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Yellow Wildflower

Yellow Wildflower

Yellow Wildflower

Wildflower Leaf

Wildflower Leaf

Ask the Expert: What Flower is this?
4 to 6 foot tall
Multiple blooms up to 3 inches in diameter Paul

Plant Expert Reply:

This one was a little tricky the bloom looks like one kind of plant and the leaf another.  However, I believe the wildflower you have is a Rudbeckia laciniata.  It is a perennial hardy in zones 3-9.  It will bloom from mid-summer ot mid-autumn.

Pink Flower With Yellow Center Could Be An Anemone

Ask the Expert: pink flower ID
Everyone asks me what kind of flower it is, and I don\’t have an answer.  It is a shrubby spreader.  Pink flowers with about 4-5 delicate petals and a fluffy yellow center.  Sort of reminds me a bit of a pink dogwood blossom.  It has firm stocks that feel like velvet, with multiple round buds that have taken weeks to open up this summer.  Large green leaves, similar to a grape leaf.  About 3-5 feet tall.  Thanks for your help in solving this mystery. Kimberly

Plant Expert Reply:

Anemone Hupehensis

Anemone Hupehensis

Without a picture I am taking a stab in the dark.  I think it is an Anemone hupehensis sometimes called a Chinese anemone. I found  a picture of this type of anemone on the Missouri Botanical Garden site.

Does your flower look anything like this one?

This particular Anemone is a woody-based, fibrous rootstock perennial. It blooms mid-summer to autumn with pink or white flowers.  It can get up to 3′ in height and 16″ in width.

What Flowers Are Good For A July Anniversary?

"Fall Flirtations" July Anniversary Flowers

"Fall Flirtations" July Anniversary Flowers

Escape the traditional. While roses are pretty, there are a lot of ways to make it unique and special. A dozen roses? Sweet but doesn’t quite cut it. First, consider her favorite flowers. Does she like daisies? Is she more of a premium flower person (stargazer lilies, tulips, roses, etc)? This will help you narrow down the options to discuss with your florist.

If you’re not completely sure what she likes, contact your local florist. Some guys can find out her favorite flower in really covert ways. Others aren’t so sneaky. If subterfuge isn’t on your resume, go to your local florist instead. They’re awesome with figuring out what’s best for YOUR sweetheart.

Next, consider that it’s July. Summer flowers are in full bloom. Not really sure which flowers are summer flowers? Examples of summer flowers are amaranthus, aster, carnations (year-round bloomers), gladiolus, freesia, heather, hydrangea and iris. Your local florist will know which flowers are readily available and which are available at a premium price. All you have to do is ask!

As important as the type of flowers is the style of anniversary flowers you choose. Your sweetheart has a very unique personality which is why it’s important to discuss this with your local florist. If your sweetie is a modern woman with contemporary taste, opt for contemporary anniversary flowers arranged using the latest trendy design techniques. If she is traditional and simple, go with the flow. Opt for anniversary flowers of a more traditional nature.

Once you’ve figured out the style she’ll like and the type of flowers, you’re ready to talk to your local florist! Even if this information escapes you, there is no better place to turn for help. Anniversary flowers are special just like your relationship so make it a big deal with help from your local florist!

Lacecap Hydrangea Is The Plant In St. Paul’s Postman’s Park

Ask the Expert: Plant Identification

I spotted this plant in the ‘Postman’s Park’ near St. Pauls Cathedral. I find it’s unusual dual style of flowers very attractive and would like to acquire a sample for my own garden. I was wondering if anyone could kindly identify it for me?
Many thanks,


Variegated Lacecap Hydrangea