Flower Shop Network representatives “took a break” over the weekend and visited the Florida State Florists Association Convention in St. Petersburg Florida. Florists from around the state and the country were there to celebrate the things they love the most — flowers! If you had a chance to go, you already know that this year’s FSFA Convention was cram packed with fun things to do and great people to see.

Joe Hays and Leslie Cox, FSN Network Coordinators
Did you happen to see these two characters at the convention? Flower Shop Network’s own Joe Hays and Leslie Cox had the opportunity to visit with florists, enjoy the other displays and snap a few pictures of the event! Even if you didn’t get the chance to go, you can feel like you were there thanks to the magic of digital photos. Don’t forget to share your photos and comments as well!

FSN Network Coordinator Leslie Cox and John of Lake City Florist in Lake City FL

(l to r) Rodney from Flowerama in Pensacola FL, Joe Hays, Angela from Pink Flamingo At Petals in New Smyrna Beach FL

Flower Shop Network Display at FSFA Convention 2009

Sporting A Flower Shop Network Tote Bag
If you were at the FSFA Convention this year, why not share your photos with the rest of us? We’d love to see your favorite parts of the show and hear about what sparked your interest!