi there,

I woke up this morning and found my Peace Lily drooping severely, although all the leaves are still in green color.

I bought the plant about a couple of weeks ago. It is about 1 feet high and the condition of the plant was very good.

I was told that once a week of watering is enough; placing a tray under the pot and pour water in the tray. I was not sure and am still not sure how much water I should give to the plant. Because after the first watering I checked the soil, it was still dry. So, I gave a little bit of water time after time but the soil condition was the same.

Then, this morning the plant was showing the sign of watering.

Could you tellme what should I do?

I”m glad I found this website. Taka


Over-watering and under-watering will cause a peace lily(spathiphyllum) to wilt (droop).  When it comes to watering once a week should be enough provided that you give it adequate water.  You can water one of two ways:  Give it water until it starts to  over-flow into the saucer or you can water and then do a moisture test.  You want your soil to be moist but not soggy at all times.  This means that if you stick your finger into the soil about a knuckle deep and remove some of it that you can roll the soil into a ball.  When you squeeze this soil ball it should not produce a lot of water just a slight amount.

Another thing that will cause a peace lily to droop is temperature changes.  If your plant is directly under an air vent the drastic change in temperature when the air comes on will cause the plant to droop.

Check both of those conditions.  Once you correct the situation it should take a week or so for the plant to recover.  Be patient and give it time.

Repotting A Divided Peace Lily

Ask the Expert: how to repot a peace lilly? i have a peace lilly about 11 years old. tryed to repot it and it stop growing. i tried seperating it into two. i think i made a bad mistate. i need help

thanks Thelma


The nice thing about peace lilies is that they are pretty tough. First, anytime you separate a peace lily it goes through a little shock. This shock will keep the plant from growing temporarily. So, if it has only been a week give it time. If it has been longer then we need to look at a few other factors. When you repot a plant it is important to keep the top of the root ball at the same depth as it was originally. If you planted it deep (add soil to the top of the rootball not just at the sides), it will cause problems. In this case you will need to lift the plant up — you will need to take the plant out of the container and shake the extra dirt off the top and place it back in the container filling to close the gap between the plant and the container. At this point the plant needs to be watered in and kept moist but not soggy. If you have been watering because it looks droopy – stop! Water is not the problem transplant shock is and the plant needs rest not more water.

If you are still not sure what is going on, send me a picture of the peace lily and I will try to help.

Split Your Old Peace Lily Into Two New Plants

Ask the Expert: Peace Lilly out growing pot
I have a peace lilly and have had it for about 11 years (one of the few I haven’t killed) and I have it in a huge pot but it seems to be growing close in I want to know how can I separate the plant, it has a huge root ball and replant to give it more room to grow to it’s full potential? Sandy

Although peace lilies like to be a little root-bound, you should re-pot or split them when the roots overflow the container. It seems your peace lily is definitely overgrowing its container. In your case, I would split the plant rather re-pot it. You will need:

  • Pot (around the same size as the one it is now)
  • Potting Soil (a good houseplant potting soil)
  • Large Serrated Knife

Begin By removing your plant from the container. Don’t worry about tearing the roots or losing a few leaves. Lay the plant on its side. This will give you a view of the root system as well as the foliage attached to the rootball. Now you are going to cut the plant into two pieces.

To do this, take the knife starting at the bottom of the rootball and work it back and forth until you have made a cut all the way to the foliage. Now you should have two separate peace lilies. Each one will have foliage attached to a portion of the rootball.

Now place one of the peace lilies in the center of the original container. Be sure the rootball is at the same depth it was before the plant was split. Then add soil to close the vacant space in the container. Be sure to water it when done. This will get rid of any air pockets that have formed around the roots.

Now pot the other peace lilies in the new container. Once again, make sure the rootball is planted at the same depth as it was in the original pot. Fill in the vacant space and water.

These plants will go through a little transplant shock and may wilt. Resist the urge to pamper them. Instead, place them in the same environment as before and water accordingly. In a couple of weeks, you will have two thriving peace lilies.

Good Luck and keep me posted.

Dropping Peace Lily Needs A New Home

Ask the Expert: Peach Lilly is droopy.
My husband received a peace lily as a gift.  It is in a basket type pot with no hole in the bottom.  The plant is very heavy and I am continuing to spray the leaves but it is drooping like it needs water.  It is extremely heavy so I don\’t think it needs water.  Should I repot it in a pot that has drainage or is this a typical way to plant these; in a pot that is plastic lined and not drainage in the pot?  Don\’t want to loose the plant. JoyLynn


A peace lily will wilt when over watered as well as when it is under watered.  In your case, you are right in your assumption that the peace lily doesn’t need more water.  Since your pot doesn’t drain, the roots are probably way too wet.  You can do one of two things – repot it into a container that has drain holes or change the conditions in the existing pot.  If you like the pot it can in, simply take the plant out and place rocks in the bottom of the pot; then put the plant back in the pot.  You will still have to be careful not to over water the peace lily.  However, the rocks will help to keep the roots from drowning. Once you have correct the problem the peace lily such make a full recovery.

Pruning Dead Leaves and Flowers Off Of Houseplants

Ask the Expert: How to prune or trim dead leaves and flowers?

Hi, I’m not sure what to do when a leaf or a flower dies on your houseplant?  do you pluck it off, or are you meant to cut? where abouts would you cut it so you don’t accidentally stop things growing there ever again?  Will the part you cut grow leaves or flower again?
right now, i have a peace lily with a few brown leaves and flowers which have bent right over.  Haylee


If a leaf is dead you need to remove it, by cutting it off or simply plucking it off the plant.  The key is not to tear into the healthy flesh of the plant.  I usually cut the leaves off as close to the stem as I can.  I find cutting to be the easy way to remove leaves without fear of damaging the plant.  As for flower removal, it depends on the plant.  Most blooms on houseplants have bloom stalks.  I usually follow the bloom stalk to the bottom of the plant or at least to the stem and cut it off.  Some plants like geraniums have a bloom stalk but I don’t cut them.  Instead I follow the stalk until I feel a little bump, then I snap the stalk off at the bump.   If you are unsure of where to cut the flowers, send me a picture or tell me which type of plant it is and I will tell you where to make the cut.  For example, you need to follow the peace lily bloom stalk to the base of the plant and cut it off.

Help! My Peace Lily Is Drooping!

Ask the Expert: Peace lily is drooping
My son repotted by year old peace lily. He never does what I ask, but always does what I do not ask:o) Anyway, he repotted the plant, and added fertilizer, which he has never had. Now, he droops, and is unresponsive to water.  Since my husband and I were not home when the repotting experiment occured I have no idea how he repotted the plant.  I know peace lilies like to be root bound, so I am fearful that he is not getting enough water.  He is only wet at the top, and I do not notice water in the drain tray.  Please help!!  Tracie


Give the boy “A” for effort.  At least he is interested in plants.  The first thing we need to check is the soil level of the plant.  Can you tell if the original root ball top is still exposed?  If not, simply lift the plant so that it is planted at the depth it was before.  In most cases, when repotting you need to keep the plant at the same depth.  In other words, do not pile soil on top of the existing rootball.   Now if the soil is only moist on the top water it until a little water drains out of the bottom.  The easiest way to determine the moisture level is to stick your finger in the soil.  In this case you will need to go all the way to the hand knuckle.  Once you get the soil level and moisture level set, give the plant a little time.  It will take a couple of weeks for it to recover from the shock.  Be sure to keep the soil moist but no soggy and look for new growth.  If the plant is putting out new growth that is a sign that the plant will make a full recovery.

You are correct. Peace lilies don’t mind being root bound.  If the new pot is more than 1 1/2″ times larger than the old pot, you might want to repot it into a slightly smaller one.  The good thing about peace lilies is they are pretty resilient. Good luck and keep me posted.

Since your son is interested in the peace lily, he might want to read our peace lily plant care information.  He will need to scroll down the page to find the information.

Why Is My Peace Lily So Pale?

Ask the Expert: What’s wrong with my peace lilies?
I replanted a peace lily and separated it into 3 plants. They are growing fine and the lily grows periodically. However, the pigment is disappearing from the leaves. The green keeps disappearing even on new growth. What is wrong with my plants? Alice


We have one of two issues: nutrient deficiency or excessive light and/or temperature.

With a nutrient deficiency, the peace lily leaves will get chlorotic leaves and will develop at a slower than normal rate. To take care of this issue you will need to fertilize the plant with a balanced fertilizer that has trace elements. Try using Peters Professional Plant Food with micro nutrients. It will have what is needed to correct the nutrient deficiency. Be sure to dilute the fertilizer appropriately for your peace lilies. Then follow your normal peace lily plant care

With a temperature or light exposure problem, the leaves may be curled, pale, and chlorotic. The leaves may die prematurely. To take care of this problem you will need to make sure that direct light is not beating down on the plant. You must also make sure that extremely hot air is not blowing on the plant from air vents. You might want to mist the air around the plant as well.

Planting Peace Lilies Outside

Ask the Expert: Can I plant Peace Lilies in the yard?
My mother pasted away in january and she recieved four Peace Lilies and I would like to plant them at her grave site. I wanted to know if they would be ok?  Rebecca



I’m sorry for your loss.  Although Spathiphyllum (Peace Lilies) would be lovely around her grave site, these plants are tropical and can’t survive cold temperatures.  Unless you live in certain areas of Hawaii or Florida, you need to keep these peace lilies as houseplants.  You can use them as outdoor plants during the warmer months.

Splitting Peace Lily For New Start

Ask the Expert: Can you get starts off of a peace lily plant?
My sister-in-law has had me plant sitting for her and had suggested that I take a start or split the plant to keep for helping to take care of it. Is this something that is safe to do with a peace lily?  Tasha



You can safely split a peace lily to get a new start.  Begin by taking the peace lily out of its pot.  Make sure you have a very sharp knife.  See if you have a natural place to separate it –  meaning a sturdy set of leaves that are not attached to the main plant.  If so, take your knife and from the bottom up cut the section you want away from the main plant.  This will ensure that you have enough roots to support the foliage.  Now place the original plant back in its container and fill in with soil.  You can now plant the new piece in a container of your choice.  Make sure the plant is plant at the same level as the original plant.  In other words, the soil line of the new plant should be right at the place where the roots and leaves join.  Water it and then begin peace lily care as usually.  Both plants might wilt slightly at first.  This does not mean they need more  water.  They are going through shock and will recover in a week or two.

The same principle applies even if you can find a good place to split the peace lily.  The key is to cut from the roots up, so that you have enough roots to support the attached foliage.

Good luck and keep me posted.